Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1844 Evil Spirit

"Young Master Zhao." Guan Guan looked at Zhao Yang with red eyes.

She didn't expect that Zhao Yang would be willing to fight head-on with such a powerful force as the Sangshen Ancestral Court for her sake?

"Shenyu has been quiet for a long time, and it's time to open up. I also want to thank you for giving me this opportunity." Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, don't be sad."

Of course Guanguan knew that Zhao Yang was trying to comfort him.

After the members of the Zhao clan left with Guan Guan and Sang Yu, the Great Ancestor said in a deep voice, "Zhao Yang, have you ever thought that the Mulberry Continent will secretly deal with us?"

"The next ten years are crucial." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "If there is no unexpected situation, you stay in your respective areas and don't go out."

"Are we going to stay in our own area for ten years?" The Third Patriarch asked in amazement.

"That's right, ten years." Zhao Yang nodded.

"That is to say, we will not conduct trade and exchanges with the outside world?" Dazu immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.


"But if that's the case, we're just sitting on the mountain and eating nothing?" San Patriarch expressed his doubts.

Zhao Yang handed Zhao Zu a Qiankun bag, "There are 1000 billion divine stones in the Qiankun bag."

Zhao Zu pushed back, "There are enough sacred stones in the treasury, not to mention ten years, even a hundred years or a thousand years is enough. Yanhuangzong is currently developing rapidly, you take these sacred stones." Pause Zhao Zu went on to say, "The Zhao clan will not hold out in the next ten years."

"in case

In case I will build three more mountain protection formations, so that even if the half-step taboo from the Mulberry Continent comes, I will have enough time to rush to help. "Zhao Yang continued.

Zhao Yang's current formation is even higher than the previous mountain protection formation.

"If the formation can't stop us, we will ignite the puppets at the peak of the God Emperor." Zhao Zu said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, we will stick to it until you come."

Afterwards, Zhao Yang stayed in the ancestral court of the Zhao family.

When he arranged the array, he summoned the eight gods, but the moment he summoned them, he sensed something strange.

The strength of the eight great gods has declined.

The cultivation base of the eight great gods used to be one-third of that of the deity, but now the cultivation base of the eight gods is only one-fifth of the deity.

"When you reach the peak of the God Emperor, it will drop to one-tenth. It can be said that it will not help you much." Zhao Yang murmured.

This is also normal.

Because it is impossible for the secret technique to be so strong at the peak of the God Emperor?

Fortunately, the Eight Great Gods can still help. With their help, Zhao Yang spent three months building three more powerful mountain guard formations.

These three formations were respectively placed in the Zhao family's ancestral court, the transfer station and the rear.

After doing all this, Zhao Yang drove the battleship back to God's Domain. He first sent Guan Guan and Sang Yu to Tianyu Palace, and then returned to Yanhuangzong.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang first upgraded Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array


Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array is the most important.

It took Zhao Yang more than half a month to complete the upgrade.

Then he summoned the disciples of Yanhuangzong to continue enlightenment.

In this way, five years later, Lin Caihan's cultivation reached the high level of the emperor, and Lin Caihan spent another three years by Zhao Yang's side to improve both martial arts and weapon arts.

On this day, Lin Caihan excitedly told Zhao Yang that she could build the high-level warships and puppets of the God Emperor.

It is not impossible for Lin Caihan to build battleships and war puppets that are at the peak of the emperor.

But is it necessary?

That would result in a great waste of resources!

She builds more powerful god emperor high-level warships and war puppets, and then can be promoted after being illuminated by the energy multiplier.

Maybe it's not possible to be invincible at the peak of the god emperor, but it's cheaper than directly building the peak of the god emperor.

Lin Caihan built five high-level God Emperor warships and thirty high-level God Emperor war puppets in the next two years, and she was able to do this because she was within the envelope of Zhao Yang's time domain. Inwardly, it may seem like two years to the outside world, but in fact she has spent eight years.

The five high-level warships of the God Emperor and the thirty high-level battle puppets of the God Emperor have become the peak level of the God Emperor under the irradiation of the energy multiplier.

The reason why warships are not built in a one-to-one ratio is mainly because warships consume too much material, and it is also more difficult to build warships than war puppets.

"At last it was ten

years. "Zhao Yang said with emotion after finishing his practice that day.

In the past ten years, Yanhuangzong has achieved a lot of improvement.

Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief after first using the energy multiplier to raise a battleship at the peak of the God Emperor to the half-step taboo state.

The half-step taboo battleship is Yan Huangzong's confidence.

With this kind of thing, there is no fear of threats from higher-ranking forces.

"Husband, the God Emperor's high-level tools and materials are gone." Lin Caihan said softly.

"there is none left?"


"The Yanhuang Sect currently has two half-step taboo warships, thirty battleships of the peak of the god emperor, and sixty war puppets of the peak of the god emperor." Zhao Yang said softly after checking the treasury, "In this case, I will Go to the fifth level to buy a batch of materials."

Yanhuangzong no longer needs low-level warships and war puppets.

But the materials for high-level warships and war puppets are not cheap.


"I also left the second half-step taboo warship."

"You should take it with you, in case you encounter any trouble on the Forbidden Road?"

Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it.

Then he went to the Forbidden Road.

The fifth level!

When Zhao Yang's figure appeared in the fifth pass, he noticed that the soldiers of the fifth pass looked hurriedly as if they were approaching a formidable enemy.

Zhao Yang didn't ask but went to Jubao Pavilion immediately.

The boss of Jubao Pavilion recognized Zhao Yang immediately.

"how are you

This time has come? The boss looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"What happened?"

"An evil spirit walked out of the depths of the forbidden road."


"Forbidden realm." The boss said in a deep voice.

"Don't the top ten forces on the Taboo Road all have taboo-level existence?"

"It is said that the behind-the-scenes boss of Sihai Casino and the boss of Zhutian Express have been hit hard." The boss looked around and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's pupils shrank fiercely, "The other party must be a taboo middle-level one, right?"

"I'm afraid it's at this level, so I'm very scared now."

"Is your Jubao Pavilion still open?"


"I want a batch of materials." Zhao Yang said and handed the boss a list.

The boss glanced at it and said in astonishment, "Even if these materials are discounted, they will cost nearly [-] divine stones."

"It's okay."

"Then I will prepare." The boss said immediately.

About three hours later, the boss came over with a Qiankun bag, "Here are the materials you bought, take a look."

Zhao Yang's divine sense swept away, and then he gave the boss a universe bag.

"Go back quickly, it's not safe here." The boss hurriedly urged after looking at it.

When Zhao Yang was about to leave, the entire fifth pass suddenly shook, and then a stormy wave of power crushed the entire city.

"It's broken." The boss said with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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