Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1826 The Power of Duanmu

Lin Caihan held Zhao Yang in her arms with great distress, regardless of the mud and stains on his body.

She gently wiped Zhao Yang's cheeks.

She glanced at a piece of wood that fell in the distance, "Is this the Duanmu that Husband said?"

It took half a month like this for Zhao Yang to wake up, but at this moment his face still showed a look of pain.

"Is Duanmu so domineering?" Lin Caihan asked solemnly.

"My current body is still reorganizing and transforming." Zhao Yang said with difficulty.

Lin Caihan hugged Zhao Yang tightly in her arms, hoping that this would relieve Zhao Yang's pain.

In this way, another half month passed before Zhao Yang regained his ability to act.

"Fortunately, I held back at that time, otherwise God knows if I can hold it?" Zhao Yang looked at Duanmu on the ground with lingering fear.

"How is it now?"

"My origin has increased by a quarter." Zhao Yang's words surprised Lin Caihan.

A quarter.

This is not a joke.

"I want to eat too." Lin Caihan said leisurely after a while.

"It's too painful." Zhao Yang didn't want Lin Caihan to suffer this kind of pain.

"It is almost impossible to improve after reaching the taboo realm, but now that I have an opportunity in front of me, I don't want to give up." Lin Caihan said firmly after thinking about it.

"I'll talk about it after I figure out the proper dose." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

He doesn't want Lin Caihan to try it yet.


Then Zhao Yang recovered for three months before making a second attempt.

This time, what Zhao Yang devoured was almost the same as before.

But he noticed that he suffered twice as much pain as before.

That's right.

The pain is doubling.

The pain quickly overwhelmed Zhao Yang.

He wailed in pain, which frightened the butterfly.

She didn't know how to comfort Zhao Yang, she tried to hold Zhao Yang in her arms, but it was useless.

Zhao Yang's body was twisting, and he kept rolling on the ground.

I don't know how long it took before he stopped.

But passed out again.

Cai Die hurried forward and hugged Zhao Yang in her arms.

Caiyun helped to wipe it.

Zhao Yang had been in a coma for a whole month before waking up. He looked at Cai Die with a confused look, and it took a long time before he seemed to think of something.

"My son, how are you doing?"

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said softly, and then closed his tired eyes.

It took Zhao Yang two months to get out of the pain this time.

"My origin has increased by a quarter again." Zhao Yang said inexplicably in horror after feeling his origin.

This number greatly exceeded his expectations.

He thought it would be less effective this time.

"Senior, what is my origin now?

How far? " Zhao Yang asked the mysterious woman.


"Does one hundred mean the peak of the early stage of the Forbidden Realm?"


"Senior, as long as I persist, can I increase by a quarter each time?" Zhao Yang asked after hesitating.


"Senior, why is there no middle-stage taboo outside the region?"

"Inheritance." The mysterious woman said lightly, "There are still some geniuses outside the territory. Their origins are not limited to the early days of taboo, but they don't have corresponding exercises."

Only then did Zhao Yang suddenly realize.

"Senior, do you think that if I eat more at a time, will the origin increase by a third, or even more?"

"I suggest you don't do that." The mysterious woman laughed, "Your body won't be able to bear it. Once you can't bear it, your foundation will collapse."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

At this moment, Lin Caihan walked in.

"Husband, I have already arranged, can I take Duanmu now?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

Lin Caihan wanted to follow in Zhao Yang's footsteps, so Duanmu had to be taken.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and took a knife to cut off a small piece, which was twice as small as what Zhao Yang had swallowed before.

But even so, Lin Caihan almost collapsed.

She wailed in pain for nearly a month before she passed out, and two months later her

The reorganization was declared complete.

"My origin has increased by one eighth." Lin Caihan said with bright eyes.

Lin Caihan knew very well that this was a heaven-defying opportunity.

At her level, the origin can hardly be increased, but now it only took three months, and the origin has increased by one-eighth.

"When I take a year off, I will come again."

"But it was twice as painful back then as it is now."

"Double is double." Lin Caihan said firmly after thinking about it.

Intrinsic growth is never easy.

Zhao Yang did it four more times in the next ten years, and his original value soared all the way to 68.

"Senior, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it next time." Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

The last time he almost didn't break down.

"You can last six times one after another, which is beyond my expectation." The mysterious woman said with a smile, "I thought you could only last five times."

"Senior, how should I continue to improve?"

"In fact, after five times, it will be another reincarnation, but I want to see your limit, so I deliberately cast a spell to make you go through it again."

Zhao Yang's face turned green when he heard this.

"But it's also good for you, haven't you noticed that you're about to temper your mental power?"

"Mental strength?"

"The immortality of the God Emperor Realm is actually a false proposition, because even the God Emperor

The peak will also fall after being killed dozens of times, but the spirit will last forever. "The mysterious woman said lightly.

"Spiritual longevity?"

"The reason why the taboo realm is called taboo is because their spirits last forever. As long as their spirits are not destroyed, it is theoretically difficult to kill them."

"Can't the same level kill the other party?"

"In fact, it is very difficult to kill each other at the same level."

"Then how can the spirit be obliterated?"

"This requires some special means." The mysterious woman smiled slightly, "And you don't need to understand these now."

"Aren't I about to give birth to spiritual power?"

The mysterious woman was silent for a long time before saying, "Psychic power is also a means of attack, and I will leave it to you to use it now."

Immediately, a formula appeared in Zhao Yang's mind.

After reading this formula, Zhao Yang's face revealed a look of shock.

Mental power actually ignores the distance of space and time.

This is a little scary.

And when the mental strength reaches a certain level, even hundreds of millions of miles away, it can severely injure or kill the opponent.

"Can my wife start the next reincarnation?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Lin Caihan also persisted for five times, but she almost collapsed the fifth time, and she was unable to carry out the sixth time.

"Yes, your wife can start the next reincarnation." The mysterious woman replied, "And your wife is really excellent."

(End of this chapter)

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