Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1842 Mulberry Continent

"The God Emperor of the Death Continent was hit hard before he fought us." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Because no matter how poorly ranked the half-step taboo is, it shouldn't be as bad as the half-step taboo of the Death Continent. .”

"According to what you said, isn't such a high-level half-step taboo impossible to hunt at all?" Lin Caihan said with a sinking face.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

"Why did Piao Miao lie to you?"

"Maybe she doesn't want to hit me." Zhao Yanggang said here that the blue crucian carp hastily came to the small world.

"There is news from the Zhao family's ancestral court that the Mulberry Continent has asked us to hand over people."

"Hand over?"

"Mulberry Continent said that they have a traitor in God's Domain. If we don't make friends here, we will attack our Zhao family's ancestral court."

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan looked at each other, and they both saw happiness in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, Yanhuangzong has a half-step taboo-class battleship.

Otherwise things will be difficult.

Zhao Yang drove the half-step taboo battleship to the Palace of Heavenly Desire first.

The Palace of Heavenly Desire has grown quite large over the years. It is not that there are no forces coveting the Palace of Heavenly Desire these years, but after the Palace of Desire was activated that day to protect the mountain, the coveted forces fled desperately in fright.

"Young Master Zhao." Guanguan was surprised to see Zhao Yang.

"Guanguan, where is your master?" Zhao Yang asked softly.



The old woman seemed to realize something, "Is the Mulberry Continent looking for trouble for you?"

"The strong men from the Mulberry Continent went to the ancestral court of God's Domain. They ordered us to hand you over, otherwise they will attack us." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I've been aware of this since the shackles were opened, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon." The old woman sighed deeply.

"It seems that I hurt you."

The shackles were opened by Zhao Yang.

"This shackle makes me suffer day and night. To be honest, I have never relaxed so much. I still want to thank you." The old woman said and bowed to Zhao Yang. The old woman let God's Domain be robbed."

"Master." Guanguan grabbed the old woman's arm, her face was full of reluctance.

"My child, the power of the Mulberry Continent is beyond your imagination." The old woman stroked Guan Guan's cheek, "I have taught you everything I can teach you these years, and you will have to walk the road ahead by yourself." After that, she looked at Zhao Yang, "Take me away."

"En." Zhao Yang nodded.

After the old woman boarded the battleship, Guanguan hesitated and jumped on the battleship.

"Son, you can't go with me. You have got my inheritance. I'm worried that you will make things difficult for you." The old woman said hastily.

"It's okay, with me here, the Mulberry Continent doesn't dare to move the museum." Zhao Yang said as he drove the battleship towards the outside world.

go with.

The old woman became anxious immediately, "Young Master Zhao, this is no joke, Guan Guan has my aura on him, they will not let Guan Guan go."

"Why did your patriarch deal with you?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

"The Grand Elder's grandson beat my grandson to death. I asked the patriarch to uphold justice, but the patriarch punished me lightly. I was naturally dissatisfied, so I found a chance to kill the grand elder's grandson." The face of the old woman here is full of guilt, "The patriarch actually ordered my whole family to be destroyed, and I was set in chains, and I endured boundless pain day and night. Later, I escaped from the mulberry with the help of a good friend. The ancestral court came to God's Domain after going through many twists and turns."

The ancestral home of the Zhao family!

When the Great Elder of the Mulberry Continent led 36 god emperors at the peak of the gods to descend on the Zhao family's ancestral court in a battleship, Zhao Zu immediately ordered the battleships and puppets of the peak gods to prepare for the battle.

"My Zhao family doesn't seem to have offended your mulberry ancestral court?" Zhao Zu looked at the elder of the mulberry ancestral court.

Zhao Zu didn't have much fear for the camp of Mulberry Continent.

Because in his opinion, if the battleships and puppets of the Yanhuangzong Continent are assembled, even a full-scale fight with the Mulberry Continent will not be a problem.

"A traitor from our Mulberry Continent has escaped to your God's Domain, and your God's Domain will hand over that traitor." The Great Elder of the Mulberry Ancestral Court said straight to the point.

Mulberry ancestral home

Elders look down on God's Domain.

In his opinion, God's Domain just picked up a bargain, and besides, there is a well-ranked Zhao Yang.

"Traitor? I don't know about this." Zhao Zu was startled.

"Our patience is limited, you have to investigate on your own, and we will kill ourselves." The elder of Mulberry Ancestral Court said coldly.

His words made the masters of Zhao's ancestral court angry.

Zhao Zu pondered for a moment before saying, "Wait a minute, I'll send someone to investigate."

He then transmitted the matter through the battleship.

Seeing that Zhao Zu and others are so sensible, the master of Mulberry Ancestral Court stopped saying anything.

Half an hour later, a battleship suddenly crossed the sky and appeared above Zhao's ancestral court.

"Your God's Domain is very efficient in handling affairs." The Great Elder of the Sangshen Ancestral Court said lightly when he saw the white-haired old woman.

Zhao Zu's eyes were filled with gloom, he really wanted to crush this guy to death.

But considering the identity of the other party, he felt that it was better to be patient for the time being.

"Sangyu, how have you been these years?" the elder of the Sangshen ancestral court looked at the old woman jokingly and said.

"Thanks to you, I'm living a good life." The old woman said through gritted teeth.

"Sang Yu, this is your fate. When your grandson died, I was in the hands of my grandson. If you also want to die in my hands."

"You... Fortunately, your grandson was killed by me." The old woman replied indifferently just as she was about to get angry.

The eyes of the Great Elder were suddenly filled with blood, "At first I just wanted to kill you, but now I have changed my mind, and I will slowly torture you for thousands of years."

Having said that, she waved her hands and the two figures rushed towards the old woman.

And when they were about to reach the battleship, Zhao Yang snorted coldly, "Who told you to come up?"

His voice was like thunder, and it exploded in the ears of the two of them instantly.

Those two felt dizzy and stopped in mid-air.

"what happened?"

"Who is that?"

"He actually shocked the existence of the two peak god emperors?"

At this moment, not to mention the powerhouses in the Mulberry Continent, even the Zhao family felt incredible.

How could Zhao Yang shake the peak of the God Emperor?

"Who are you?" The Great Elder of Mulberry Continent asked in surprise.

"Zhao Yang."

"So you are Zhao Yang on the Taboo Monument." The Great Elder said in a deep voice after realizing it, "Sang Yu is a traitor to my Mulberry Continent, and I need to take her away now."

"The girl standing next to Sang Yu is her apprentice, and her apprentice is my friend. Do you think I can let you take her away?" Zhao Yang said lazily.

Zhao Yang's words made Sang Yu feel bad.

Now it's impossible for the Great Elder and the others not to notice the museum.

"It turns out that Sang Yu still has descendants, so her descendants have to be taken away."

(End of this chapter)

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