Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1795 The Strong Attacks

Longyuan Continent!

After this continent collided with Shenyu and Huntian Continent, people on both sides of Shenyu and Huntian Continent were panicked.

Because after their research, they found that Longyuan Continent is much vaster than their two continents.

Generally speaking, the vaster the continent, the stronger the civilization of the continent.

During this period, the blue crucian carp from Soul Sky Continent went to Yanhuangzong to look for Zhao Yang, but was told that Zhao Yang was in seclusion and it was inconvenient to see guests.

The blue crucian carp came again this day.

"In three days' time, the two continents will collide completely." The blue crucian carp came to Yanhuangzong this day and said worriedly.

"Even if the two continents collide, if they want to come over, they will still be suppressed by the law of heaven." Lin Caihan comforted.

"Is Zhao Yang not in Yanhuangzong?" Blue crucian carp asked suddenly.

Lin Caihan was silent for a while, then nodded, "He is heading for the forbidden road."

"When does he come back?"

"It should be soon."

"There must be a peak God Emperor on that continent. Once they decide to invade us, to be honest, we won't be able to stop them." Blue crucian carp said solemnly.

"Even if there are peak god emperors on that continent, I don't think this number will be too many." Lin Caihan said carefully, "Once they decide to make a move, we will help as soon as possible."

"How many high-ranking emperors are there in Yanhuangzong?"

"Three battleships, three war puppets." Lin Caihan said his hole card.

"That's better." The blue crucian carp said softly.

The two continents can't have the existence of the peak of the Eight God Emperors at the same time, can they?

Three days later, five figures appeared above the Soul Sky Continent.

The aura from these five figures made Miaoxuan and Qinghongyu's complexions change wildly in Soul Sky Continent, and the blue crucian carp contacted Lin Caihan immediately.

Lin Caihan hastily mobilized three warships and two war puppets to Soul Sky Continent.

Above the Soul Sky Continent.

A figure said with a sarcasm, "You two are the only decent masters in your continent?"

Miaoxuan was silent.

"What do you want to do?" Qing Hongyu asked in a deep voice.

"You don't understand the law of the jungle, do you?" the figure laughed.

"You want to seize our continent?" Qing Hongyu suddenly realized.

"To be precise, your continent must submit to us, only in this way will you not be purged." The figure just said this and looked into the distance.

He saw three warships galloping towards them.

"Three high-level warships of the Emperor."

"Fun and interesting."

"It seems that this continent still has some background."

"I just don't know where they got the three God Emperor's high-level ships.

battleship. "The other four figures looked at each other and said one after another.

When the battleship was not far away from them, Lin Caihan stood at the bow of the battleship, "Lin Caihan has seen five seniors."

"Are these warships yours?" An old man in Tsing Yi asked.


"Where do these warships come from?"

"These warships were purchased by my husband from the Forbidden Road."

"Who is your husband?" The old man in Tsing Yi asked hurriedly.

"Zhao Yang."

"The King Zhao Yang?" The old man in blue changed his expression.

Lin Caihan nodded, "My husband left his name on the four steles one after another."

"Where is your husband now?"

"My husband is now passing the fifth level on the forbidden road, and I think he will be back soon." Lin Caihan said frankly.

Some things need not be hidden.

The faces of the five powerhouses all became serious.

Who dares to ignore the king?

You must know that the king has the ability to kill them.

"Are you from Soul Sky Continent?" the old man in Xuanyi asked.

"God's Domain." Lin Caihan pointed to the distance and said, "A continent smaller than Soul Sky Continent."

"We won't touch your God's Domain, but..." Lin Caihan interrupted the old man in blue just as he said this, "Senior, God's Domain and Soul Sky Continent are advancing and retreating together."

"Are you threatening me?" The blue-shirted old man stared at Lin Caihan.

There was already a hint of murder in his heart.

"My husband said before he left three years ago that he would come back in three years, and now the time is coming soon." Lin Caihan said neither humble nor overbearing, "Furthermore, the five seniors are suppressed by the law of heaven, and your strength will be fully displayed. Not much. I think my three battleships will be desperate, and they can still stop a few seniors for several years."

Lin Caihan didn't say the next words, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

As long as Zhao Yang returns, it will naturally be settled at that time.

The blue-shirted old man was about to say something, but the green-clothed old man stopped him, "Our Longyuan Continent just wants to have friendly exchanges with your two continents."

"After my husband returns, we are discussing friendly exchanges." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

After pondering for a moment, the five powerhouses left one after another.

"What should we do next?" Miao Xuan said with some concern.

"I will leave a warship and a war puppet here." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

"The crisis here is temporarily lifted, but I don't know what's going on with that continent?" Qing Hongyu pointed to another continent.

The aura emanating from that continent is gloomy, giving people a bad feeling.

"I'll find out in a month." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

To be honest, she has no idea about that continent.

She can only pray that Zhao Yang will return soon.

At this time, Zhao Yang was already far away from the crack.

Not far away.

He is adjusting his state, and he wants to attack the God Emperor on the taboo road.

A month passed like this, and Zhao Yang's state reached its peak. At this moment, he stretched his hands, and the energy in his body surged out.

When the energy reaches a standard, it will soon lead to catastrophe.

The catastrophe came.

At the same time, that continent also ended its collision with God's Domain, and then several figures rushed over aggressively.

The warships stationed here immediately issued a warning.


These figures were filled with monstrous death energy, and they looked more like evil spirits.

His eyes were cold and unfeeling.


They shot immediately.

Fortunately, Lin Caihan had already dispatched the two war puppets here.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to handle it at all.

But after all, they are the pinnacle of the God Emperor Realm, even if they are suppressed by the Heavenly Dao of the God Realm, they are still losing ground and fighting puppets and warships.

Seeing this scene, Lin Caihan decisively transferred back the warships and war puppets stationed in Soul Sky Continent.

With the addition of these two, the situation improved.

Seeing that they couldn't take advantage, the four strong men retreated back, but before leaving, they said to wait and see.

Lin Caihan looked at the direction of the crack worriedly and said, "Husband, when will you come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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