Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

1871 The return of the strong

Yan Huangzong!

Zhao Yang's study.

Tang Yiren said angrily, "Who is Haitang who dares to accuse sister in public?"

"Haitang blamed Caihan?" Zhao Yang became angry when he heard this.

"Actually, Haitang is not accusing, but just trying to sow discord." Lin Caihan is so smart, how can she not see what Haitang means?

"It seems that Haitang wants to completely control the entire Zhao clan." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Do you want to take back the battleship and the puppet?" Tang Yiren asked in a deep voice.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head, "It's fine if they are honest, if they dare to stab in the future, they will be killed."

Neither Haitang nor Zhao Mingxun knew what kind of terrifying existence they provoked?

Besides, even if Yanhuangzong didn't have Zhao Yang, wouldn't they be able to provoke him?

"During this period, many forces have obtained half-taboo war puppets." Mingyue said at this time.

"As long as you can get ten points on the taboo road, you can get a half-step taboo battle puppet." Zhao Yang explained, "some god emperors can do it with the cooperation of all."

"How much did my husband get this time?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

Zhao Yang brought the three girls into the small world with a thought.

There are warships quietly placed in the first warehouse.


"These are half-step taboo warships."

"With these fifteen half-step taboo ships

Battleship, even if it is the number one Tao clan, we have nothing to fear. "

The three of Lin Caihan were excited and brought to the second warehouse by Zhao Yang.

As a result, they discovered that there were actually 58 half-step taboo war puppets here.

"Before, I was worried that there were not many masters at the half-step taboo level in Yanhuangzong." Lin Caihan was also shocked when she saw the 58 war puppets.

"Now we are fully capable of fighting three or five top forces." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

"Husband, how are the battle puppets and battleships allocated?" Mingyue asked curiously.

"The three of you each have a half-step taboo battleship and two half-step taboo battle puppets, and Xu Huier and other high-level officials of Yanhuangzong each have a half-step taboo battle puppets." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "In addition, I will put five half-step taboo warships and 25 half-step taboo battle puppets in Yanhuangzong's treasury."

"With the joining of these warships and war puppets, there is nothing safer than Yanhuangzong." Lin Caihan said here Zhao Yang handed her a Qiankun bag, "There are sixty pieces in the Qiankun bag that can step half a step into the taboo." Shenguo, you guys should discuss and divide them up."

"It's one step closer to the number of three hundred statues." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"In addition, I also got a batch of forbidden source liquid this time." Zhao Yang explained the function of forbidden source liquid to everyone.

"With the taboo source liquid, can we not suffer from the poison of Duanmu?" Tang Yiren's eyes brightened


Tang Yiren and Mingyue also used Duanmu.

The two of them used less weight each time than Lin Caihan, but even so, their spirits were about to collapse.

"The taboo source liquid can indeed reduce your pain, but it can hone your consciousness and let you have spiritual power faster." Zhao Yang said softly, "Of course if you can't bear it, then use the taboo source liquid Bar."

At this point, Zhao Yang gave Mingyue and Tang Yiren [-] drops of taboo source liquid each, "You two can figure it out."

"The two of us will raise to eighty first." Mingyue thought for a while before expressing her thoughts.

The details of her and Mingyue are still at 63.

After the two of them left, Lin Caihan suddenly had a mysterious wave between her brows.

"Spiritual power." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan in surprise.

"During this period of time, my background has improved again, and now it has reached 230 two." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"How well do you master the secrets of spiritual power?"

"I still don't understand a lot of details."

"You said."

Then Zhao Yang patiently explained to Lin Caihan the many problems she encountered.

In fact, Lin Caihan's current aptitude is no match, even compared with the top depositors like Daozi and Jizi, she is not inferior.

But Lin Caihan's goal is to match Zhao Yang.

Three days later, Zhao Yang announced the opening of the forum again.

This allows

The disciples of Yanhuangzong are very excited, because this means that they can progress faster.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

With the passage of time, the middle-level disciples of Yanhuangzong also set foot in the high-level realm of the God-Emperor Realm one after another.

At this time, Lin Caihan, the sect's refiner, was handed over to the middle level of Yanhuangzong.

They only need to refine the high-level God Emperor, and Zhao Yang can use the energy multiplier mirror to transform it to the peak.

On this day, Lin Caihan introduced the development of the sect to Zhao Yang over the years.

"The Yanhuang Sect currently has more than [-] people who have stepped into the high-level God Emperor Realm. If you can continue to maintain it for three years, this number can at least be doubled." Lin Caihan said softly.

"The number of warships at the peak of the God Emperor has reached [-], and the number of war puppets at the peak of the God Emperor has reached [-]." Mingyue said at this time.

"The number of high-level warships of the God Emperor has reached one thousand, and the number of high-level battle puppets of the God Emperor has reached three thousand." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yang asked, "Are there any materials for building warships and war puppets?"

"The remaining materials can be used to build a lot of war puppets and warships, but Yanhuangzong is not planning to expand as before." Lin Caihan replied, "Even if it increases in the future, it will be a way to hone the skills of monks."

Yanhuangzong had no sense of security before, so Yanhuangzong gave birth desperately.

Now it's not necessary


"The mid-level and high-level members of our sect have grown up, and we can build another batch in a short period of time." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Is the road of extraterritorial and taboo still calm in the past three years?"

"The major forces are competing with each other, but it has not affected our God Realm." Lin Caihan said to meet Zhao Yang's eyes.

Lin Caihan just said here that Zhao Wudi came hurriedly from a distance.

"Father, it's not good."

"What happened?"

"The taboo powerhouses of Outer Territory and Taboo Road have returned."

"What about the evil spirit?"

"I don't know."

"These guys have returned, and the heavens should shake up again." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

"Father, what should we do?" Zhao Wudi asked in a deep voice.

"Ten years ago I was quite afraid of them, but now I have nothing to fear." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Let's just practice step by step."

Zhao Wudi could hear the strong self-confidence from Zhao Yang's words.

He bowed and left.

For the past three years, Zhao Yang has spent most of his time practicing the art of returning to heaven, and now he has practiced the art of returning to heaven to the third level.

Of course, he didn't relax his tempering of mental power, and his mental power is now three points stronger than before.

The reason for the three points is because of the limitation of his cultivation, his body can only accommodate so much at present.

But he feels that there is not much problem with dealing with two or three taboo realms.

(End of this chapter)

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