Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1825 Trading Emperor Spring Stone

"Zhao Yang is a member of my Four Elephant Sect, what do you guys want to do?" Piao Miao stood up and shouted sharply.

Piao Miao still had a deterrent effect, and many monks present did not dare to speak.

But that doesn't mean no one will stand up.

"Yiaomiao, everyone knows that Zhao Yang is from God's Domain, so your words can't protect Zhao Yang, let alone God's Domain." At this time, a girl in Tsing Yi stepped forward, "Actually, the best thing for Zhao Yang is to trade the essence of Huangquan Stone, Otherwise, it's not a good thing for the big forces outside the domain to keep making trouble for God's Domain."

"Whoever dares to touch Zhao Yang will target me in the Soul Sky Continent." I have to say that Piao Miao is very powerful, even if she said such words under the eyes of everyone.

"Piao Miao, recognize the reality, it is impossible for Zhao Yang to join your Soul Sky Continent just for three pieces of refined Huangquan stone." At this time a young man stood up again.

Piao Miao couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was silent for a while before he said, "I decided to sell the essence of Huangquan Stone, the premise is that you have to come up with something that I am satisfied with."

"How about our Dao clan taking out three battleships at the peak of the emperor?" Daotong said after thinking about it.

"Isn't the price a bit low?" Piao Miao said with some displeasure.

"This price is indeed a bit low, but the price I gave is definitely high." Dao Tong said this.


Zhao Yang has no strength, and wants to

To high prices, why?

After Zhao Yang's eyes flickered for a while, he said, "I'm not interested in the warships of the God Emperor's peak, I want the warships of the God Emperor's high level."

"A high-level warship of the Emperor?" Dao Tong pondered for a while and said, "I can give you ten ships."

"Deal." Zhao Yang nodded.

"On behalf of the Machine Continent, I will also buy you an Essence Emperor Spring Stone." At this time, the Machine Continent ranked third stood up.

"Ten high-level battleships of the God Emperor?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Daotong has already given you this price, and it's not good for me to lower the price." A mechanical youth said with a smile.

"On behalf of Hongjun Continent, I will also buy you a refined Yellow Spring Stone." At this time, Hongmeng Continent, which was ranked fourth, stood up.

Zhao Yang also readily traded with the other party.

The young man in blue was a little anxious at this moment, "Senior sister, why don't we trade with Zhao Yang?"

"There is no way for us to make a deal with Zhao Yang? Because even if we do it sincerely, they will suspect that we are keeping it for Zhao Yang, and they will still deal with God's Domain." Misty saw this, so she didn't speak the whole time.

The three major forces quickly contacted the ethnic group, and it didn't take long for them to send warships one after another.

Under the witness of everyone, Zhao Yang completed the transaction.

Thirty high-level warships of the God Emperor!

In everyone's eyes, Zhao Yang suffered a huge loss this time. In fact, Zhao Yang also suffered a loss.


However, his loss was not as much as everyone imagined.

For example, if you give him some time, you can raise the thirty high-level battleships of the God Emperor to the peak of the God Emperor.

"Sorry." Piao Miao looked at Zhao Yang with an apologetic expression.

"Don't say that, you have helped me a lot." Zhao Yang said sincerely.

Zhao Yang was already very grateful that Piao Miao could say such words in the situation just now.

"If you need any help in the future, you can come to me at any time." Piao Miao continued, "I know that my strength is not as good as yours, but my connections are not bad."

"it is good."

After Piao Miao and her group returned to Soul Sky Ancestral Court, Piao Miao was worried that Zhao Yang would have a relationship with people in the Ancestral Court, so she drove the battleship back directly to Soul Sky Continent.

After arriving at Soul Sky Continent, Zhao Yang separated from everyone.

As a result, not long after Zhao Yang arrived at Yanhuangzong, Huang Yuyao came looking for him.

"Young Master Zhao, I have already made peace with the high-level sect, and they have agreed to submit to the Yanhuang Sect." Huang Yuyao said softly.

She was apprehensive when she said this.

She was worried that Zhao Yang would refuse.

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Lin Caihan asked, "Sect Master Huang, you can relocate as a whole. The Yanhuang Sect will train you as a subsidiary sect. What do you think?"

"No problem." Huang Yuyao didn't even think about it.


Afterwards, the two sides conducted a series of negotiations. After Huang Yuyao returned to the Soul Sky Continent, she told the monks of the Zongmen about it.

As a result, some monks didn't want to go. They felt that the ranking of the Soul Sky Ancestral Court was so high that staying in the Soul Sky Continent was more promising than staying in the God's Domain.Some felt that going to God's Domain was a betrayal.

Of course, there are also many monks who are willing to go.

"Shenyuanzong will not force everyone to make a choice. In this way, those who are willing to go with me can pack up now, and those who are not willing to go with me will go their separate ways, and I will never stop them." Huang Yuyao scanned the audience With a glance, he said, "But there is one thing I need to say first. I offended a true disciple of the Four Elephants Sect. I don't guarantee that they will target you. Therefore, after we leave, the Shenyuan Sect will also be disbanded on the spot. You go out In the future, don't use the name of Shenyuanzong anymore, it will be bad for you."

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

Shenyuanzong has 18 disciples, but there are [-] disciples who are willing to leave with Huang Yuyao after three days.

Huang Yuyao was also very generous, she gave one-third of the treasury's resources to the [-] disciples who left.

She wished the other party a good future in the future.

Then these [-] disciples went to Yanhuangzong.

Zhao Yang arranged these [-] disciples to the place where Yanhuangzong stayed before, and even arranged for Xu Huier to train these disciples.

Of course, their cultivation is the same as that of Yanhuang

There is no way to compare the cultivation of disciples, but it also surprised these [-] disciples inexplicably.

Because they have never seen the resources that Yanhuangzong brought out in this life, okay?

Let's talk about Zhao Yang!

Zhao Yang under the sacred tree was still a little aggrieved.

He was forced to sell those three quintessential Huangquan stones. If he said that he felt comfortable, no one would believe him.

He took out a piece of Duanmu from his arms that the mysterious woman gave him.

The mysterious woman said that Duanmu can improve his background.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang took a small bite, and after swallowing the piece of Duanmu, Zhao Yang suddenly felt all the bones in his body break one by one.

That's right.

Fractured bones.

Soon he found that the flesh and blood began to reorganize.

He realized it was a metamorphosis.

But this transformation was extremely painful.

Zhao Yang finally understood why the mysterious woman made him only take a small bite.

Because it's really hard, it's really painful.

Even with his will, he couldn't help crying.

Lin Caihan was terrified when she saw this scene when she came under the sacred tree to practice.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Lin Caihan asked hurriedly.

"I'm transforming, don't worry." Zhao Yang rolled on the ground after saying this with difficulty.

I don't know how long it took for him to calm down, but he has passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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