Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1850 Two half-step taboos

Butcher Geng's son was stunned.

"By the way, you were there at the time. I remember you were still laughing." The middle-aged man said that he detained Butcher Geng's steel knife, and ripped open Butcher Geng's son's stomach with one knife. "Now you can tell How do I feel?"

Butcher Geng's son cried out in pain.

"The crime is worse than his wife and children." Butcher Geng said through gritted teeth, "Why do you want to involve my son?"

"Did our family offend you? Why did you force my wife to death ten years ago?" The eyes of the middle-aged man were red, "Why? Tell me?"

Butcher Geng was silent.

Can he say that he is used to being arrogant and domineering?

"To kill you two father and son today, I am also killing harm for the people." At this point, he threw down the steel knife, turned around and knelt down towards Zhao Yang, "My lord, I'm sorry, I shouldn't take personal revenge after my strength has improved .”

"Our practice is to protect the people around us. He killed your wife and children ten years ago, and you killed his father and son ten years later. It is reasonable and reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it." Zhao Yang helped the middle-aged man up and said, "I hope you can do the same in the future. Resentment is clear, don't bully the weak."

"I would like to follow your teachings." The middle-aged man nodded emphatically.

Zhao Yang brought his father and son to Su's house.

Su Meng was very happy to see Zhao Yang go and come back, she thought Zhao Yang was going to stay.

Zhao Yang told Su Meng the identities of the two.


Mr. Zhao, don't worry, I will arrange for them. "Su Meng said softly.

The father and son are also very happy, following a god emperor, this is a blessing that not many monks can get.

Zhao Yang then returned to Yanhuangzong in that half-step taboo warship.

As a result, not long after returning to Yanhuangzong, there was news from the Zhao clan that Zhao Zu's cultivation had broken through to a half-step taboo.

This news is gratifying.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan went to the ancestral court of the Zhao family on a half-step taboo battleship.

Zhao Zu could be said to be refreshed at this time.

Ever since he learned how tyrannical the half-step taboo is, his heart has been shrouded in a haze.

And today he finally stepped into this realm.

"Zhao Yang, my cultivation is at least ten times higher than before, and I feel that there is still a long way to go." Zhao Zu said solemnly, "No wonder you said that you want to fight against half-step taboos, at least Get more than thirty statues."

"From now on, we just need to practice step by step." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Zhao Yang, can we lift the previous confinement now?" Dazu asked softly.

"Now that the ancestor has stepped into the half-step taboo, there is no need to be so cautious." Zhao Yang nodded, "There are half-step taboo warships guarding the side of God's Domain, and there are ancestors guarding outside the domain. It can be said that within a short time Nothing is lost."


Zhao Yang, what do you think about the fifth level? "The third ancestor raised a sensitive question.

"The evil spirit may have reached the middle stage of taboo now, and its beast has also reached the early stage of taboo." Zhao Yang said with a serious face, "If you encounter them nearby in the future, remember, how many How far to run away."

"At that time, take the battleship of the emperor's peak and escape as soon as possible. Remember, human life is the most important thing. As for the others, it is not important."

Listening to Zhao Yang's instructions, Zhao Zu and others also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"I will pass on this news." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "Should we deal with the Mulberry Continent?"

"The Mulberry Continent is not causing trouble for us now, and we don't want to trouble them for the time being." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "After all, time is on our side, and the ancestor's cultivation can continue to improve. My It means wait."

"I think so too." Zhao Zu nodded.

Just then a disciple hurried in.

This disciple is in charge of intelligence.

"Reporting to Patriarch, just got the news that the evil spirit has gone outside the territory."

Zhao Zu's complexion suddenly changed.

"How are the parties reacting now?"

"I don't know."

"All the disciples of the Information Hall are dispatched to inquire about all valuable news." The ancestor immediately issued the order


"Why did that evil spirit escape so well?" Everyone panicked.

That is the existence of the forbidden realm!

Who is the opponent?

"The ancestral court of Kang and Qian has been devoured by evil spirits."

"None of the hundreds of millions of monks from the Kangxi and Qianlong ancestral courts have come down."

"The taboo strongman from Zhoutian Continent went there, but was severely injured in the end."

"That evil spirit is too strong. The top ten top forces may still have some power to fight back. Our forces have no power to fight back at all."

Over time, one after another mainland ancestral home was devoured by evil spirits.

Seeing that the outside world was in danger, the forbidden strongman of the Dao clan stood up. He called on the forbidden strongmen of the ten tribes and the forbidden strongman of the taboo road to jointly attack the evil spirit.

The ten taboo powerhouses on the taboo road responded immediately.

No one knows the outcome of the final battle, but the evil spirit disappeared, and so did the twenty taboo powerhouses.

"The twenty taboo powerhouses won't fall, will they?"

"They died with that evil spirit."

"If this is the case, the half-step taboo is the strongest combat power."

"Without the suppression of taboo masters, how can the top ten forces occupy such a good location?"


All of a sudden, an undercurrent surged across the entire territory.

Today a large number of strong

Then he appeared outside the Zhao family's ancestral court.

Looking at the millions of soldiers outside, Zhao Zu became serious.

"Sang Zu, what are you going to do?" Zhao Zu asked with a sullen face.

"Ming people don't speak dark words, so coming here this time will destroy your Zhao family." Sang Zu is a half-step taboo in the Mulberry Continent.

"I'm afraid you are not qualified." Zhao Zu said in a deep voice.

He is not aimless.

It is true that he is not Sangzu's opponent now, but how long will it take Sangzu to defeat him?

After all, everyone is half-step taboo.

"Then what if I'm added?" At this moment, a loud voice exploded between the sky and the earth, and then a green-haired old man appeared in the midair out of thin air, and his power was not inferior to that of Sangzu.

"Hongzu." Zhao Zu's eyes were full of surprise.

He didn't expect that Sangzu would invite the half-taboo Hongzu to come this time?

"Hong Zu, why did you come to this muddy water?"

"Because I am very interested in the half-step taboo-class battleship of your Zhao family." Hongzu said with a smile, "Sangzu said that the half-step taboo-class battleship will be mine by then."

"I'm afraid that you will die to take this half-step taboo-class warship." As soon as Hong Zu's voice fell, Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the air, and then a pitch-black warship quietly appeared in front of everyone. .

(End of this chapter)

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