Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1794 Revocation of the wanted warrant

Xianya is worried.

But at this time she can't do anything.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

When Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the limit of the god king, he found that the words on his token had also changed.

"Taboo Order."

"Senior, what does this taboo order mean?"

"Now you carry the power of creation of the five steles. It can be said that as long as you don't fall, you will become a taboo powerhouse in the future." The stele said at this time, "And with this taboo order, even if it is the middle period of the taboo Existence, as long as he appears near you, you can also imprison him."

Taboo middle period!

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

This means that he can imprison the source worms in the moat.

But then it occurred to him that he could only imprison.

As for killing, don't even think about it.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

However, Zhao Yang was very satisfied with the result.

When he stepped out of the stele, he saw hundreds of god kings surrounding him.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Why, didn't I kill hard enough in the fourth level?"

"Zhao Yang, it's no big deal for you to leave your name on the stele of the fifth pass." A figure walked towards Zhao Yang.

The blood energy in his body soared to the sky, shaking the world.

Zhao Yang couldn't help squinting his eyes, he knew that the other party was a master.

But he's not good either

Frightened, his cultivation base has just been raised to the limit of a god king, and he also wants to know how much stronger he is.

"I want to beat you, there is not much problem." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Defeat me?" When Xue Shanhe said this, the blood on his body turned into a thick cloud of lead and crushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang launched the Eternal Immortality Art.

When the breath around him changed, a black hole appeared behind him.

The two sides are constantly pulling and colliding.

Xue Shanhe saw that he failed to take down Zhao Yang, so he pointed to the front of the fifth pass and said, "If we have the ability, let's go there and fight."

"No problem, but I need a bet."

"Bet? What do you want to bet on?" Xue Shanhe said with narrowed eyes.

"One trillion divine stones." To everyone's surprise, Zhao Yang stretched out a finger.

In fact, Zhao Yang does not lack divine stones, but whether it is a battleship or puppet in the God King Realm, or a battleship or a battle puppet in the God Emperor Realm, they all need high-grade divine stones to operate, so this is why Zhao Yang bet on the divine stones?

"You have a big appetite." Xue Shanhe sneered.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and four gods appeared beside him, "You don't have to bet or give, but we will take it."

Xue Shanhe stared at the four figures for a while before saying, "You four are sure you want to follow this guy all the way to the dark?"

As a result, the four just looked at him sarcastically.

Xue Shanhe suddenly realized that it was unrealistic to persuade them.

"Okay, you and I fight, if I defeat you, you need to give me a trillion god stones, and at the same time, you need to guarantee that you will not target us at the Four Seas Casino in the future; if you defeat me, I will give you a trillion god stones, of course we Four Seas Casino will never target you again."

After Zhao Yang left his name on the fifth stele, it was not something that Sihai Casino could do casually.

If there is no accident, Zhao Yang will become a taboo powerhouse in the future.

Taboo strong!

As soon as Zhao Yang pondered for a moment, he understood that the Four Seas Casino was afraid of him.

He didn't reveal it either, "Yes."

So the two sides rushed towards the outside of the fifth pass.

After tens of thousands of kilometers away from the fifth pass, the two of them shot at the same time.

Xue Shanhe used a long knife, and the knife's intent spanned three thousand miles, causing the void to wither.

What Zhao Yang wielded was a battle sword, and the meaning of the sword was like the Yangtze River, which stretched for three thousand kilometers.

This is the collision of sword intent and sword intent. The two sides fought back and forth, fighting dozens of moves in the void, but neither could suppress the other?

"Blood Mountain River's sword intent and Zhao Yang's sword intent have reached the peak of the God King Realm."

"They should have touched the barrier with each other."

"That's right, this is the bottleneck of the battle power of the God King Realm."

At this time, besides the great god kings, there are also a large number of god emperor powerhouses who are paying attention to this battle.

Zhao Yang also realized this.

But then his sword intent skyrocketed on the basis of the original.

The sword light is as bright as the Milky Way.

Xue Shanhe was forced to retreat.


Two steps!

Three steps!

Xue Shanhe backed up six steps before stopping. He looked at a sword mark on his shoulder, and his eyes showed disbelief, "How could you break the barrier of combat power?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth, "Is it difficult to break the barrier of combat power?"

Just now he used the half-step taboo martial soul sword martial soul.

The sword spirit provided blessings for Zhao Yang's sword intent.

"Come again." When Xue Shanhe said this, his blood was surging like a tide, turning the world behind him into a wave of blood, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand became even more terrifying.

"Blood Mountain and River also broke the barrier of combat power."

"He used his own blood, and he doesn't know if it will hurt the source."

"Being able to break through the barrier of combat power is already a genius in the sky."

Just as everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang's big hand grabbed towards the void, and then the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace, spouting endless Taoist true meaning, appeared.

When he was carrying the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove, his eyes became solemn.


The Copper Furnace of Heaven and Earth became the primordial universe, smashing down the space in front of it.

Xue Shanhe snorted, he

He staggered for a few steps, and just after standing firmly on his side, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked at Zhao Yang's precarious figure, "You... how could you be so tyrannical?"

"Do you want to continue?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

The Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace integrated Zhao Yang's four avenues, and the avenues after the four fusions surpassed the barrier of combat power. This is why it was able to severely damage Xueshanhe?

"I lost." Xue Shanhe said after being silent for a while.

"Give me the money." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xue Shanhe looked at a divine emperor standing in the distance.

The god emperor fled away.

Soon the god emperor returned to this place, and then threw a Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang, "There are a trillion god stones here, I hope we can turn hostility into jade in the future."

"You Four Seas Casino is still looking for me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The arrest warrant has been withdrawn." The emperor said solemnly.

Who doesn't want to have a grudge with such an existence with unlimited potential?

"But my brother is waiting for you at the sixth level." Xue Shanhe said suddenly at this time.

"Blood Cloth?"

Xue Shanhe nodded.

"Is the Blood Cloth very strong?"

"My brother is much stronger than me, at least stronger than what you are showing right now." Xue Shanhe replied, "He will definitely be your strong enemy."

"I'm looking forward to it." Zhao Yang said, looking in the direction of the sixth level.

(End of this chapter)

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