Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1824 Essence of Emperor Spring Fruit

"In this way, your Shenyuanzong can move to the vicinity of Yanhuangzong first." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Following Yanhuangzong may not be a good choice."


"Because Yanhuangzong will inevitably have to fight against major forces outside the region."

"As long as I can follow Yanhuangzong, even if I die in battle, I have no fear." Huang Yuyao said firmly.

"We'll talk about it when we get back."

The Essence Emperor Spring is hidden in a crack outside the territory, which is jointly guarded by the top ten forces.

When Piao Miao and the others arrived, several warships were already waiting.

In this way, another half an hour passed, and nine warships arrived one after another.

"Lingcui Huangquan is opened every hundred years. You must persist after entering. Once you exit halfway, you will never have a chance to enter again." Piao Miao warned everyone.

Piao Miao has already entered, so she won't enter this time.

When the crack opened, Zhao Yang and the others walked towards the crack, and after walking a short distance, they saw a golden spring.

"The women are here, and the men are here." At this moment, a young man in white said.

The young man in white has an elegant aura and a natural rhythm.


The young man in white holds a decisive position among the Taoists, so everyone also separated automatically in a very orderly manner.

Zhao Yang saw everyone jumping into the deep spring one after another, so he walked in too.


After entering the essence of Huangquan, he felt the spiritual power contained in the spring water pouring into his body.

But this force was cutting on his body like a knife.

"This power is a bit overbearing." Zhao Yang murmured.

But the pain was still within his tolerance.

At this time, the young man in white looked around and said, "Perhaps you don't know that there are rewards for the essence of Huangquan."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the young man in white.

"Whoever stays in the Essence Emperor Spring for three days will get the Essence Emperor Spring Stone." The young man in white said with a smile, "The value of the Essence Yellow Spring Stone is very high, and one Essence Yellow Spring Stone can create a half-step taboo the strong."

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

The existence of a half-step taboo?

You must know that most of the people who come here will not be qualified to become half-step taboo powerhouses in the future.

But now there is an opportunity in front of them.

What made them aggrieved was that after only half an hour, some monks couldn't hold on anymore.

And who can't stand it?

Huang Yuyao!

Huang Yuyao was about to cry.

In fact, this can not blame her.

Huang Yuyao's background is the early stage of the emperor.

It's pretty good that she lasted this long.

"Huang Yuyao, there's no need to worry, just work hard." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Huang Yuyao.

Huang Yuyao showed a grateful look towards Zhao Yang.

After thinking about it, she still left Jingjing Huangquan.

"The morals of the world have really changed. Anyone come to refine the Huangquan?"

"This woman seems to have broken the record for the shortest stay in history?"

"I remember that there was the shortest one before, and it seems to have persisted here for an hour."


The unscrupulous ridicule of everyone made Huang Yuyao feel ashamed.

Zhao Yang didn't comfort him any more.

Huang Yuyao still needs to walk some roads by herself.

As time went by, monks one after another had to walk out of the Essence Royal Spring.

One day later, there were only 230 monks left in the Jingjing Huangquan.

Two days later, there were only 24 monks left in the Jingjing Huangquan.

These 24 monks are all the best of the top ten forces, but many monks are not far from the limit.

When the time came to the time point of the third day, there were only two statues still trying to hold on.

That's right.

The rest were eliminated.

"The Dao Tong of the Tao Clan."

"Who is that?"

"He came with Fairy Piaomiao, could it be a disciple of the Four Elephant Sect?"

"I've never heard of the Four Elephant Sect having such a strong disciple?"

Just when everyone couldn't figure out Zhao Yang's identity, two white stones suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yang and Daotong.

"The quintessential imperial spring stone."

"Half-step taboo."

"want to go

rob. "

But everyone is just talking, who dares to snatch it?

Don't want to live anymore?

Daotong looked at the man in front of him, "Who are you?"

"Zhao Yang."

"Zhao Yang who left his name on the taboo stele?" Dao Tong was startled.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"No wonder you can persist for three days." Daotong suddenly realized, "The next day is suffering, and every day you persist will get an extra piece of Huangquan Stone."

"What's the highest record here?"

"The highest record is seven days, created by my brother Dao Yan."

"Seven days?" This number exceeded Zhao Yang's expectation.

Because according to his estimation, he would not last for less than seven days anyway.

Four days passed, and Zhao Yang was reaching his limit.

Five days passed, and Zhao Yang had reached his limit.

What left Zhao Yang speechless in the end was that he had no choice but to walk out of the Essence Emperor Spring before he even lasted until the sixth day.

But Zhao Yang didn't lose money this time, he got three quintessential Huangquan stones.

As soon as Zhao Yang came ashore, many monks expressed their desire to buy the quintessential Huangquan stone in his hands.

"Mr. Zhao, it doesn't matter if you don't sell it to us, but someone will come to your door soon. If you don't sell it to them, I don't think they will let you go."

"That's right, speaking of which we are just small characters, but big people will come to you."

"Master Zhao, if I were you, I would take these three

The Essence Huangquan Stone was sold, after all, even the top ten forces are very excited about this kind of thing. "


Zhao Yang looked at the look of everyone staring at him with a cold look in his eyes.

But he also had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

The three quintessential imperial spring stones represent three half-step taboo powerhouses, who would give up?

"Young master Zhao, you can actually give us the three quintessential Huangquan stones to the Four Elephant Sect." The blue-clothed youth said via voice transmission, "We'll just give you another one later."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

"Master Zhao, this is the best choice." The blue-clothed youth saw that Zhao Yang did not answer and continued.

"You don't need to teach me how to do it." Zhao Yang glanced at the other party.

Give all three quintessential Huangquan stones to Sixiangzong?

All the monks present knew that Zhao Yang came from the Four Elephant Sect. If Zhao Yang did this, would those forces believe it?

Will it still cause trouble for God's Domain?

Daotong persisted in the Essence Yellow Spring for another three hours before coming out, and he also got the fourth Essence Huangquan Stone.

"Let's go out."

After everyone walked out with Daotong, the masters waiting outside stepped forward to ask.

When they realized that Tong had obtained four refined Huangquan stones and Zhao Yang had obtained three refined Huangquan stones, their eyes fell on Zhao Yang in unison.

No matter how much Daotong gets, no one would dare to grab it?

But Zhao Yang is different.

(End of this chapter)

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