Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1843 Had to retreat

Cut the weeds!

Why is the Great Elder not aware of this?

"It seems that you didn't appreciate my words carefully?" Zhao Yang looked at the First Elder coldly with lightning-like eyes.

"Zhao Yang, I admit that you are an amazing generation, but I am not weak in the Mulberry Continent." The Great Elder looked at Zhao Yang with a hostile expression and said, "If you don't let me take Sangyu away today, then wait until the army of my Mulberry ancestral court When it comes, you won’t even have a chance to regret it.”

"Really?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I'll wait."

The great elder of the ancestral court of Mulberry stared at Zhao Yang, and then waved away with a large number of peak god emperors.

Zhao Zu greeted him.

"For a mulberry elm, is it worth fighting against the mulberry ancestral court?" Zhao Zu asked via voice transmission.

"If I don't have the strength, I will definitely hand over Sangyu, but do we need to be afraid of Mulberry Continent now?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "If Mulberry Continent dares to find fault, then push Mulberry Continent horizontally."

"If that's the case, the Yanhuang Sect will have to send experts here."

"The ten battleships of the peak of the emperor and the twenty war puppets of the peak of the emperor are already on the way." Zhao Yang said calmly.

Hearing this, Sang Yu seemed to realize something, "Are you going to fight against the Sangsui Continent?"

"what happened?"

"When I left that year, there were already 42 God Emperor peaks in the Mulberry Continent.


"The number of peak god emperors on our side will not be inferior to that of the Sangsui Continent." Zhao Yang looked at Sang Yu and said.

"But the patriarch's cultivation is half-step taboo. He alone can compete with the peak of about [-] god emperors." After Sang Yu's voice fell, Zhao Zu frowned, "Before we killed the half-step of the death ancestral court. Taboo, he doesn't seem to be very powerful."

"Unless that person was severely injured before, it would definitely not be so unbearable."

Hearing this, Zhao Zu couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

"There is indeed a problem with the half-step taboo in the Death Continent. Normally, one half-step taboo can compete with about thirty peak god emperors, and the top half-step taboo can compete with hundreds of god emperor peaks. "Zhao Yang paused at this point, "If we adopt the method of chasing and intercepting, then hundreds or even hundreds of statues will be needed, but even so, the opponent may still penetrate."

"Don't you have a taboo order?" Dazu suddenly asked.

"Sangji of the Mulberry Ancestral Court also has taboo orders." The old woman replied, "When both parties have taboo orders, the taboo orders will be invalid."

At this time, the Zhao clan was in a panic.

If the two sides are evenly matched or even slightly inferior to each other, just fight.

But how to fight in this situation?

It's not someone's opponent at all.

"Don't worry, half-step taboo is nothing to be afraid of?" Zhao Yang said here and turned towards Zhao Zu.

Waving, "Old Ancestor, follow me."

Zhao Zu followed Zhao Yang to the central control room of the battleship without knowing why.

After Zhao Zu was seated, a robot came over and poured Zhao Zu a cup of tea.

After Zhao Zu drank a cup of tea, Zhao Yang pointed to the battleship and asked, "Patriarch, do you think there is any difference between this battleship and the battleship at the peak of the Emperor?"

Zhao Zu looked around, and soon his face became serious.

"This battleship...couldn't be..." At this point, he was shocked and speechless.

"Half-step taboo, you guessed right, it is half-step taboo." Zhao Yang said softly, "It is because of this battleship that I dare to fight against the Mulberry Continent."

"With this half-step taboo battleship, our ranking in God's Domain may be able to reach the top fifty." Zhao Zu said a little excitedly.

"You can say that before, but it's hard to say now." Zhao Yang shook his head, "They may have new half-step taboos in these years."

Zhao Zu nodded slightly.

"The ancestor has been at the peak of the emperor for many years, right?"

"It's been thousands of years." Zhao Zu responded.

Zhao Yang handed Zhao Zu a brocade box, "In ten years, Patriarch, you will break through the half-step taboo."

Zhao Zu opened the brocade box and saw a divine fruit, and the fluctuation of the blooming of the divine fruit was higher than his level.

"Half-step taboo divine fruit." Zhao Zu suddenly realized



"It should be fine within ten years." Zhao Zu then said firmly.

"To be honest, I don't want to go to war with the Mulberry Continent right now, because this battleship may not be able to kill the opponent." Zhao Yang said slowly, "I want to wait until the ancestor breaks through, and you two join forces, and then settle accounts with the Mulberry Continent. "


About an hour later, a black warship appeared in front of Zhao's ancestral court.

An old man in green clothes stood at the bow of the ship.

He stood with his hands behind his back, and his body was filled with the breath of overlooking the heavens.

The strength of this aura made the Emperor of the Zhao clan look shocked.

No one thought that the half-step taboo would be so terrifying before?

"It's over now." Sang Yu said bitterly.

The old man in green on the bow of the ship glanced at Sang Yu, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Yang who came out of the battleship control room.

"Zhao Yang, for an irrelevant person, are you sure you want to tear yourself apart from our ancestral court?" When he said this, his eyes shone with a chilling gleam.

Zhao Yang's mind moved, and the battleship under his feet suddenly burst into incomparable fluctuations, which were not inferior to the fluctuations on the old man in green.

At the same time, the main gun locked on the figure of the old man in green, and the nine secondary guns locked on the many peak gods brought by him.

"A half-step taboo battleship?" the old man in green

The reporter was shocked, "Zhao Yang, where did you get it?"

"What do you think?"

The old man in green was in shock.

As far as he knows, half-step taboo warships can only be found in the depths of the taboo road?

Could it be that Zhao Yang was involved with those forces?

After thinking of this, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Tell me, how do you want us to take Sang Yu away?"

"Sang Yu is impossible for you to take away." Zhao Yang said firmly, "If you want to fight, then fight."

"Really, your lineup is no match for us!" The old man in green had just said this and noticed ten warships and twenty war puppets coming out of the darkness.

Since then, the number of top experts in God's Domain has surpassed that of Mulberry Ancestral Court.


"Our God's Domain doesn't want to fight against your Mulberry ancestors, but if you think our God's Domain is easy to bully, then try." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

The old man in green hesitated and decided to give up.

Let me start by saying that they don't have much chance of winning, even if they have a chance of winning, it would be a miserable victory.

He couldn't accept the result of the tragic victory.

"This matter is not over." The old man in green turned and left after saying this.

Looking at his leaving back, Zhao Yang had a cold light in his eyes.

"At first, I wanted to calm things down, but now it seems that it is unnecessary." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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