Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1793 Blood Mountains and Rivers

The eyes of these young men and women all lit up.

They didn't expect that another village would be bright and bright, and that someone would help when life and death were on the line.

After all the twelve beasts were killed, they thanked Zhao Yang excitedly.

And the group of young men and women before looked at them with pity.

The same is true.

"Actually, it's selfish for me to help you all." Zhao Yang said shyly.

"Sir, tell me, what do we need?"

"Yeah, as long as we can help, you can just ask."

Seeing this group of guys say this, Zhao Yang felt no guilt, "I need you as bait."

What do people not understand?

But after Zhao Yang explained, their faces turned green.

"Actually, you don't need to worry. Look at the dozen or so unlucky guys, aren't they all right?" Zhao Yang pointed to the group of people on the battleship.

The eight young men and women pondered for a while and decided to help.

Because it won't work if you don't help.

Zhao Yang will definitely not let them go.

And with the addition of these eight monks, Zhao Yang's points earned faster.

In this way, another year or so passed, and Zhao Yang's total points reached 840 two points.

At this time, three years have passed since he left God's Domain.

"Next, we have to speed up the progress." Zhao Yang murmured.

tell the truth till now

Before he knew how far he was from the fifth level?

Then Zhao Yang started to move forward quickly. Of course, if he encountered fierce beasts along the way, he would kill them together with the gods.

It took more than a year like this, and he finally saw the city of the fifth pass.

At this time, his points reached 340 five points.

"Finally saw the fifth level."

"I live in fear every day."

"Fortunately, such days are not over."

Just when these monks were extremely pleasantly surprised, they found that Zhao Yang turned around and left in the battleship.

"Young master, what are you doing?" Xian Ya hurriedly asked.

"I haven't collected enough points yet, I'll go kill another wave, and then we'll go back." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang went retrograde for a month before stopping, and then built a killing formation here.

He stayed like this for another six months. After his total points reached [-], Zhao Yang drove the battleship back to the fifth stage.

Before the fifth gate, Zhao Yang released everyone from the imprisonment.

"Although I said that I used you as bait for this journey, but I also sent you here safely." Zhao Yang looked at the crowd and said, "From now on, we will each go our own way."

Just as Zhao Yang was about to leave, Xianya asked, "I don't know your name yet?"

"I don't think you should know."



You will know. "Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

As soon as Zhao Yang came to the fifth pass, he noticed that the soldiers guarding the city looked at him differently.

But he still let Zhao Yang pass the level smoothly.

And Zhao Yang didn't stay where he was, he went directly to the stone tablet of the fifth pass.

He had already wasted four years, he was worried that something might happen to God's Domain, and he wanted to rush back as soon as possible.

There are hundreds of monks standing in front of the stele. These monks are famous god kings. They are discussing the names on the stele.

At this time, a god king was dawdling about making a move, but after waiting for a few breaths, Zhao Yang still didn't make a move. Zhao Yang went over and kicked him aside.

"piss off."

The god king was about to say something when he saw a copper furnace appearing under Zhao Yang's palm, and in that copper furnace was spitting out one after another mysterious Taoist true meaning.

He immediately shut his mouth.

He knew very well that he was definitely not this opponent.

And Zhao Yang's combat power at this time is much stronger than before. He has spent most of the past four years in combat, even with the help of the eight gods.


When the Tiandi copper furnace bombarded the stone tablet, the stone tablet shook once, twice, and three times, and finally a tyrannical force of nature enveloped him.

"The stele leaves a name."

"Another boss is here."

"The stele will

In order to directly push it to the point where it is infinitely close to the emperor. "

"Yes, it is destined to be an earth-shattering existence in the future."

Zhao Yang felt the power of creation injected into his body, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Senior, my points have reached nine thousand."

"According to the rules, you can choose a battle puppet or a battleship." The voice of the stone tablet rang in his ears.

"I want three warships of the peak of the god emperor and three war puppets of the peak of the god emperor." Zhao Yang said quickly.

Did he think about what he wanted before he came?

After Zhao Yang's voice, a universe bag landed in front of him.

"There are three warships of the peak of the god emperor and three war puppets of the peak of the god emperor in the Qiankun bag." Zhao Yang felt a mysterious force pouring into his body at this point in the stele, and at the same time he felt his own Cultivation is also improving rapidly.

"Senior, is this...?"

"This is a reward from the heavens and the world. This time, your cultivation will be raised to the limit of the god king, that is, to the point where you can break through at any time." The stele said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was even more pleasantly surprised.

His cultivation base has reached the peak of the god king, and he has improved a lot in the past few years, but he is still far from the limit of the god king.

But now the fifth level has directly raised his cultivation to the limit of a god king.

If he was still a little apprehensive about the fifth level before, then at this time, he no longer has the slightest fear.

I'm afraid.

Because his combat power has improved a lot compared to before, and even the eight gods with him have also improved a lot. At this time, he can kill as many god kings as there are from the Four Seas Casino.

Just don't care anymore.

"Senior, should I break through to the God Emperor Realm on the Taboo Road, or return to the God Realm to break through?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something?

"It's better to break through on the taboo road, because the rules of heaven here are more perfect, and the rewards will be more for you then." The stele said slowly.

"I can break through anywhere on the taboo road?"


Hearing this, Zhao Yang felt concerned.

To be honest, he didn't dare to break through here.

There are many God-Emperor-level casinos in the world.

And at this moment, a large number of god kings rushed here.

"The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino."

"Blood mountains and rivers."

"Blood Mountain and River has also left its name on the stone tablet."

"Xue Shanhe is Xue Buyi's younger brother."

"One door, two taboos."

"Strange, what is Xue Shanhe doing here?"

As time went by, more and more god kings came here.

Among them are Xianya and other divine kings rescued by Zhao Yang.

"I didn't expect him to be Zhao Yang who was wanted by the Four Seas Casino."

"Only such a stunning and stunning existence will be wanted."

"I don't know if he can survive?"

(End of this chapter)

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