Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1841 The real half-step taboo

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Do you know why you can compete with Jizi after using the Wuhun tree?"

"You are a forbidden spirit."

"How much can the Forbidden Martial Soul help you improve after reaching your level?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Ordinary taboo spirits can only improve you so much, it is impossible for you to cross so much." Wuhunshu replied, "Only some powerful spirits can do it."

"I still don't understand."

"Among the three thousand taboo spirits, do you know which one is the number one time spirit?"

"Which one?"

"Martial Soul Tree."

Zhao Yang was stunned when he heard this.

"I'm still improving, but if I give you a half-step forbidden martial spirit, it will affect my promotion." Wuhunshu said slowly, "Are you sure you still need a half-step forbidden martial spirit?"

"No more." Zhao Yang said without thinking.

Speaking of which, he thought of something again, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"Because you really needed a half-step taboo martial soul before."

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"I don't need anything." Martial Soul Tree paused at this point, "In addition, those few Martial Spirits of yours are also evolving."

"You won't tell me that those martial spirits will evolve into taboo

environment? "


After a while, Zhao Yang carefully studied those martial souls and found that they were indeed evolving.

For example, their power is more than [-]% stronger than before.

What surprised Zhao Yang even more was the time martial soul.

The Time Martial Soul's time bonus to him was three times before, but now it is four times, and the bonus for practicing at a distance of ten meters around him is three times, and the bonus for practicing at a distance of one hundred meters around him is two times. times, the bonus for practicing at a distance of one thousand meters around him is doubled.

Now Yan Huangzong's disciples can enjoy the blessing of time martial spirit.

Zhao Yang quickly contacted Lin Caihan.

He is going to preach from the altar.

It didn't take long for Lin Caihan to gather hundreds of thousands of Yanhuangzong disciples to his side.

Zhao Yang told these disciples his understanding and experience of Dao.

After these disciples were fascinated by it, Zhao Yang began to realize the Tao.

Soon the disciples of Yanhuangzong noticed the difference in the flow of time when practicing beside Zhao Yang.

Next, Zhao Yang would set aside one day every month to preach and clear up doubts, and the rest of the time was to comprehend the deeper way.

After staying like this for three years, Zhao Yang got up and left.

He seems to have practiced for three years, but actually practiced for 12 years.

Over the years, his understanding of Dao has deepened.

In his study!

"As far as I know, the younger generation has not

Who has stepped into the realm of the high level of the emperor. "Lin Caihan said softly.

It's not that Yanhuangzong has done nothing these years.

In fact, Yanhuangzong's intelligence system is very powerful.

And those who work on the information system are all the monks recruited by Yan Huangzong in the Death Continent.

"Ji Zi and Dao Zi may have already made a breakthrough." When Zhao Yang fought Ji Zi last time, he found that he was also on the verge of breaking through.

"Unfortunately, it will take some time for me to break through." Lin Caihan eagerly wanted to be promoted to the high level of God Emperor.

Because if she reached a high level, she would be able to create war puppets and warships at the peak of the God Emperor.

"No hurry." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "In fact, we should be grateful for the emergence of the virtual system, because the virtual system makes all the heavens cast their eyes on the virtual system."

"By the way, now that your cultivation level has been upgraded to the high level of the God Emperor, will the formation you built be improved again?" Lin Caihan asked a question of concern.

"It takes some experimentation to know." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Next, he spent a month building a formation scroll.

This formation scroll is the peak of the emperor.

Zhao Yang then used the energy multiplier. Under the irradiation of the energy multiplier, the power of the formation scroll increased, but it only increased a little before disappearing.

"The improvement is limited." Zhao Yang murmured.

He thought he could advance to half a step

What about taboo?

"This energy multiplier is kind of useless." Zhao Yang muttered in his heart.

I don't know why his muttering was sensed by the mysterious girl.

"Before I set the limit for your energy multiplier mirror to be the peak of the god emperor, but now it seems that your cultivation base has been raised to the high level of the god emperor, and the energy multiplier mirror has reached the point of further improvement." Following her voice The falling energy multiplier suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan didn't dare to look directly at the vast brilliance.

I don't know how long the energy multiplier gradually calmed down.

"Senior, can I now change the formation of the god emperor peak into a half-step taboo formation?" Zhao Yang asked quickly.

"Yes, but what I want to remind you is that the energy multiplier is limited to the half-step taboo." The mysterious woman said lightly.

"What restrictions?"

"You can only use it once every ten years."

"Senior, isn't this restriction a bit big?"

"If I don't restrict, the balance of the heavens will be easily broken by you."

Zhao Yang thought about it for the same reason.

If it can be used once a year, Yanhuangzong will be able to stand on the top of the heavens in a short time.

So what if you have a taboo strong?

I will besiege you with half-step taboos.

"Husband, I think the energy multiplier is still used on the battleship.

use it? "Lin Caihan put forward his own opinion.

After all, it can only be used once in ten years.

Be careful with such a rare opportunity.

Zhao Yang thought about it and felt that it would be the most cost-effective to use it on a battleship.

The two went to the battleship treasury.

When the energy multiplier was shone on a battleship of the Emperor's peak, that battleship transformed in a short time.

Its scale as a whole has not changed, but its interior has changed, giving the two people the feeling that it is unfathomable.

After Zhao Yang was bound to the battleship, various data of the battleship appeared clearly in front of him.

Lin Caihan noticed Zhao Yang's solemn expression and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"Before Piao Miao told me that the half-step taboo of their Soul Heaven Ancestral Court can compete with the top ten god emperors, and at least thirty god emperors are needed to hunt half-step taboos."

"what happened?"

"Piao Miao said with reservations that day." Zhao Yang said slowly, "In fact, if you want to fight against a half-step taboo, you need at least thirty god emperors."

"More than thirty god emperors? Is it just a struggle?"

"If you want to kill a half-step taboo, you need at least a hundred or more peak god emperors, and if these god emperors don't cooperate well, then their formation will be broken by the half-step taboo," Zhao Yang said. Here, Lin Caihan asked in confusion, "What's the matter with the half-step taboo in the Death Continent?"

(End of this chapter)

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