The old woman glanced over the museum.

She really wanted to say that the war puppet that Zhao Yang just sent was more valuable than this battleship, okay?

"Here, you take it."

"Okay... okay." Guanguan said timidly.

After she bound her identity with the battleship, Zhao Yang said with a smile, "With these configurations, I don't think God's Domain will dare to make things difficult. Of course, if you encounter problems that you can't solve, you can always contact me or report to me." name."

Zhao Yang didn't stay in Tianyu Palace long before leaving.

But the heart of the museum could not be calm for a long time.

I don't know how long it has passed. The library sent a few disciples to inquire about Zhao Yang.

"Sect Master of Yanhuang Sect."

"One of the four supernatural powers in God's Domain."

"The background of Yanhuangzong surpasses the other three supernatural forces. If it weren't for Yanhuangzong, the realm of the gods would have been over."

"Yanhuangzong crippled the Death Continent with one sect."

As more and more news gathered, the museum knew what kind of existence Yanhuangzong really was?

"Master, I didn't expect Yanhuangzong to be so strong?"

The old woman let out a cry.

"Master, why do you seem not interested?"

"Before, I always wanted to cut off the shackles, but now that the shackles are cut off, I suddenly realized what's the use? I still can't take revenge." The old woman's face was full of despair.

Her cultivation has come to an end.

The emperor is high-ranking.

Furthermore, I have lost a lot of books in order to help the library over the years.


Taking a step back, what if there is no loss?

"Master, don't we have a war puppet who is at the peak of the God Emperor? You said that if we make a sneak attack..." Guan Guan was interrupted by the old woman just as he said this, "You think things are too simple. The existence of step taboos, even the ten gods and eight god emperors are no opponents at the peak."

"Do you think Mr. Zhao will help?"

"Let's not care whether Yanhuangzong can do it or not, even if it can be done, what do I have with Yanhuangzong?" The old woman shook her head, "Don't mention this matter in the future."


The emergence of the virtual system has given the gods and emperors a stage to fight, so in reality, the major forces live together peacefully.

This is a good thing for Yanhuangzong.

What Yanhuangzong lacks most at present is time.

In addition, a large number of emperors of Yanhuangzong also went to the virtual system, and of course they all hid their identities and appearances.

The emperor of Yanhuangzong fell every day, and Zhao Yang didn't care about it.

You must know that in the virtual system, apart from the top ten top forces outside the domain and the top ten super forces on the taboo road, there are still some mysterious forces hidden between the world and the earth.

This time these mysterious forces also entered the virtual system.

That day, when Zhao Yang was practicing under the sacred tree, Tang Yi ran in angrily.

"Who provoked you?" Zhao Yang glanced at Tang Yiren.

"A killer recently appeared in the virtual system."


"That guy's strength is terrifying,

My background is now 24, but I was instantly killed by that guy. "

"Instakill?" Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

Because even if it is a value of one hundred, don't even think about killing Tang Yiren in seconds.

"Is it an upright decisive battle?"

"At that time, I admitted that I underestimated the enemy, but I still used [-]% of my strength."

"Has he been killing people in the virtual system?"

"That's right, this guy has killed a thousand god emperors now."

"how do you know?"

"Because he killed too much, his area will be marked on the map." Tang Yiren replied, "This is also a virtual system to protect everyone."

Actually think about it.

Let this guy go on killing without any scruples, how can everyone play?

"Did the top ten forces outside the territory and the ten forces of the taboo road make a move?"

"They're still watching."

"Then let's wait and see."


"It's so hard for a benchmark to appear, who do you think will be careless?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "Look, someone will soon be unable to bear it."

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Because in less than half a month, Xue Shanhe from Universal Casino publicly challenged the killer, but what no one expected was that Xue Shanhe was instantly killed.



Zhao Yang felt normal after receiving the news.

Xue Shanhe is indeed an existence in the taboo, but his background is not as good as that

Zhao Yang before.

It is reasonable to be killed in seconds like this.

After Xue Shanhe, one after another with taboo backgrounds went to challenge that one, but they were all killed without exception.

Finally, Xuebuyi from Sihai Casino stood up, and he was going to challenge the Slayer in Blue Moon Valley.

Soon a large number of emperors rushed to the Blue Moon Valley.

"Finally, a respectable existence came out." Zhao Yang murmured.

Then he also entered the virtual secret environment.

Blue Moon Valley!

When Zhao Yang arrived at Blue Moon Valley, he found that it was already overcrowded.

And he also saw many familiar figures here.

For example, the blue crucian carp and Qing Wuyuan from the Soul Sky Continent, the five peak god emperors from the Longyuan Continent, Piao Miao from the Four Elephant Sect and many true biography, and of course some god emperors from the Yanhuang Sect.

Not long after, a bloody smell came from a distance, and someone shouted that the killer is coming, and the god emperor present couldn't help but get nervous.

But when they thought that there were so many god emperors present, everyone felt a little relieved.

But what no one expected was that the dozens of god emperors on the periphery were directly torn apart by a terrifying force.


"The Killer has struck."

"How dare the killer make a move?"

"Is he going to challenge the thousands of god emperors present?"

The god emperor masters present were all shocked, who would have thought that the killer would make a move.

Zhao Yang looked into the distance.

I saw a long red

The man with black hair was like Shura, he kept chopping with a bloody war sword.

With each sword strike, several god emperors were blown up.

"Arrogance." A young man in a purple robe couldn't stand it.

Primordial purple energy bloomed from his body, and the primordial purple energy transformed into a huge blue dragon, which roared and rushed towards the killer.

The Slayer raised his head, his eyes revealed a scarlet light, then he opened his mouth and swallowed the blue dragon.

That's right.


The young man in the purple robe was stunned.

He is very clear about how domineering the Canglong transformed from the primordial purple energy is!

But such a domineering Primordial Purple Qi was actually swallowed by him?

How can it be?

"What kind of physique is this guy?" Dao Tong said with an extremely solemn expression.

"I don't know either." Piao Miao shook her head.

"Do you dare to stand out with this level of strength?" The Slayer said, his figure flickered and appeared in front of the young man.

The primordial purple energy around the young man's body vibrated violently, they turned into a huge rune and enveloped the young man.


The killer ignored the rune, grabbed the young man's throat with his big hand, and then crushed the young man to death amidst the shocked expressions of the audience.

"Hong Yuan died just like that."

"Hongyuan is not far away from Piaomiao."

"Doesn't this mean that Piao Miao and Dao Tong are not his opponents?"

Seeing this scene, the God Emperor who hid in the distance was trembling with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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