Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1823 Let's go

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's go." Piao Miao continued.

Zhao Yang came to Piao Miao's side, "Didn't you come to the Soul Sky Continent to preach and clear up doubts? Why did you train seven of them?"

"Didn't you see that I was the only one who left?" Piao Miao said with a smile, "According to our plan, in the next 300 years, we will build the Soul Sky Continent into the top ten god emperors, thirty god emperors, and god emperors. There are [-] mid-level gods, and [-] god-emperor early stage."

If it is true that according to what Piao Miao said, the strength of Soul Sky Continent has increased by more than ten times.

"We are selecting disciples in the entire Soul Sky Continent."

"You also know that cultivation is never accomplished overnight, take your time, we have confidence." Piao Miao they came here this time, bringing a lot of valuable resources.

Piao Miao was riding on the battleship of the peak of the emperor.

So it didn't take long for them to come to Soul Heaven Ancestral Court.

Zhao Yang noticed that the territory occupied by the Huntian Ancestral Court was not comparable in scale or quality to the Zhao Clan's Ancestral Court.

"Wait here for a while." Piao Miao said.

About half an hour later, a battleship rushed out, and there were hundreds of figures standing on the battleship.

"These are the monks of the Four Elephant Sect who are going to the secret realm." Piao Miao explained.

Piao Miao put away the battleship and led everyone to that battleship.

Piao Miao greeted several of her senior brothers, and then

Later, he introduced Zhao Yang to several fellow apprentices.

However, Zhao Yang noticed that Piao Miao's senior brothers treated him with contempt.

Fortunately, they didn't say anything on the surface.

At this moment, an uneasy voice came from a distance.

"what are you doing?"

This is Huang Yuyao's voice.

Zhao Yang stood up when he heard this.

I saw a young man in brocade clothes standing in front of Huang Yuyao. Seeing Huang Yuyao's constant struggle, the young man angrily gave her a mouthful, "Bitch, it's your luck that I see you, but you are still struggling. Do you want to die?"

Huang Yuyao burst into tears with grievances, she looked at the blue crucian carp and Qing Wuyuan as if asking for help, but neither of them dared to stand out.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yang walked over from a distance.

When Huang Yuyao saw Zhao Yang, she seemed to have seen a life-saving straw. She hurried to Zhao Yang and said with red eyes, "I don't know what's going on. He wanted to take me away when he came up. If I refused, he gave me I slap."

"Him?" Zhao Yang pointed at the man in brocade clothes.



To everyone's surprise, Zhao Yang slapped the man in brocade clothes backhand.

"You dare to hit me?" the brocade-clothed man stared at Zhao Yang in a daze.


The half-step taboo Wuhun Wuhen is activated.

The murderous intent all over the sky wiped out the man in brocade clothes in an instant.

Seeing the man in brocade clothes turned into pieces, all the monks present were shocked.

This is where?

This is outside the soul world!

How dare Zhao Yang, how could he do anything to the disciples of the Four Elephants Sect?

Fortunately, the man in brocade clothes was in the God Emperor Realm, and his figure soon appeared in midair.

"Master Zhao, this is my true disciple of the Four Elephants Sect. I don't know how he offended you and needs you to kill him?" A young man in blue asked with a bad look.

"I'm going to take away the girl in front of everyone, can't I kill it?" Zhao Yang pointed at the man in brocade and snapped.

"Isn't this nothing happening?"

"That's right, even if he is at fault, he is not guilty of death."

Piao Miao's senior brothers were all accusing Zhao Yang of his faults.

"Is it in your hearts that women from your hometown can be bullied at will?" Zhao Yang sneered, "Even if she is the master of a clan, she should be your plaything?"

Zhao Yang's words were too heavy.

"Don't put a hat on our heads."

"We never said that."

"Pay attention to your words." The three men quickly changed their expressions.

Piao Miao pondered for a while and said in a deep voice, "Zhanlan, are you convicted?"

Zhan Lan's eyes flickered and replied, "Senior Sister Piao Miao, I don't know what crime I have committed? I just want to drag that girl to eat

Wine, as for being shot and killed once? "

Being killed doesn't mean you lose nothing, it will hurt your vitality, okay?

"The first time we met, I'll take your mother's hand to drink, is that okay?" Zhao Yang retorted.

"How do you talk?" The man in brocade clothes became anxious immediately.

"Your analogy is not appropriate at all." The man in blue also said beside him.

"I'll take your mother's hand to drink, okay?" Zhao Yang looked at the man in blue and said.

"You...?" The man in blue glared at Zhao Yang.

"At any rate, I also have the existence of the taboo. You said that if I told the suzerain of the Four Elephant Sect, I said that I would join your Four Elephant Sect on the condition that I marry your mother. Do you think your suzerain will agree?" Zhao Yang Looking at the man in blue, he said.

"You..." The face of the man in blue turned green.

But he also had to admit that the suzerain of the Four Elephant Sect would probably agree.

"I don't think your suzerain will refuse, so I will be your father from now on, right?" Zhao Yang said again.

The expression of the man in blue at this time was as if he had eaten shit, and he regretted that he should not have taken this muddy water.

The other men didn't dare to talk nonsense at this time.

This guy Zhao Yang is not jealous, who knows what he will say?

"Fairy Misty, I'm sorry for such a fact." Zhao Yang looked at Piao Miao at this moment, "In this way, Huang Yuyao and I left.


"This incident is the fault of my disciples of the Four Elephants Sect." Piao Miao said in a deep voice, "I also want to thank you for teaching that kid a good lesson." After a pause, she continued, "I said before that I would take you to the Jingjing Huangquan , then I will definitely take you there.”

Looking at Piao Miao's firm eyes, Zhao Yang hesitated for a moment but nodded.

"That's annoying."

After speaking, Zhao Yang took Huang Yuyao to a corner and sat down.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I've affected you again." Huang Yuyao looked at Zhao Yang apologetically and said.

"I don't care. It's mainly about you. I'm worried that you will be targeted by Soul Sky Continent in the future." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Don't look at Zhao Yang killing the opponent instantly with one move, the main reason is that there is too much difference between the two sides.

"The man in brocade clothes seems to be Song Zhuo'en, one of the nine true disciples of the Four Elephants Sect." Huang Yuyao said cautiously.

"This guy will become a half-step taboo power if nothing happens in the future." Zhao Yang nodded, "With his energy in the Four Elephant Sect, if he targets you or the Shenyuan Sect in the future, I think it will be very difficult for you." Handle."

Hearing this, Huang Yuyao fell silent, and after a while Huang Yuyao raised her eyes, "Young Master Zhao, can Shenyuanzong become a subsidiary sect of your Yanhuangzong?"

"Can you represent Shenyuanzong?"

"Anyone who is unwilling can leave Shenyuanzong." Huang Yuyao said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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