Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1818 Yan Huangzong's Strength

"But you don't need to worry too much, I'll talk to some friends." After comforting him, the alchemist found the patriarch and explained to the patriarch that the god emperor was poisoned.

"Poisoned?" The patriarch's expression changed involuntarily, "What kind of poison did he get?"

"This kind of poison acts on the soul, it's a very sinister poison, I suspect it's been controlled." The alchemist expressed his concern.

After hearing this, the patriarch of the death line immediately rushed to the elder's courtyard with several elders.

"Death Flame, what's the matter with the poison on your body?" the patriarch said straight to the point.

Death Flame fell silent.

"Are you still going to hide it at this time?" the patriarch snapped.

"All the emperors you sent to the Death Continent have fallen." Death Flame said slowly after a while.


The face of the patriarch who heard the death line here changed greatly.

You must know that he sent twelve peak god emperors, 28 high-level god emperors, 86 mid-stage god emperors, and 280 five early-stage god emperors. It can be said that one-third of the middle and high-level god emperors were sent there. up.

But now Death Flame told him that they were all dead.

"Impossible." The patriarch said with red eyes, "How could their lineup be easily taken down?"

He doesn't believe it.

Several elders present did not believe it either.

die immediately

Yan Zhi told everything he knew.

"God's Domain." An elder said in a deep voice, "Shenyu's ranking has changed the most these years. It used to be around 240, but now it's ranked [-]th and [-]th."

"God's Domain?" the patriarch said with a sinking face, "Immediately assemble the army and prepare to attack God's Domain."

While the ancestral court of the Death Continent was gathering, Zhao Yang contacted Shenyu and Zhao's ancestral court through battleships.

Shenyu and the Zhao Clan immediately dispatched a large number of elites to arrive quickly on the battleship of the Emperor's peak.

"Why do you want to attack death all of a sudden?" Zhao Zu asked puzzled.

"The death lineage sent spies to the death continent, so the news that we killed their strong man is destined to be hidden."

"But isn't it too hasty for us to fight the death line now?" Dazu put forward his own opinion.

"Normally, it's a bit hasty, but many of the death lineages have been poisoned." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "The strength of the god emperor's peak will drop by one-third, and the strength of the god emperor's high-level will drop by more than half. The mid-level god emperors will drop by two-thirds, and the early god emperors have almost lost their combat effectiveness."

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

"I left a very strong concentration of toxins on that spy's body, from the moment he walked into their ethnic group's mountain protection formation

, the toxin quickly spread towards their entire group. "Zhao Yang said lightly, "Now the toxin is still fermenting. "

"Will we also be poisoned when we go up?" the Sixth Patriarch asked hastily.

"I control the volatilization of the toxin within one hour, but now two hours have passed." Zhao Yang said calmly, "So let's rush in now, without worrying about being infected."

"Uncle Clan, are you a poison master?" Zhao Mingli asked in surprise.

"I am an alchemist." Zhao Yang said seriously.

It has been a long time since the death line has fought a large-scale war, so it took more than an hour to mobilize the legion.

And just when the death army was preparing to go to God's Domain, they were surprised to find that they were surrounded by warships.

The Zhao clan and the Yanhuang sect almost emptied their family fortunes this time in order to destroy the death clan.

For example, the Zhao family transferred all the warships and puppets of the God Emperor class here this time, and even the warships of the instant messaging system were transferred here.

The same is true for Yanhuangzong.

The patriarch of the death line saw this scene, and his heart gradually sank.

There were only 24 peak god emperors left in the lineage of death, but the Zhao clan brought 39 peak god emperors, and the Yanhuang sect dispatched [-] peak god emperors.

This pair of death lines has formed a crushing situation.


There are still 67 high-ranking god emperors of the dead lineage, the Zhao clan brought [-], and the Yanhuangzong brought [-]. Shenyu also retains an advantage in this realm.

There are 230 three god emperors in the middle stage of the death lineage, the Zhao clan brought 480 gods, and the Yanhuangzong dispatched [-] gods. The domain of the gods also has many advantages in this realm.

There are 720 four statues in the early days of the death lineage god emperor, the Zhao clan brought 22 statues, but the Yanhuangzong brought [-] statues (they are all monks of the Yanhuangzong Supreme Legion), the domain of the gods is here The realm formed a tendency to crush.

Admittedly he is half-step taboo.

He can compete against three peak god emperors, or even four, or even more.

But the advantage of God's Domain is too obvious.

"Do you want to kill them all in God's Domain?" the patriarch of the death lineage looked at Zhao Zu coldly and said.

Zhao Zu looked at Zhao Yang.

"All the battleships listened to my orders and fired forward."

Following Zhao Yang's words, the main guns and secondary guns of hundreds of warships blasted towards the ancestral court of death.

How spectacular are those scenes!

Do you know how many casualties there were in the Death Continent all of a sudden?

Immediately, the war puppets took the lead, and they acted as sharp knives. They were not afraid of death, and immediately disrupted the formation of the death continent.

Then the battleship continued to bombard the glory of order from behind, and the flames

Only then did Huang Zong and Zhao's lineage make a quick move.

Zhao Yang summoned the military soul.

When the flag of Jun Wuhun was planted in the air, the monks on the side of God's Realm suddenly felt their fighting power soar.

"what happened?"

"Why is my combat power imprisoned so much?"

"I've been poisoned."

"When did I get poisoned?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

The Emperor of the Dead Continent was shocked to find that he had been poisoned before he could fight back.

Even the patriarch of the half-step taboo death lineage felt that his combat effectiveness had dropped a little.


But the battle is still to be fought.

He is full of energy and blood, and his fighting power is unparalleled.

Therefore, God's Domain arranged for him three war puppets of the peak of the god emperor and two warships of the peak of the god emperor.

Zhao Yang's eyes searched among the crowd like a falcon, and soon his eyes were fixed on a figure, "Dead Fang Sheng, where are you going?"

At this time, Fang Sheng's heart panicked.

He thought he was hiding well, but how did Zhao Yang find out?

He ignored Zhao Yang and continued to flee outwards.

As a result, Zhao Yang's figure flashed in front of him.

"I'm ready to leave quietly, why do you still stop me?" Fang Sheng's eyes were full of murderous intent when he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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