Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1827 What is Mental Power

Lin Caihan was already feeling sorry for herself at this time.

Because she wanted to catch up with Zhao Yang's footsteps, she almost didn't have an accident on the fifth time.

She knew that she couldn't carry out the sixth promotion.

Zhao Yang would not allow it, and she did not dare to take the risk.

"Your original source has reached 42, which is already very good." Zhao Yang came to Lin Caihan and said softly.

"I know." Lin Caihan said once and then fell silent.

"Actually, you can start the next reincarnation."


"Five times is one reincarnation, you have passed Duanmu's test." Zhao Yang told Lin Caihan the good news with a smile.

There was a crystal light in Lin Caihan's eyes.


"Senior said you are excellent."

Zhao Yang seldom mentioned the woman to Lin Caihan these years, and it was often a metaphor.

Lin Caihan never asked too much, she knew that Zhao Yang would never hide anything from her if it was convenient for him to tell.

She realized that this involved taboos, so even if Zhao Yang raised it, she didn't ask too much.

"If you go through another round, I don't think the fifth time will be close to collapse." Lin Caihan continued.

Because the body has a certain immunity.

"Yeah, I finally made it through." Zhao Yang hugged Lin Caihan and said.

Lin Caihan was also very excited.

This means that she can continue to improve her origin.

"By the way, how many mid-level god emperors are there?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something?

"Seventy-two disciples have set foot in this realm after the middle-level God Emperor has been removed from the highest level." Lin Caihan replied.

In fact, it is not so fast normally, but since Zhao Yang possessed the time spirit, every time Zhao Yang practiced and enlightened, the middle and high-level officials of Yanhuangzong would come to rub him.

Practicing within ten meters of Zhao Yang can slow down the flow of time by two times.

Practicing within a [-]-meter radius of Zhao Yang can slow down the flow of time by one time.

Only the senior officials of Yanhuangzong are qualified to practice within a radius of ten meters around Zhao Yang, but practicing within a hundred meters around Zhao Yang is already against the sky.

"What about the early days of the Emperor?"

"In the early stage of the God Emperor, the number has broken through to [-]."

"That's not bad."

In fact, arranging the sect's disciples to practice by Zhao Yang's side is not an easy matter.

Lin Caihan had to take care of the entire sect, and also had to pay attention to everyone's progress.

Otherwise, there may be chaos.

It was the right choice for Zhao Yang to decisively sell the three refined Huangquan stones before, because no force would trouble him in the next 20 years.

Yanhuangzong won a precious 20 years.

During these 20 years, Yanhuangzong's

The strength has been greatly developed.

For example, Zhao Yang's current background has reached the value of 170, and Lin Caihan's side has also soared to the value of 86.

In fact, Zhao Yang can improve even more, but he still has to take into account the cultivation of Yanhuangzong disciples.

After all, every time after taking Duanmu, it will be painful, and it will take a long time every time.

"It's been 20 years, and it finally bears fruit again." Lin Caihan said excitedly looking at the sacred tree full of fruits again.

After picking these fruits, Yanhuangzong will be able to train a large number of masters again.

"How to distribute the ten purple fruits?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Mingyue and Yiren are the core members of the sect, and their heritage must be elevated to the taboo realm." Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, then take out six fruits and give them to Mingyue and Yiren." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "What about the remaining four fruits?"

"According to the current progress, I don't think it's a problem to elevate the highest level of the sect to the taboo state, what do you think?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"This is indeed no problem."

"Actually, the most difficult thing right now is the half-step forbidden realm." Lin Caihan frowned and said, "According to your plan, the Supreme Legion should be formed from the forbidden realm, the half-step forbidden realm and the peak of the emperor."

"Then the Legion of the Forbidden Realm and the two

The deputy army commander needs to reach the taboo state. I don't think there are many problems with this. The most difficult thing is the half-step taboo state. "Lin Caihan paused at this point, "The scale of the half-step taboo realm must reach at least three hundred. "

"And there are only two possibilities to endow the half-step taboo state. The first is that you use the duplicate martial soul once every ten years; the second is the purple fruit on this sacred tree."

"In other words, it takes us 20 years to have 22 half-step taboos."

"It will take at least 150 years to have three hundred half-step taboos."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang said, "At present, the half-step taboo realm can only be done step by step. At present, there is no problem at the peak of the god emperor, the high level of the god emperor, the middle stage of the god emperor, and the early stage of the god emperor. .”

"Your bestowed martial soul can create a high-level god emperor or even a god emperor peak every day. You can create 360 ​​five gods every year. In ten years, it will be 650." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "Yan Huangzong The quota for the peak of the god emperor is enough, and the quota for the high-level god emperor is 80. Even if you give it every day, if you add the god fruit, it will take [-] years." Lin Caihan introduced, "After this step, it will be We need to worry about the middle and early stages of the God Emperor."

"In this way, it will take at least another 200 years to meet my expectations.

time. "

"Then we can only take it slowly." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

What if other sects dare not think so?

But Yanhuangzong only needs to practice step by step.

At this moment, Zhao Yang's Taboo Order suddenly received a message, and he was stunned after seeing the content of the message.

"The top ten forces outside the domain and the top forces of the Taboo Road have joined forces to form a virtual system."

"Virtual system?" Lin Caihan asked curiously.

"The virtual system will pull away a strand of your consciousness, and your consciousness is the same as your real self." Zhao Yang explained the virtual system to Lin Caihan.

"Can anyone participate?" Lin Caihan was eager to try.

"As long as your cultivation reaches the God Emperor Realm, you are eligible to participate."

"How to sign up?"

"You can go to the top ten forces outside the domain, or you can go to the top forces on the Forbidden Road. Of course, you can also sign up with tokens."


"This system was jointly created by the taboo powerhouses of the two parties. There is no possibility of any leaks. Even their creators themselves do not know the identity of the registrants."

"Why did they build this virtual system."

"In the virtual system, everyone can act recklessly without worrying about your identity being leaked." Zhao Yang explained.

(End of this chapter)

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