Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1837 Zhao Yang makes a move

The fighting power of the Slayer is too shocking.

Hongyuan is the top powerhouse of the younger generation in the Hongmeng Continent, but he can't stop even one move of the Slayer.

Piao Miao and Dao Tong looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

After beheading Hong Yuan, the killer glanced coldly at the audience, and he found that only Piao Miao and Dao Tong were still standing there.

"You two go up together." The Slayer said provocatively.

Piao Miao and Dao Tong were silent for a while and decided to join forces.

When everyone saw the disciples of the Four Elephant Sect and the disciples of the Tao Clan join forces, their eyes showed anticipation.

Facing the two masters, the siege killer opened his mouth and spewed out a river of swords.

Jianhe easily imprisoned Piao Miao, while he, like a celestial roc, rushed towards Daotong with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Dao Tong shot hastily.

But he staggered back.

The Slayer simply shook his fist, but Daotong was already losing ground.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Before the fourth punch was thrown, Daotong was severely wounded and fell to the ground, unable to fight again.

"Trash." The Slayer said disdainfully.

"I admit that I am not your opponent, but Daozi will definitely defeat you." Daotong said extremely aggrieved.

"But why hasn't he shown himself yet?" The Slayer sneered.

After finishing speaking, he squeezed the sword formula with both hands, and the sky-filled swordsman

River, the power instantly soared several times.

But Piao Miao couldn't resist after several tricks and fell into mid-air.


After Piao Miao spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes quickly dimmed.

She thought that after joining forces with Daotong, she could fight ten moves and eight moves, but now she realized that she was thinking too much.

"You Soul Clan let me down." Speaking of which, the river of sword intent slashed towards Piao Miao.

There was a look of despair in Piao Miao's eyes.

Seeing that she was about to be beheaded, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and at the same time, a soft radiance bloomed from his body.

This ray of light seems soft, but it is indestructible.

It blocked the endless river of sword intent.

The Slayer saw the look of interest in the eyes of that figure, "I didn't expect it to be such a surprise?"

"Yeah, I didn't think there would be a surprise." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Come on, I can't wait." The killer said, his figure disappeared in place, and at the same time Zhao Yang's figure also disappeared.

The moment the two figures collided in midair, they disappeared again.

The monks present showed horror.

Because they couldn't catch Zhao Yang and the killer at all.

The two sides collided several times before stopping.

The Slayer's breathing was a little short at this time. He looked at Zhao Yang who was hundreds of meters away, and his expression changed.

It was extremely dignified.

Zhao Yang looked as usual, as if he had never fought.

"Who are you?" The Slayer stared at Zhao Yang and said.

He knew that Zhao Yang was at the same level, but he didn't think Zhao Yang was his opponent.

But the reality is a bit slapped.

He was actually suppressed by Zhao Yang.

"I don't think you should pay attention to this issue." Zhao Yang looked at the killer with a smile and said.

"What do you mean?" The killer was a little puzzled.

"The Xuebuyi has come." Zhao Yang said, looking at a figure in the distance.

That figure was also wearing a long red coat, but the guy in the blood cloth coat looked sinister, completely different from the domineering Slayer.

The Slayer glanced at Xue Buyi, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "I will fight you after I defeat Xue Buyi."

The killer said this to show that he had recognized that Xue Buyi was at the same level as him, otherwise he would say that he had killed Xue Buyi.

But his words still angered Xuebuyi, "Beat me? You have to have that ability too."

"Hehe." Responding to Xuebuyi was the Slayer's sneer.

"I'll give you time, wait until you recover to your peak." Xue Buyi said indifferently.

Blood Cloth has an arrogant personality and will not take advantage of the Slayer.

The Slayer didn't say anything, but sat down cross-legged.

"Thank you." Piao Miao stood up at this moment, and she came to Zhao Yang to express her gratitude.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang just now, she would have been killed.

"It's easy to do." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Can I know your identity?" Piao Miao asked with some interest.

Piao Miao's words made Dao Tong nervous.

"Still not."

"But if I don't know your identity, how can I repay you in the future?"

"No answer."

"You saved me just now, how can I not repay you?"

Zhao Yang looked at Piao Miao speechlessly.

"I always feel that we might know each other." Piao Miao said again.

Zhao Yang's eyelids twitched, wondering what did the other party see?

Piao Miao has been paying attention to Zhao Yang's demeanor, and when she saw Zhao Yang's slight change of color, she immediately affirmed her guess, "Let me guess, are you Ji Zi, Long Zaiyuan, or Feng Wuhen...?"

After Piao Miao told all the suspects and found that Zhao Yang didn't respond, he knew that this guy was on guard.

"Hmph, one day I will dig you out." Piao Miao secretly said in her heart.

Daotong was in a hurry.

He noticed that Piao Miao looked at Zhao Yang differently.

"Piao Miao, how is your injury?" Dao Tong walked over and asked softly.

"Don't talk." Piao Miao gave Dao the same displeasure, then smiled at Zhao Yang and said, "Who do you think is more powerful, Blood Cloth or Slayer?"

"The Killer." To Piao Miao's surprise, Zhao Yang actually

Then said such a thing?

"Why are you so sure?" Piao Miao asked suspiciously.


"Instinct?" Hearing the word intuition, his misty face changed slightly.

"Then who do you think is stronger, the Slayer or you?" Dao Tong interjected.

"He is not my opponent." Zhao Yang said with certainty.

"The Slayer still has a lot of means that he hasn't used. The collision between you just now was just a physical competition." Dao Tong felt that Zhao Yang was talking big.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to say anything.

"Can you shut up?" Piao Miao gave Daotong a fierce look, "You can't see the background of the killer, do you think others can't see clearly either?"

Daotong's heart was broken at this time.

Before Piao Miao and Zhao Yang had anything to do, Piao Miao helped Zhao Yang talk.

If this happened, what kind of chance did he have?

About half an hour later, the Slayer stood up, and the hearts of all the monks in the audience suddenly rose.

They realized that the two kings were about to start a battle.

One is the recently famous killer, and the other is the leader of the Four Seas Casino.

Which of the two is stronger and weaker?

It will soon be known.

"Are you ready?" Blood Cloth asked indifferently.

The Slayer nodded.


In the next moment, a torrent of killing intent emanated from Xue Buyi's body, and these killing intent turned into substance, dyeing the world with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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