Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1819 Shocking Lin Caihan


Why are you pushing me?

Fang Sheng wanted to leave so quietly?

"Your threat is greater than that of your ancestor of the death line. Do you think I will easily forgive you?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"I know you defeated Xue Shanhe, but I'm not weaker than Xue Shanhe." Si Fang Sheng looked at Zhao Yang with pity.

"When did Blood Mountains and Rivers become the standard for judging masters?" Zhao Yang laughed, "But since you want to play, I will play with you."



Zhao Yang's current cultivation base is getting more and more profound.

Even if it is the top few, he will not be afraid.

Fang Sheng shouted loudly, and he rushed towards Zhao Yang, but when the two sides were about to collide, two figures suddenly sprang out from behind him.

The dead Fang Sheng turned around and quickly fled towards the distance.

In fact, it's good for him to be afraid of Zhao Yang, but it's not enough to run away. The main reason is that he doesn't want to be entangled, and he won't even have the right to run away.

Zhao Yang seemed to have expected something long ago, his big hand grabbed towards the void, and the power of mountains and rivers turned into ropes, entangled Fang Sheng who was fleeing in the distance.

He looked at the two battle puppets in front of him, and summoned the two gods in his body, "Kill them."

Immediately, he jumped like a dragon and rushed in front of Fang Sheng, holding the bronze stove of heaven and earth, and facing Fang Sheng

He smashed it hard.

He didn't want to waste time, so he released his big move right away.

Today's Tiandi Copper Furnace is more prosperous than before, and it is also more terrifying.

When it traverses the void, the world is dying, and the dead side has no choice but to fight hard.

Only when he really resisted did Fang Sheng realize how terrifying the Copper Furnace of Heaven and Earth is.

His internal organs were shaking violently, and blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

"how is this possible?"

"How could this guy hit Fang Sheng hard with one blow?"

"Dead Fang Sheng is also an existence who has received a taboo order."

The powerhouses on the death continent felt incredible.

In fact, Fang Sheng was not so unbearable, it was just because he didn't have the heart to fight to the death, and his single-minded escape affected his combat effectiveness.

But overall he is still inferior to Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang rushed towards him again carrying the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove.

The strong ones on the Death Continent are rapidly withering. Not to mention they are poisoned, the fighting power on the God's Domain has also been increased.




In less than an hour, hundreds of god emperors fell on the death continent.

And the more god emperors fall on their side, the faster their side will collapse.

Zhao Yang also killed Fang Sheng at this time.

After killing the dead side wins

Zhao Yang took out the taboo order, and when the brilliance of the taboo order enveloped the entire Death Ancestral Court, the Emperor of the Death Ancestral Court, including the patriarch who was half-step taboo, was all imprisoned in midair.

"Dead sorghum, where have you been?" At this moment, the patriarch of the death line shouted loudly.

Hearing the patriarch's shout, Dead Sorghum, who was hiding in the dark, hated the patriarch to death, because he had rushed to the edge and was not far away from breaking through.

But now he has been exposed.

"Patriarch, aren't you cheating me?" After the dead sorghum was pointed out by the tribe, he said bitterly.

"How long will you wait if you don't use the king's order at this time?" the patriarch said angrily.

"Can the ending be changed after using the King's Token?" Dead Sorghum said helplessly, "Our ancestral court of death is already doomed. Do you think we can turn things around?"

"Are you just watching the clansmen being killed?" the patriarch glared at the dead sorghum.

Dead sorghum reluctantly used the king's order.

The king's order can also imprison the opponent's god emperor, but it has no ability to imprison the opponent's taboo strong.

When the two forces collided in mid-air, the force that imprisoned the death line disappeared.

At this moment, Dead Gaoliang noticed that Zhao Yang's eyes were on him.

He knew that he was being targeted by Zhao Yang.

Furthermore, there is no strong man on the mainland of death who can protect himself.

death is better than that

All of them were killed by Zhao Yang, how could he survive?

It didn't take long for the dead sorghum to be killed by Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang's taboo order played a role again.

The patriarch of the Death Continent watched desolately as his clansmen were killed one by one, unable to speak for a long time.

When he was the only living person left in the entire ancestral court, Zhao Zu stepped forward, "It's time to send you on your way."

"If your Zhao Clan hadn't produced a Zhao Yang, your Divine Realm would not have won." The patriarch's face was full of sadness.

"The strong prey on the weak, these years outside the territory, don't you understand this truth?"

The patriarch was silent.

In the end he was killed.

The next step is to clean up the battlefield.

Zhao Yang is not interested.

He quickly retreated with Yan Huangzong's army.

Zhao Zu quickly cleaned the battlefield while ordering the communication system to restore.

This time it can be said that he made a lot of money.

But soon Zhao Zu contacted Zhao Yang. Some battleships and puppets were damaged in this battle, and the battleships and puppets also needed to replenish their energy sources.

Zhao Yang asked Zhao Zu to wait.

Because Lin Caihan is not far from the middle level of the God Emperor Realm at this time.

About half a year later, Lin Caihan successfully broke through to the middle level of the God Emperor. It took her half a year to stabilize her cultivation and improve her supernatural powers.

Lin Caihan found Zhao Yang immediately after leaving the customs that day.

she is fast

It turned out that God Emperor Zhao Yang had gone a long way in the middle class, because she realized that she couldn't see through his realm.

"Next you will be busy." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Give me some more time and I will be able to build the high-level battleship of the Emperor." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

She has always wanted to help Zhao Yang, and she also felt that the cost of buying a battleship was too high.

If she builds the battleship, the cost will drop ten times.

"Don't worry about the high-level warships of the God Emperor, you repair the damaged warships first." Zhao Yang said softly.

"After my Qi Dao level is further improved, I can try to repair the damaged warships and puppets of the God Emperor, but now the high-level warships and puppets of the God Emperor are still fine." Lin Caihan said softly.

She has this self-confidence and this strength.

Later, Lin Caihan practiced the high-level warships and puppets of the Emperor Yan Huangzong while studying.

It took her a year to almost restore Yanhuangzong's battle puppets and battleships, and then Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan and set off for the Zhao clan.

At this time, Zhao Zu really saw Lin Caihan for the first time.

For Zhao Yang's wife, Zhao Zu and other elders gave great respect.

And when they saw Lin Caihan repairing the high-ranking warships and puppets of the God Emperor, all the top leaders of the Zhao clan were shocked.

"Zhao Yang, can your wife repair the God Emperor's high-level battleship?" Da Zu asked with wide-eyed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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