Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1873 Go to meet the fierce beast

"This is the realm of the gods." Zhao Yang said calmly, "Even if you are taboo-level existences, you will be forcibly reduced to a small realm when you come here." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "To be honest, I I really don’t know what to be afraid of.”

"Give them two or three years to adapt to the avenue of God's Domain, what will Yan Huangzong do to stop it?" the old patriarch of the machine clan said in a deep voice.

"That will be two or three years later." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Have you thought about the Zhao clan outside the territory?" The old patriarch of the Hongmeng clan asked in a deep voice, "Aren't you worried that someone will deal with them?" "

"It doesn't matter." What the three of them didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said this sentence, "I believe you are very clear about my potential. Something happened to the Zhao family. I will find a place to hide and wait for hundreds of years." When they are born again, they will be liquidated one by one."

The three felt awe-inspiring.

This is indeed a tricky question.

Before beheading Zhao Yang, who would dare to deal with Zhao's lineage rashly?

"What should I do?" The old patriarch of the machine clan sent a voice transmission to the old patriarch of the soul clan.

"Let's retreat first." The old patriarch of the Soul Clan pondered for a while before saying, "We will show up again when there are strong taboos coming to the door in the future."

Soon the three taboo-level powerhouses left one after another.

"Husband, I want a spiritual source stone." The third princess appeared next to Zhao Yang and said softly.

"Your mental power hasn't been tempered yet, and now I've given you

The god source stone is also useless. Zhao Yang stroked the cheek of the third princess, "Yanhuangzong has enough trump cards, so you don't have to worry about it." "

"But I can't help you now." The third princess said leisurely.

The three princesses used to be the pillars of Yanhuangzong, but now she found that no matter how hard she tried, she could never catch up with Zhao Yang.

"As long as you are by my side, it is my greatest comfort." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Then Zhao Yang issued an announcement in the virtual secret environment.

"Yanhuangzong has a lot of taboo source liquid, and there are also quite a few half-step taboo war puppets, but Yanhuangzong will not give it to any force. No matter who wants to blackmail, they must be ready to go to war."

Following the announcement of this announcement, all the monks in the sky were shocked.

No one thought that Yanhuangzong would be so brave?

You must know that there are twenty strong taboos between heaven and earth!

Is Zhao Yang fighting against these twenty taboo powerhouses by himself?

"As far as I know, taboo powerhouses from the Four Seas Casino, Tiantian Express, Ten Thousand Laws Palace, Unreal Sea and other sects have already arrived at the periphery of God's Domain."

"As long as they are given two or three years to adapt to the avenue of God's Domain, then Zhao Yang will be unable to fly."

"Zhao Yang is not wise, what can be changed in two or three years?"

"The taboo powerhouses of Zhoutian Continent, Tianshu Continent, Tianxiang Continent, and Hunyuan Continent have also adapted to the rules of Heaven outside God's Domain."

"I think the Dao race, the soul race and other races

The taboo powerhouse is also secretly adapting to the rules of heaven and earth. "

Just when masters from all over the world were talking about this matter, Zhao Zu, Dazu and others from the Zhao family came to Yanhuangzong.

"Zhao Yang, how do you think about this matter?" Zhao Zu asked worriedly.

"It's better to have broken jade than to have everything broken." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Can you stop being so selfish? Do you know that this will affect the Zhao family?" Zhao Mingxun couldn't help but said.

"In terms of selflessness, how can I compare to you? When the Zhao family was in crisis, you shouldered the responsibility of inheriting the blood, betrayed your own clan in public, and went to Weiyangzong to become the son-in-law, right?" Zhao Yang Said lightly.

Zhao Mingxun's face suddenly turned red.

"And Zhao Mingxun, remember your identity." Zhao Yang pointed at Zhao Mingxun and reprimanded unceremoniously, "You are a traitor, even if you are in a high position in the Zhao family, everyone will never forget that you are a traitor. This imprint will be with you for the rest of your life."

"Zhao Yang, as the so-called prodigal son turns back, he won't exchange money." Dazu couldn't help but said.

"Yes, after all, Zhao Mingxun is from the ancestor's lineage." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I surpassed it."

What Dazu was about to say was interrupted by Zhao Zu, "Son, have you really thought about it?"

"Yanhuangzong never relied on compromise from the Lower God Realm to the Middle God Realm, from the Middle God Realm to the Upper God Realm, but by fighting." Zhao Yang met Zhao Zu's eyes.

Let's be honest.

"The problem is that you are not their opponent now?" Sanzu said with a wry smile.

"When the Zhao clan was targeted by the Ding clan, you still had the determination to burn everything together. It has only been so many years, and your ambitions of that day have been exhausted." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Let's go."

"My child, you have an incomparable talent. If you take a step back at this time, you will have the hope of rising in the future." The second ancestor said sadly, "Why would you rather die than give in?"

"Concession? Second Patriarch, I thought you could see through the current situation, but you also lost your eyes." Zhao Yang said with emotion, "All the clans snatched the taboo source liquid and the half-step taboo battle puppet from me, you Do you think all ethnic groups will feel at ease?"

The second ancestor was stunned.

"If you snatch these things from me, are you worried that I will liquidate you in the future?"

The second ancestor was shocked.

"I can severely damage the existence of the early stage of the taboo at the high level of the emperor, then I am at the peak of the emperor, and I am in the half-step taboo state."

The second ancestor finally realized that everything was his own wishful thinking.

"From the moment the various clans began to persecute me, they never thought of letting me go." Zhao Yang looked into the distance with deep eyes, "They will hollow out Yanhuangzong step by step, and finally attack me."

"Then run away quickly."

"Escape? I can escape with Yanhuangzong. But the result is that Zhao's lineage and Shenyu will be destroyed by all clans." Zhao Yang

Those words made Zhao Zu and the others look drastically changed.

"I stay in God's Domain, and they don't move the Zhao clan. This is the agreement I reached secretly with all the clans." Zhao Yang continued.

Zhao Zu looked at Zhao Yang who said these words in a flat tone, and felt guilty in his heart, "My child, I am sorry for you, and the Zhao family is sorry."

"As long as you don't bother me again."

Zhao Zu looked sad.

And after they left one after another, Lin Caihan appeared beside Zhao Yang.

"Give me two or three years and I can deal with two taboo powerhouses." Lin Caihan said softly.

"I have a pure fire, and I am not afraid of taboos." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "I am thinking about whether to bring that beast over?"

"The mount of the evil spirit?"


"Can you make it obedient?"


After careful consideration, Zhao Yang went to the place where the beast was severely injured.

The ferocious beast ran over excitedly when it saw Zhao Yang coming.

"You came back from the Forbidden Road?"

"You seem very happy."

"I can go out when you come back?"

"What are you doing out there?"

"After going out, it will naturally devour, and then see if you can advance?"

"After reaching your level, it's useless to devour hundreds of millions of living beings." Zhao Yang said here that a drop of taboo source liquid appeared in his hand, "Do you know what it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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