"Speaking of which, I should go." Zhao Yang patted Su Meng's fragrant shoulder.

"Will we meet again in the future?" Su Meng asked with some reluctance.

In fact, Su Meng was still wary of Zhao Yang at the beginning.

What she didn't expect was that Zhao Yang gave her so much.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said softly, "In the future, the responsibility for revitalizing the Su family will fall on you. You have to know people and things."

After Zhao Yang bid farewell to Su Meng, he saw the ragged boy as soon as he walked out of the gate of Su's house.

The young man knelt down in front of Zhao Yang as soon as he saw him.



"Young master, can you save my father?"

"What happened to your father?"

"My father spent half his life buying me a plant of medicinal herbs, but the bully neighbors said that my father stole from his house." The teenager burst into tears, "My father argued hard, but he was beaten half to death , and ask the young master to lend a helping hand."

"Why did you find me?"

"Young master, you can help Miss Su Meng get justice. You are a very good person, and I think you will help me get justice." The boy said with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Lead the way."

The boy was trembling with excitement, and he hurriedly led the way.

Not long after, the boy brought Zhao Yang to a slum.

The living conditions here are extremely poor, and

And saw a lot of fights along the way.

The boy's home was even worse. The gate was blocked by a fence. At this time, there were many neighbors standing at the gate, and those neighbors were whispering.

When they saw the young man coming here with a gorgeously dressed young man, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Who is that?"

"His aura is restrained, and his cultivation base can't see through it at all."

"The fabric of his clothes looks high-end at first glance. Butcher Geng may be in trouble this time."


On a bed made of wooden boards, a middle-aged man was as angry as gossamer, with blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Young master, is my dad still alive?" the boy asked nervously.

"Do you think that a god emperor might not be able to save your father?" Zhao Yang spat out a breath of alchemy when he said this.

The cultivation of the middle-aged man immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about a few breaths, the middle-aged man opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" The middle-aged man asked in a daze.

He thought he was dead.

"Father, it was this son who saved you." The boy said hastily.

The middle-aged man hurriedly got off the bed and knelt down towards Zhao Yang, "Thank you for your kindness, my lord."

Zhao Yang waved his hand and helped the middle-aged man up.

"I met your son as soon as I came to Jubao City, so it's fate." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The middle-aged man was about to say something when he was shocked to find that his repair

to keep rising.

"My lord, my cultivation is..."

"My aura of alchemy may not make you a god king, but it is not a problem for you to raise a few small realms." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

The cultivation base of the middle-aged man was originally at the middle stage of the Death God Realm, but he was promoted to a high level of the Death God Realm within a very short period of time.

The pinnacle of Death Realm!

In the early stage of the divine realm!

In the mid-stage of the Divine Realm!

The middle-aged man was shocked to find that his cultivation had continuously increased by four small realms.

"My lord, am I in the mid-stage of the God Realm?"


The middle-aged man knelt down to Zhao Yang again.

"Why did you kneel down again?"

"My son, can you also give my son a taste of alchemy?" The middle-aged man said shyly, "This kid really works hard, but he has no resources and no exercises all these years."

Zhao Yang understands the idea of ​​a middle-aged man who wants his son to become a dragon.

So he took a breath of alchemy, and the young man's cultivation quickly soared, and he was soon promoted to the early stage of the life god state.

In fact, Zhao Yang can raise him to a higher realm, but if he continuously raises too many realms, it will inevitably affect his xinxing.

"What are your plans for the future?" Zhao Yang asked, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Now that my cultivation base has been raised to the mid-stage of the Life God Realm, I want to mine, so that I can get more resources." The middle-aged man thought for a while and expressed his thoughts.

His cultivation base was too low before

No, mining people don't want him.

"I'll introduce you to a place where your income will not be less than mining."


"You come with me."

Just as the two followed Zhao Yang out of the room, a middle-aged shirtless middle-aged man turned around and left in fright.

"Geng Tuhu, where are you going?" the middle-aged man snapped.

He appeared in front of that person with a flicker, and slapped him hard on the face.

Geng Tuhu's two teeth were knocked out immediately, and he looked at the middle-aged man with incredible eyes.

"How can you be so powerful?"

"You said I stole the dead forest and grass from your house?" the middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Butcher Geng said with a smile on his face.

"Misunderstanding? Why do I think it's not a misunderstanding?" The middle-aged man sneered.

"Sanniang, hurry up and get the dead forest and grass." Butcher Geng yelled at a woman.

The woman shivered, then left in a hurry, and not long after, she came running with a brocade box.

"Now it's back to its original owner."

The middle-aged Divine Sense took a glance and put it away, "This dead forest grass is not my one."

"How is it possible?" Butcher Geng stared.

"I suspect that you ate my plant." The middle-aged man pointed at Geng Butcher.

"No." Butcher Geng said firmly.

"You said you didn't eat if you didn't eat? Why should I

so believe you? "The middle-aged said lightly.

"I really didn't eat it." Can Geng Butcher not believe it?

"Unless you peel your belly open, I won't believe it." The middle-aged man said with a cold look.

"Can you still live if you peel off your stomach?" Geng Butcher's face darkened immediately.

"Otherwise how do you prove that you didn't eat?"

"I just didn't eat."

"You are so convincing, it seems that you probably haven't eaten it, and I have reason to suspect that your son has eaten it." The middle-aged man waved his hand and detained Geng Butcher's son in front of him, "I want to peel his stomach open to see Look."

"You...he didn't eat." Butcher Geng was about to cry.

"That's what you ate." The middle-aged man said firmly.

Geng Tuhu met the eyes of the middle-aged man and suddenly realized that he couldn't be good today if he didn't peel off his stomach.

He summoned a steel knife and slashed his stomach violently. He endured endless pain and pulled it in his stomach, "Look, is there any?"

"Oh, that might be my memory." The middle-aged man glanced at him and said calmly.

Geng Tuhu knelt on the ground weakly, at this time he was on the verge of dying.

"You are too despicable." Geng Butcher's son said, looking at the middle-aged man viciously.

"Despicable? Did you know that your father used the same routine to force my wife to strip her stomach ten years ago?" The middle-aged man growled at Geng Butcher's son, "I have let you enjoy family happiness for ten years Got it, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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