"Zhao Yang is my father, he is already on his way."

"The Zhao Yang I know is the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect?" Guanguan felt that it was still necessary to confirm his identity.

"That's right, my father created Yanhuangzong in the Lower God Realm, Middle God Realm, and Upper God Realm."

Only then did Guanguan suddenly realize, "No wonder I think you have a three-point similarity to Zhao Yang."

While speaking, Zhao Yang appeared here on a battleship.

Seeing Zhao Yang, Guanguan's eyes immediately became moist.

"I thought I would never see you again in this life?" As he said that, Guan Guan stepped forward and threw himself into Zhao Yang's arms.

Zhao Wudi greeted the Pavilion Master of Dan Pavilion and Bai Hao first to go to Yanhuangzong.

The reason why I went to Yanhuangzong was because I was worried that these two would run away.

After all, if Bai Haoshou went too far, how could he be kept alive?

Zhao Yang was very surprised to see Guan Guan.

Because Guan Guan was not qualified to go to the Upper God Realm at that time, but now she not only went to the Upper God Realm, but also became a God Emperor level existence.

Soon Zhao Yang sensed something, his face darkened suddenly, "Get out of here."

When Zhao Yang's divine sense blasted into the sea of ​​consciousness in the hall, an illusory figure staggered and was forced to come out.

"Master Zhao, she is my master." Guan Guan said in panic.

At the same time, there was a storm in her heart.

Her master is a high-level existence of the emperor, even if these

Nian Yuanyuan gave her some, but it was too unbearable in front of Zhao Yang, right?

Zhao Yang stared at the old woman, and then withdrew the killing intent from his eyes.

The old woman was almost scared to pee.

I think she was also a strong outside the vertical and horizontal domain back then, but now she is terrified under Zhao Yang's gaze.

"Master Zhao, if Master hadn't used her origin to promote me these years, I wouldn't have been promoted to this level." Guan Guan continued at this time.

"Why didn't you look for me after you came to the Upper God Realm?"

"I just came to the Upper God Realm a few days ago. Master was worried that the Upper God Realm would be too dangerous. Master didn't let me come to the Upper God Realm until my cultivation reached the peak of the God King." Speaking of this, Guan Guan paused and said , "As a result, when I first arrived in the Upper God Realm, I met a disciple. I beat that guy up, and he called his father. I am not his father's opponent, so the master made a move."

Only after hearing this did Zhao Yang understand what was going on?

"Bai Haoshou, how do you want to deal with it?"

"What's the relationship between Bai Haoshou and you?"

"Bai Haoshou's father has a relationship with me."

"Actually, Bai Haoshou didn't take advantage of me, and I taught him a lesson, so let's forget about it."

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang didn't bother with this matter any more.

"Who are you?" He looked at the old woman.

"I am a god emperor of the Mulberry Continent."

"Mulberry Continent ranked No. 70?" Zhao Yang looked at the old woman suspiciously and said

, "Your soul was severely injured by a half-step taboo powerhouse, why didn't you go to the Mulberry Continent for treatment?"

Hearing this, the old woman fell silent.

After a while, he looked at Zhao Yang and said, "My soul was severely injured by the patriarch."

If a strong man with a half-step taboo makes a move, no matter how defiant the old woman is, the injury cannot be healed.

Because it involves a taboo.

"Master Zhao, can you help my master?" Guan Guan asked Zhao Yang pleadingly.

"Guanguan, it is the existence of half-step taboo that hurt me." The old woman sighed softly, "There are not many such existences in the entire territory." The implication is that it is useless to ask Zhao Yang.

"Wuhunshu, we have made others look down on us, what do you think we should do?" Zhao Yang sent a sound transmission to Wuhunshu with some displeasure.

"You have been slapped in the face, what does it have to do with me?" Wuhunshu silently conveyed a wave of mental fluctuations.

"Slapping my face, isn't it hitting your face?" Zhao Yang said without thinking.

"Seeing that you have practiced for so many years, I will give you a half-step forbidden martial soul medicine, martial soul." Following the words of the martial soul tree, the martial soul tree bore a fruit.

It is the half-step taboo Wuhun medicine Wuhun.

Theoretically, the Martial Soul can heal any injury below the taboo realm.

Of course, this also has something to do with the master's cultivation.

For example, when Zhao Yang was in the middle stage of the God Emperor Realm, he could only heal those below the high level of the God Emperor Realm.

"I am an ordinary emperor

Mid term? " Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Under special circumstances, it is possible to step over a level, such as a powerful person like you." Wuhunshu continued.

Only then did Zhao Yang feel relieved.

"Who said that the treatment of your injury requires the existence of a half-step taboo?" Zhao Yang said pretending to be inscrutable.

"There is a shackle on my soul, and only a half-step taboo can break it." Zhao Yang pointed two fingers at the center of her eyebrows when the old woman said this.

An exuberant radiance penetrated her sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Just when the old woman thought that Zhao Yang was going to kill her, she found that the shackles on her soul were shattered with a bang.

At the same time, her aura also changed.

She was no longer as lifeless as before, and her whole body was full of vitality, as if the shackles had been released.

"You... how did you do it?" the old woman looked at Zhao Yang in disbelief and said.

Zhao Yang didn't answer the old woman's words, but looked around and said, "Guanguan, why are you building a sect here?"

"It's far away from disputes here." Guanguan said softly, "Besides, it's not a paradise. They are the disciples I brought from Tianyu Palace, so we must give them some shelter, right?"

Zhao Yang thought for a while and handed Guan Guan a formation scroll, "This is for you."

"what is this?"

"The mountain guard formation."

The spirit of the museum enters its

, and then draw out the formation in it.

The next moment, four huge stone statues descended from the sky, they were the four great beasts.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

And at the foot of the four stone statues, a big river separated the Heavenly Desire Palace from the outside world, and soon the turbulent spiritual power of heaven and earth turned the desolate Heavenly Desire Palace into a sea of ​​spiritual power.

"This is the high level of the God Emperor, and this is the formation of the God Emperor's peak level." The old woman said with a look of horror after feeling it for a while.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to give such a precious array to Guan Guan.

"A formation at the peak level of the God Emperor?" Guan Guan was shocked.

The pavilion is still at the peak of the God King, and there is still a distance from the God Emperor Realm.

"The beauty of a woman needs to be protected. Now God's Domain is more chaotic than before, and you will be the focus of attention." Zhao Yang summoned a war puppet here, "You put this war puppet into your small world Among them, it will keep you safe."

Zhao Yang didn't say what level this war puppet was, but the old woman could tell.

"Okay." Guanguan nodded.

"You can't travel without tools, this is for you." Zhao Yang summoned a battleship.

Guan Guan jumped on the battleship and turned around, and found that the battleship was more luxurious than she had imagined.

"What level is this?"

"High-level God Emperor."

Hearing this, the museum was taken aback, "You... you can give away a warship of this level if you say so?"

(End of this chapter)

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