"This depends on your performance in the fourth to fifth rounds."

"What do you mean?"

"From the fourth level to the fifth level, you will experience even more terrifying experiences. If your points can reach [-], then you can get a war puppet at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, and if your points can reach [-] If so, then you will be able to obtain a warship that is at the peak of the God Emperor."

"How are points counted?" Zhao Yang asked hastily.

"Next you will face opponents who are at the peak of the king of the gods, and the opponents are all fierce beasts of all ages, and their combat effectiveness must not be underestimated." The voice of the stone tablet rang in his ears, "Every time you hit You can get one point for killing a ferocious beast."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

"You mean that I need to kill [-] ferocious beasts to get a battle puppet at the peak of the god emperor, and kill [-] beasts to get a battleship at the peak of the god emperor?"



"Of course, if you choose to join those taboo-level forces, you can also get these things." The stele said lightly, "But then you are destined to pay something you are not willing to."

Zhao Yang fell silent.

After a while, the power of good fortune covering Zhao Yang dissipated, but hundreds of figures appeared around him.

Each of these figures has a majestic aura, and the key point is that their auras are intertwined together, turning into a giant

The big cage locked Zhao Yang firmly.

"Zhao Yang, it's hard for you to fly today." A figure pointed at Zhao Yang with a long knife in his hand.

"Are you all from the Four Seas Casino?" Zhao Yang asked.

"To be precise, we are all people who want to kill you." The figure said with a sneer.

"Since this is the case, then there is nothing to say." Zhao Yang urged the Eternal Immortal Art as he spoke.

When the black breath flowed around him, the breath on Zhao Yang's body changed.

He seemed to have turned into the supreme master.


The Immortal Fist bloomed with monstrous killing intent, shaking the universe.

The splattered energy made the monks present look shocked.

They couldn't guess what kind of terrifying power was contained in Zhao Yang's body. In just half a quarter of an hour, these hundreds of masters were severely injured by Zhao Yang one by one.

"Do you want to live?" Zhao Yang came to a young man and asked.

"Sihai Casino will not let you go." The boy was kicked by Zhao Yang as soon as he said this.

Then he came to a middle-aged man, "Do you want to live?"

"Think, think, think." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Hand over all the resources on your body." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something after saying this, "Open up your small world to me."

The middle-aged man had no choice but to obediently open up his own little world.

Zhao Yang summoned a part of his body

Respecting the gods, "Go, sweep away all the resources in his small world."

After the god entered the middle-aged small world, he immediately started sweeping mode.

As long as he thinks it is valuable, he will take it away.

Next, Zhao Yang looted the remaining hundreds of monks one by one.

Just when everyone thought that Zhao Yang was going to run away, they didn't expect this guy to walk towards the Four Seas Casino.

"What is this guy going to do?"

"Is he going to attack Sihai Casino?"

"Sihai Casino doesn't have many existences of his level?"

"The hundreds of god kings gathered in the Four Seas Casino can't stop him. Do you think the remaining god kings in the Four Seas Casino can stop him?"

When Zhao Yang came to Sihai Casino, he saw thousands of god kings appearing around the casino.

These god kings have all kinds of cultivation.

They looked at Zhao Yang with scorching eyes.

"Whoever hurts him can get one billion high-grade divine stones; whoever kills him can get 100 billion high-grade divine stones." After the person in charge of Sihai Casino said this, these god kings rushed towards Zhao Yang like crazy past.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Yang stomped his feet around.

In fact, he already knew that thousands of god kings were blocking him when he came to this street.

So how could he not make any preparations.

He is not arrogant enough to compete with numbers

The existence of a thousand god-kings.

You must know that the God King of the Taboo Road is much stronger than the God King of the God Realm.

The ripples of the array instantly diffused towards the surroundings, and the vines suddenly rose from the ground, entangled the god kings like tentacles.

"Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

When Tiandi copper furnace was carried by him, he threw it directly in one direction.

All the god kings who were hit by the copper furnace of heaven and earth were all severely injured or fell.

In this wave, more than 30 god kings were taken away.

And Zhao Yang controlled the Shen Dynasty to continue blasting in other directions.

After several times, he took back the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace, and the number of god kings he killed at this time reached an astonishing 230.

The rest of the god kings looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all frightened by the scene in front of them.

No one thought that Zhao Yang was so powerful?

"I can let go of the past for quitting now, otherwise don't blame me for killing people later." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience coldly and said.

Some god kings retreated, some god kings hesitated, and some god kings looked more determined.

"If he really had the ability to kill, he wouldn't say such things at this time." The person in charge of Sihai Casino sneered, "Now I will give 20 billion to those who hurt him, and 200 billion to those who kill him." .”

His words once again stimulated the God King present.

Even some of the god kings who had retreated before killed Zhao Yang.


Seeing these divine kings rushing forward, Zhao Yang communicated with the eight extraordinary meridians.

"Come out."

Following Zhao Yang's voice, four figures appeared around him.

It is the four gods born in Zhao Yang's eight veins.

Any one of these four gods has one third of Zhao Yang's strength.

The moment the four gods appeared, Zhao Yang grabbed the void with his big hand, and he grabbed a flag.

The moment the flag was planted on his back, the fighting power of the four gods surged continuously.

Their combat power has nearly doubled from the previous level.

What is the concept?

Any one of these four gods has two-thirds of the fighting power of Zhao Yang himself.


The four gods turned into four tigers and rushed into the group of gods and kings present.

Zhao Yang carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and started the killing journey.




Zhao Yang and the four great gods were severely wounded or killed more than 800 god kings in just half a quarter of an hour.

The rest of the god kings didn't dare to stay after seeing this scene, and fled desperately.

Zhao Yang didn't stop him.

Instead, he looked at the person in charge of Sihai Casino, "Can you still call for someone?"

The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino looked at the four gods with a gloomy expression and said, "How dare you go against the Four Seas Casino, aren't you afraid of death?"

(End of this chapter)

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