"You broke Taniguchi's formation, right?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"So what?" Ji Zi looked at Zhao Yang leisurely.


Zhao Yang's figure disappeared in place.

In just an instant, he appeared in front of Ji Zi.

His fist hit Ji Zi fiercely.

But what made Zhao Yang's pupils shrink was that Ji Zi avoided him like catkins.

His destructive fist did not cause any damage to him.

"With your strength, how dare you attack me?" Ji Zi appeared in the distance with a sneer on his face.

A ray of flame appeared on Zhao Yang's fingertips.

When he threw the flame into the air, everything within a hundred meters around him turned into a sea of ​​flames.

This is no simple flame.

This is the righteousness burning.

Ji Zi slapped her palm lightly.

A miraculous scene happened, and the flames all over the sky disappeared in an instant.

It disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Turn your hands into clouds, and turn your hands into rain." Xue Buyi's pupils shrank fiercely.

Xue Buyi had fought Ji Zi before, and because of the fight, he knew that Ji Zi was terrible.

But what he doesn't know is that Ji Zi is more terrifying than he imagined.

When Ji Zi fought against him back then, he didn't use much strength at all.

Zhao Yang's expression became serious.

The one in front of him was even scarier than he had imagined.

"You let me down." Ji Zi said indifferently.

"The good show has just begun." Zhao Yang said here that the Wuhun tree in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly burst into billions of rays of light.

Zhao Yang's whole body was glowing.

He is like a son of God.

He punched Ji Zi.

This fist was extremely bright, like stars falling.

Ji Zi took a few steps back before barely stopping.

He looked at Zhao Yang in amazement, "Why did your combat power suddenly increase so much?"

Of course Zhao Yang would not tell Ji Zi that he had the blessing of the Wuhun Tree.

"Come again." Zhao Yang shouted.

The sound was like thunder, and his figure rushed towards Ji Zi again like a swimming dragon.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Zhao Yang's fist was blessed by the Wuhun tree, making it extremely terrifying.

There is broken energy everywhere in the world, and several god emperors were shattered because they were too close.

When the two sides fought hundreds of moves, Zhao Yang was shocked to find that he couldn't take Ji Zi down.

"You guys are really hard to chew." Zhao Yang panted heavily.

"The only one who can stand alongside me in the world is the Daozi of the Tao clan. Where did you come from?" Jizi's situation is not much better. Feel.

"How much has your background reached?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"two hundred

36. " Ji Zi replied.

"How do you know so accurately?"

"There is a stone tablet deep in the taboo road, and the stone tablet can measure your talent value." Speaking of this, Ji Zi seemed to realize something, "Don't tell me that you don't know your value?"

"I don't know." Zhao Yang was just talking nonsense.

"You can fight me to this extent, I think your stats are similar to mine." Ji Zi continued.

"Then this battle will be a draw."

"it is good."

If Zhao Yang still had complaints before, but after fighting Ji Zi, the previous unhappiness disappeared.

After Ji Zi left, Piao Miao looked at Zhao Yang like a little girl.

"Before I thought that Hun Wudi could fight you, but now I realize that he is not your opponent at all." Piao Miao blinked at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang felt hairy when Piao Miao looked at him.

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." He said and hurriedly left the virtual world.

And the news quickly spread throughout the heavens.

"The mysterious figure defeated the Slayer."

"The mysterious person got three half-step taboo-level divine fruits."

"The mysterious figure and Ji Zi ended in a tie."

"I think that mysterious figure can be called the God of War."

"I think so."

"I really want to know who the God of War is?"

Zhao Yang's meaning

After Zhi returned to Yanhuangzong, his mood was not calm at all.

He didn't expect that Ji Zi could not be dealt with by all means.

If it weren't for the blessing of the Martial Soul Tree, he would have lost [-]% today.

"The heavens are too big, we still can't be arrogant." After Zhao Yang realized this, he devoured Duanmu again.

His background reached 170 before, which he thought was pretty good, but now he knows that both Ji Zi and Dao Zi are over two hundred.

Zhao Yang needs to improve his background.

While Zhao Yang was enduring the pain, the courier delivered three half-step taboo divine fruits.

What Yan Huangzong currently lacks the most is this level of divine fruit.

Lin Caihan distributed the three divine fruits according to the list, and then she went to Zhao Yang's small world.

Seeing the painful Zhao Yang under the sacred tree.

"Why are you taking Duanmu again?" Lin Caihan's face was full of pity.

Does she know how painful it is to take Duanmu?

"During this period of time, I have been slack. I thought my background was very high, but I never thought that Ji Zi's background had reached 230." Zhao Yang screamed after struggling to say this.

Zhao Yang's current foundation is only 170. It can be said that if it weren't for the help of the Wuhun tree, he would not be able to compete with Jizi at all.

He needs to transform again.


Even after one metamorphosis, his background is still not as good as Ji Zi's.

He needs at least two transformations.

In the virtual illusion, there are god emperors fighting every day, and god emperors are killed every day, and some small secrets appear in the virtual illusion from time to time.

In this way, a year later, Zhao Yang's background broke through again, reaching the value of 220.

But after reaching this point, Zhao Yang found that his cultivation was on the verge of breaking through.

High-level God Emperor!

If you break through again this time, you will be a high-level god emperor.

Zhao Yang saw that he had no way to continue to suppress, so he chose to break through.

His breakthrough just came naturally.


With the opening of the acupoints, Zhao Yang's cultivation has successfully broken through to the high-level God Emperor Realm.

And after reaching this realm, Zhao Yang can almost be said to be at the level of the World-Proud God Emperor.

It is true that there is the level of the peak of the god emperor above the high level of the god emperor, but is there anyone as amazing as him in the level of the peak of the god emperor?

Arguably no.

After breaking through, Zhao Yang consolidated his cultivation under the sacred tree.

Gradually, he found that his martial soul had also undergone subtle changes.

The Wuhun tree is a bit taller than before.

"I've broken through to the high level of the God Emperor, don't you want to send a few half-step forbidden martial spirits?" Zhao Yang sent a wave of mental fluctuations to the martial spirit tree.

"After reaching your level, do you think the half-step taboo martial soul is still important?" Martial soul tree said.

(End of this chapter)

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