"Thirty battleships of the mid-tier God Emperor?" Zhao Zu looked at Zhao Yang and said, "There are only twenty mid-tier God Emperor ships here."

"It's fine to dispatch ten ships from your side, and the remaining Yanhuangzong will go there."

"I still have a question." Dazu said in a deep voice.

"You said."

"The warships of the mid-level God Emperor are not strong outside the domain, but they are not weak. I think it should be a better match between the high-level God Emperor and the peak God Emperor."

"The Great Ancestor said it well." Zhao Yang also felt that the Great Ancestor's suggestion was good, "Then, every third ship has a high-level God Emperor, and each terminal is controlled by the peak of the God Emperor."

"Peak god emperors can hide well, but mid-level god emperors may not be able to hide well." The third ancestor raised another doubt at this time.

"In this way, all the early stage will be replaced by the God Emperor's peak, and then I will build a concealed formation on the God Emperor's middle-level and God-Emperor high-level battleships." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Zhao Yang, do you know how many divine stones will be consumed?" Zhao Zu asked a crucial question.

Building a smooth network is no joke.

"I calculated that the annual consumption of divine stones must reach at least 30 billion." Dazu said worriedly.

Although it is said that the Zhao family no longer lacks divine stones, it still costs them so much every year just to build a network, and they still feel distressed for a while.


What is most lacking now is time, as long as we are given some more time, let alone the Death Continent, so what if it is the Soul Sky Continent? "Zhao Yang said lightly, "If the ancestor is not willing to pay the money, I can give it all. "

"You child, where does the ancestor mean this?" Zhao Zu said helplessly, "I just listen to you."

Zhao Yang then set up a formation to conceal the aura on each of the mid-level battleships of the God Emperor.

Of course, this is not done by himself, but with the help of the eight gods.

Since the rules of the battleship are really not big, a formation is built in three days.

It took Zhao Yang more than two months to finally build a complete network. From now on, any message sent by the ancestral court, the transfer station, the rear area, and Yanhuangzong can be received by the other party immediately. .

After Zhao Zu and others felt the timeliness of the news, they also felt that Zhao Yang's structure was extremely useful.

After the communication network was built, Zhao Yang did not leave, but built three new mountain guard formations in the ancestral court.

It was already half a year after it was fully built.

Zhao Yang handed the formation scroll to Zhao Zu, "This is the mountain protection formation of the three peak god emperors."

"The mountain protection formation at the peak of the emperor?" Zhao Zu was moved.

This is a good hole card.

Zhao Yang gave Zhao Zu two taboo-breaking talismans, "This is a taboo-breaking talisman, which can deal with the King's Order,

Taboo. "

When Zhao Yang explained the function of the forbidden talisman, Zhao Zu's eyes revealed an inconceivable look.

"Wouldn't you think there is such a magical thing between heaven and earth?"

"I've been outside the domain long enough, and it's time for me to return to the domain of God."

"Well, I have something to contact."

After Zhao Yang returned to God's Domain, the tense spirit during this period was relieved a lot.

To be honest, he has been worried that the Death Continent will know.

It doesn't matter now.

The real-time communication network has been established, even if the elite of the Death Continent is exhausted, the Yanhuangzong and Zhao clan can resist it.

The next step is to practice step by step.

But what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that ten years had passed, and everything on the Death Continent was safe and sound.

This had to make him wonder if those monks came here to preach and dispel doubts?

But this is a good thing for Yanhuangzong.

In this way, another three years passed.

On this day, spies from the Death Continent reported the appearance of people from outside the territory.

Zhao Yang drove the battleship to go there immediately, and the one who came was a high-level existence of the emperor.

Zhao Yang used the taboo order to subdue that man and asked for relevant news.

"What did the previous batch of monks come to the Death Continent?"

"Preaching and resolving doubts, the time limit is ten years."

"What are you doing here?"

"Urge the powerhouses of the Death Continent to go back, because the agreed date has passed

child. "

"Who is the one who has the taboo in your death continent?"

"Death wins."

"Where is he?"

"The ancestral home of the mainland of death."

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, he said, "Take me there."

Hearing that the high-level existence of the God Emperor couldn't help but change color, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course he was killed."

"No." The high-level existence of the emperor said without thinking, "If that's the case, I would rather die."

Zhao Yang stared at the high-ranking God Emperor for a long time before saying, "Our God's Domain doesn't want to have an enmity with you Death Continent, so I just need you to delay for a while."


"You mean that the previous batch of monks are still preaching and dispelling doubts, and they want to stay in the continent of death for another ten years." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Of course, if you say longer time, I guess they don't believe it either."

"That's fine." His eyes flickered.

"You need to take this." Zhao Yang slapped his mouth open and force-fed him a pill.

The pill quickly spread through his body, and then into his soul.

"What did you eat for me?" the emperor changed color.

"This kind of poison affects your soul, even if you commit suicide, it won't help." Zhao Yang said lightly, "You can betray me after you go back, but you will die in an ugly way."


At the end, Zhao Yang drove the battleship and personally sent this high-ranking guy of the God Emperor to an area not far from the Death Continent.

"I think you know better than me what to say when you go back." Zhao Yang patted the other person on the shoulder.

After the other party left, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

Zhao Yang has only used formation methods these years, but he does not know that his alchemy method is not inferior.

Even if the poison he poisoned was inadvertent at the peak of the god emperor, it would be unlucky.

What that person didn't know was that he was covered with toxins all over his body at this time. The moment he stepped into the ancestral home of the Death Continent, the death horn of the Death Continent sounded.

The existence of the mid-term God Emperor went to the patriarch of the death line, and the patriarch of the death line was discussing the current situation with several high-level members of the clan.

"Are they going to stay in the Death Continent for another ten years?" The patriarch who heard the death line here frowned.

"They are probably obsessed with the prosperity of the Death Continent." An elder said with a smile.

"Let them stay if they want to." Another elder said indifferently, "Anyway, we have nothing to do, right?"

The god emperor stepped back immediately.

After returning to his courtyard, he thought twice and ordered the guards to find the alchemist in the clan.

This alchemist is also a high-level existence of the emperor.

After checking, his expression became serious, "You are indeed poisoned, but I don't know what kind of poison you got."

(End of this chapter)

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