This battleship exuded a terrifying power, which made the monks present feel horrified.

"Are you Zhao Yang?" Hongzu looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"As long as you give me this battleship, how about I leave immediately?" Hong Zu said in a deep voice.

"I don't think so." Zhao Yang shook his head.


"Why don't I kill you with this battleship?" Zhao Yang's words made Hong Zu laugh out loud, "How can it be so easy to tell the winner between half-step taboos? Believe it or not, as long as I entangle this battleship , Sang Zu will be able to penetrate the front of your Zhao family in a very short time?"

"I do not believe."

Hong Zu's face became gloomy, "I think you don't cry when you see the coffin."


When his words fell, the battleship released a ray of order, and that ray of order immediately enveloped Hongzu.

Hongzu snorted coldly, "I want to see how long this battleship can hold against me?"

After Sang Zu saw Hong Zu was enveloped, he looked at Zhao Zu with a cold light in his eyes, "Kill."

Following his order, dozens of god-emperor peaks rushed towards the mountain guard formation of the Zhao clan.

When they were not far away from the mountain protection formation, Zhao Zu made a move.

His palm smelled as moist as a heavenly knife, and he gently slashed forward.


The peak of the three god emperors was immediately shattered into pieces, and of course they recovered soon in the distance.

"how is this possible?"

"How could Zhao Zu be so strong?"

"He broke through to a half-step taboo."

Sang Zu's face darkened, he didn't expect Zhao Zu to break through.

This is not good news for him.

"Today, no matter what, we will kill the entire Zhao clan." Sang Zu became ruthless.

He felt that even if Zhao Zu broke through, it would not last long.

As long as he can defeat Zhao Zu, he can free up his hands to help.

Can the Zhao family continue to develop.

When Sang Zu rushed towards Zhao Zu, the two rushed towards the depths of the sky at the same time.

Both of them are semi-taboo existences. If they fight here, both camps will suffer casualties.

This time, the mulberry ancestral court sent 42 peak god emperors, three battleships of the peak god emperors, five war puppets of the peak god emperors, 130 six high-level god emperors, and so on to push Zhao's ancestral court horizontally.

Zhao's ancestral court has ten warships of the peak of the god emperor and ten battle puppets of the peak of the god emperor. From this point of view, the Zhao's ancestral court is [-]% not the opponent of the mulberry ancestral court.

However, Zhao Yang brought fifteen warships of the peak god emperor, 35 war puppets of the peak god emperor, 35 high-level god emperor warships and 120 high-level god emperor war puppets from Yanhuangzong.

Therefore, the masters of God's Domain crushed the Mulberry Continent in terms of numbers.

It is true that there are still a lot of middle-level and early-stage God Emperors in the Mulberry Continent, but Zhao's ancestral court has two great mountain guards at the peak of God Emperors, and they are not worried about them at all.



The two sides collided fiercely.

It was the collision of steel, and the flesh and blood splashed instantly.

Zhao Yang saw three figures flying towards him, and these three figures were all high-level god emperors.

It seems that these three want to besiege themselves.

Zhao Yang's big hand grabbed the void, and the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace appeared in his hand out of thin air.

He carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and threw it at a figure.

The figure chose to be firm.

But the result was smashed to pieces.

This made the other two god emperors feel incredible.

You must know that everyone is at the same level, so why can you kill in seconds?

Zhao Yang summoned the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace and threw it at the other two god emperors.

In just one breath, all three god emperors were smashed to death by Zhao Yang.

But the God Emperor's recovery ability is very strong, and they quickly recovered in the distance again.

After Zhao Yang killed the three god emperors five times successively, the three god emperors ran away recklessly.

"A high-level god emperor needs to be killed ten times." Zhao Yang murmured.

This made him a little impatient.

"Why don't you try the Heaven and Earth Jue?" Zhao Yang thought about it and started the Heaven and Earth Jue.

Heaven and Earth Jue is a taboo-level exercise taught to him by a mysterious woman.

"Heaven and Earth Fist."

When the spiritual power of Tiandijue permeated his whole body, Zhao Yang felt unprecedentedly powerful.

When he punched, he felt the power of the whole world gather.

The god emperor who was hit was instantly four

torn apart.

Zhao Yang stared around and looked around, but the god emperor did not appear again.

"Can the taboo-level exercises break the rebirth of the emperor?" Zhao Yang quickly realized this.

There was excitement on his face.


Zhao Yang shuttled among the crowd.

One after another God Emperor fell into his hands.

It didn't take long for the Emperor of the Mulberry Ancestral Court to discover the abnormality.

"How come so many god emperors on our side have fallen?"

"More than 40 god emperors have fallen here."

"Those emperors don't seem to be resurrected."

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

The battle on the scale of the two gods and emperors will last for a long time.

It is true that God's Domain has a certain advantage, but this advantage is not enough to form a crush.

After observing for a while, they finally locked on Zhao Yang.

"It's that guy."

"After he killed the God Emperor on our side, the God Emperor on our side never appeared again."

"What method did he use?"

"We can't let him continue to kill."

"Kill him at all costs."

The Emperor of the Mulberry Continent wanted to leave his opponent behind and kill Zhao Yang.

But the God Emperor on the side of God's Domain bit them hard.

After seeing the exposure, Zhao Yang simply summoned the eight gods.

His eight gods have one-fifth of the strength of the deity. With this strength, it is impossible to kill the high-level god emperor, but killing the god emperor at the beginning

The mid-term and mid-term are still fine.

In less than two hours, the hundreds of early and mid-stage god emperors brought by Mulberry Continent were completely killed by Zhao Yang and the eight gods.

Then Zhao Yang ordered the eight gods to attack the army of the Mulberry Continent, and he attacked the high-ranking God Emperor of the Mulberry Continent.




When Zhao Yang killed fifteen high-ranking god emperors, he stopped.

No matter how strong the dzi he got, he couldn't resist such a long squandering.

At this point he was not far from exhaustion.

"Zhao Yang, are you okay?" Dazu came to Zhao Yang and asked.

"I'm fine." Zhao Yang looked at Dazu and said, "Great Ancestor, you don't need to fight to the death, just leave it to the puppet and the battleship."

"These warships and war puppets are also the trump cards of the Zhao clan." Dazu said softly.

"Didn't you see that Yanhuangzong has many more war puppets?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Yanhuangzong is now capable of building battleships and war puppets that are at the peak of the emperor, so we don't need to worry about war puppets at all." and loss of battleships."

Hearing this, Dazu's eyes lit up immediately.

"Your task is to kill all the millions of monks brought from the Mulberry Continent."

The Great Ancestor then summoned the masters of the Zhao family's ancestral court to kill the millions of monks.

Those millions of cultivators were defeated by Zhao Yang's eight gods, and now it seems that there are seven or eight god emperors rushing towards them. How dare they fight again?

(End of this chapter)

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