Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1791 Looking for loopholes

The breath and appearance of these four gods are different from Zhao Yang, and the magical powers and methods they use are also different.

Therefore, the person in charge of the Four Seas Casino feels that they are also masters of the forbidden road.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

"I will be afraid of your Four Seas Casino."

"We went all the way to push your casinos across the world."

"What is Four Seas Casino?"

The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino was also dumbfounded seeing these four being so arrogant.

"Tell me, do you want to die or live?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

"You dare to kill me?" The person in charge of Sihai Casino was taken aback.

"What do you think I dare not kill?" Zhao Yang shrugged.

Facing Zhao Yang's eyes, the person in charge of Sihai Casino felt that this guy really dared to do something.

"what do you want?"

"Give me all the sacred stones in your Four Seas Casino."

"Our Four Seas Casino was just robbed 30 years ago, and you want to rob it again?" The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino said a little confused.

"After 30 years, you must have recovered, right?"

"If you rob our Four Seas Casino, you will never die." The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino warned.

"Can we still play predictably now?"



Four Seas Casino will kill Zhao Yang at all costs.

"Then stop talking nonsense." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

The person in charge of Sihai Casino hesitated again and again and handed over the 200 billion sacred stones in the casino treasury to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang put away these sacred stones, he continued, "There are also those in your small world."

"You are going too far." The person in charge of Sihai Casino said angrily when he heard this.

"I know you are the God Emperor, but don't think that I can't kill the God Emperor." Zhao Yang pointed to the token on his waist.

The person in charge of the Four Seas Casino hesitated and opened up his own little world.

"And you." Zhao Yang pointed to the croupiers at Sihai Casino, etc., "You also open up the small world to me."

Those croupiers and staff did not dare to neglect and opened up their own small worlds one after another.

Zhao Yang summoned dozens of god-king gods.

These shames quickly robbed the small world of casino workers.

"And those of you who are not dead, open the small world if you want to survive." Zhao Yang looked at the group of gods and kings who had just been severely injured.

No matter how unwilling those god kings were, they had no choice but to open up their own small worlds.

Zhao Yang and the four gods left here and headed towards the fifth pass after the war puppets plundered all the god kings.

In the small world, Caixia and Caidie are numb.

They watched small worlds appearing from time to time

The mountains piled up by sources are almost numb.


In order to accompany her mother, Caidie spends most of her time in the small world.

But Zhao Yang worried that they would be lonely, so he gave them ten maids.

"My lord, how long do we have to organize these resources?" Cai Die said after a while.

"You go to the treasury in the small world. There are thousands of war puppets in the treasury." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "You just ask the war puppets to help."

This time Zhao Yang and the four great gods plundered thousands of god kings.

And these god kings are worth a lot.

Caiyun and the others took a long time to sort out a specific figure.

"My son, this time we got a total of 450 billion high-grade god stones, one middle-level battleship of the god emperor, twelve warships of the early stage of the god emperor, two hundred and fifty two battleships of the peak of the god king, and one of the high-level god kings. There are 250 battleships, and there are 640 middle-level battleships for the king of gods."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang clicked his tongue.

I didn't expect these god kings to be so rich.

"In addition, there are 36 pieces of materials for the middle level of the god emperor, 120 four pieces of materials for the early stage of the god king, 680 pieces of materials for the peak of the god king, 13 pieces of materials for the high level of the god king, and 63 pieces of materials for the middle level of the god king. There are 630 pieces of materials, and there are as many as [-] pieces of materials in the early days of the king of gods." After the colorful butterflies came, Zhao Yang

Only then did I know how much I gained this time.

"If these resources are obtained from God's Domain, what kind of sensation will it cause?" Zhao Yang said softly.

"Only the taboo road has so many resources." Cai Die said with emotion.

With the help of Zhao Yang, Cai Die's background has also reached the early stage of the God Emperor, and after Xu Huier and others have obtained the half-step forbidden martial soul, Zhao Yang is going to give Cai Die a half-step forbidden martial soul.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, a god guarding around him suddenly spattered blood, but a mysterious creature hidden in the dark gave the god a fatal blow.

Fortunately, the god escaped in time, but even so, he was severely injured.

"Kill." The other two gods shot out angrily.

As for the last god, he guarded Zhao Yang all around.

Zhao Yang watched quietly from the side.

He found that this creature was good at hiding, and it would be difficult to find its trace without looking carefully.

The two sides fought more than a dozen moves in mid-air, but in the end the creature was still beheaded.

Zhao Yang looked at the twelve characters on the token and sighed softly.

This difficulty is not ordinary.

Only by killing a thousand of them can one get a war puppet of the peak of the god emperor, and only by killing two thousand of them can one get a battleship of the peak of the god emperor.

The problem is that what Zhao Yang needs is not a war puppet or a battleship.

first with god

The continent where the domains collided with each other had a very high level of cultivation civilization, so the battleship or war puppet that Zhao Yang needed was definitely not enough.

He needs at least three or even more.

The question is is it possible?

Zhao Yang was thinking about this question all the way.

A year later, the number on Zhao Yang's token changed to 96.

"Maybe I didn't kill enough beasts even after reaching the fifth level." Zhao Yang fell into deep thought after realizing this.

In the following time, Zhao Yang began to study these fierce beasts.

These ferocious beasts have no entity, as if summoned.

Zhao Yang tried to find their shortcomings.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to find out the shortcomings of these beasts.

"The law of heaven determines that I and my eight gods are one person, and the more monks gather here, the more beasts will come to hunt and kill me." After Zhao Yang realized this, he began to let These eight gods change their breath.

After their aura changed, it didn't take long for several ferocious beasts to kill them.

After Zhao Yang dealt with these beasts, he began to set up a killing array nearby.

Zhao Yang wanted to kill as many beasts as possible here.

His formation is at the same level as his martial arts, and after he and the gods set up the killing formation, they waited quietly here.

About an hour later, Zhao Yang sensed more than a dozen figures rushing towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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