Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1828 Entering the Virtual System

"In addition, the initial registration of the emperor needs to pay a deposit of 30 million god stones, the middle stage of the god emperor needs to pay a deposit of [-] million god stones, the high-level god emperor needs to pay a billion god stone deposit, and the peak god emperor needs to pay a deposit of [-] billion god stones."

"What do you mean by security deposit?"

"For example, if you kill a high-level God Emperor in the game, then his [-] million deposit will be sent to your account, and the [-] million will be used as a commission for the platform. Funding is needed."

"So can he enter the system again?"

"After three months, he will be eligible to re-enter, but he will need to pay the security deposit again." Having said that, Zhao Yang paused, "In addition, there are some rewards and challenges in the virtual system, you can understand it as fighting monsters and upgrading kind of."

"When can I sign up?"

"You can sign up now." Zhao Yang said that he filled in the relevant information in his token, and then helped Lin Caihan sign up.

"How to pay the security deposit?" Lin Caihan asked another question.

"For this, you need to go to the top ten forces outside the territory or the top ten top forces on the taboo road."

Zhao Yang then went to the extraterrestrial Soul Sky Continent.

The Soul Sky Continent was already overcrowded at this time, and many god emperors lined up to pay.

When Zhao Yang was queuing up, a mocking voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "Isn't this

Is it Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect? "

It was Zhan Lan, a true disciple of the Four Elephant Sect who spoke.

"Any advice?"

"I don't dare to teach you. I just think that you, the majestic Yanhuang Sect master, came to line up at the gate of our Four Elephants Sect. Isn't that disrespectful?" Zhan Lan said with a smile.

"I don't think so."

"But I think you have lost your identity." Zhan Lan said lightly, "How about you go to another place to line up, what do you think?"

This is kicking people out.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face darkened.

But he didn't do it.

Instead, he walked away without saying a word.

"And Sect Master Zhao, you are not welcome in our Sixiang Sect, so don't come here again." Zhan Lan shouted towards Zhao Yang who was in the distance.

At this time, Zhao Yang's eyes had revealed a severe coldness.

But he didn't say anything.

The situation is better than people.

If Yanhuangzong's strength surpassed that of Four Elephant School, Zhan Lan would have been crushed by him long ago.

"Hmph, aren't you quite capable? Why don't you obediently leave now?" Zhan Lan sneered.

And what Zhan Lan didn't know was how much trouble they had caused for the Four Elephant Sect because of what they did today?

Zhao Yang then went to the third-ranked Machine Continent.

There are also quite a few god emperors on the Mechanical Continent queuing up to pay the god stones.

"I heard that the Battleship Art of the Mechanical Continent is the strongest."


The Qi Dao in the sky was passed on from the Mechanical Continent, okay? "

"In fact, our warships are not comparable to the Mechanical Continent, but this is normal, who made them born to do this?"

Zhao Yang's heart moved when he heard this.

Machine Continent?

"Senior, can I get the blueprint of the Mechanical Continent?"

"Mechanical Continent has leaked about the same in recent years. Maybe their warships are stronger than yours, but after all, warships are just warships, and the strongest is itself."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang immediately understood that the mysterious woman looked down on the inheritance of the Mechanical Continent.

He didn't insist any more.

When it was his turn, Zhao Yang deposited 100 billion in his own account, and also deposited 100 billion in Lin Caihan's account.

You can save as much as you like in the account, there is no limit to this.

At that time, whether you transfer to increase or buy any items, it is your own business.

Not long after Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, a courier who claimed to be Zhutian Express came to deliver the courier.

He gave Zhao Yang a token.

This token belongs to Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan is bound after authentication.

After she entered the system, the system told Lin Caihan that she could use her own appearance and identity, or of course hide her appearance and identity. This is up to you to choose.

After thinking about it, Lin Caihan still hid her appearance and identity.

Zhao Yang this

Bian also hides his appearance and identity.

Since the duo's tokens are in close proximity, they pass to the same area.

The world here is no different from the real world, and the two of them saw a divine tiger before they had gone far.

The system immediately introduced to the two, "This is a god tiger in the early stage of the god emperor. After killing it, you can get a reward of 100 million god stones."

"Only 100 million?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

"There are many god tigers here, so the price is very low." The system explained.

Only then did Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan understand.

Just when Lin Caihan stepped forward to kill the divine tiger, a feathered arrow suddenly pierced through the throat of the divine tiger.

After struggling a few times, Shenhu lost his breath.

"100 million credited." A man said with a big laugh.

Immediately four or five young people came out from the darkness.

"What a beautiful woman."

"I don't know if it's the real appearance?"

"I don't care if she's real or fake, we'll talk about it when we get on."

Lin Caihan immediately became angry when she heard the foul language of several young people.

She held a three-foot green blade in her hand, and the sword light soared a hundred thousand miles in an instant.

The faces of those four or five young people were full of horror. The reason why they dared to target Lin Caihan and Lin Caihan was because they thought there were only two of them.

But after Lin Caihan made a move, they immediately regretted it.

They realized that they were far from being a match for these two.

After the sword light dissipated, the four or five youths had been bombarded and turned into scum.

"System, will they be resurrected?" Lin Caihan asked.

"No, of course they will come in again after paying the security deposit in three months." The system replied.

"Will their identity and appearance change?"

"will not."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan was immediately relieved, "Next time we meet again, I will kill a few of them."

"It seems that some guys no longer hide the evil in their hearts after entering the virtual world." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"I think most god emperors hide their identities, so there is no need to worry about this or that, right?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"In just this moment, the account has increased by 45 billion." Lin Caihan said with emotion, "I think there is definitely a kind of existence that specializes in killing monks."

"That is for sure."

The scale of this world is very large, and there are still some small secret realms, which have not yet been opened.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan went back after strolling around.

As time went by, there were more and more emperors in this virtual secret realm. On this day, Zhao Qingqing came to Zhao Yang's room angrily.

"Father, I was blown up."


"Three true disciples of the Four Elephant Sect."

"Four Elephants?"

(End of this chapter)

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