Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1789 Collision Again

Back then, Cang Yuan helped Zhao Yang, and now he helped him rise to the peak of the God King, this favor can be regarded as repaid.

After Cang Yuan realized this, he felt the reason for his loss.

And none of the monks present was a human being, and they also saw this.

"Did the Cang Clan win or lose?"

"I think it's still a loss. The Cang Clan shouldn't target the Human Clan. Look at Yao Chi, the concubine Jin's background has been raised to the level of the God Emperor, and even her maids have reached the peak of the God King. Relatively speaking, the Cang Clan has achieved what?"

"Actually, it's not Cangyuan's incompetence, but the Cangzu's failure. You said that the human race is now in full swing, but you still target the human race. This is not courting death, what is it?"

"That's right, Zhao Yang has already given the Cang Clan a lot of face. If it were me, I would directly destroy the Cang Clan."

Shortly after Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he received news of the blue crucian carp.

The blue crucian carp told Zhao Yang that their Soul Sky Continent was also invaded by the Scorpio Beast, and the scale was a little stronger than before.

Fortunately, it is still within the control range.

Zhao Yang told Blue Crucian that if he encounters something uncontrollable, he can contact him at any time, and then he returned to practice under the sacred tree.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base has been promoted to the peak of the God King, but there is still a distance between the peak and the God Emperor Realm.

He needs to continue to improve his cultivation before he can walk this taboo path.

However, Zhao Yang hadn't practiced for a few days, so he suddenly felt uneasy this day.

Anxiety without warning.

Zhao Yang left the sacred tree and looked in all directions.

Unfortunately nothing was found.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang summoned the two high-level warships of the God Emperor, and at the same time, even the three high-level battle puppets of the God Emperor.

"During this time, we will focus on monitoring the entire Yanhuang Sect."

After giving this order, Zhao Yang also had no intention of practicing, so he opened the altar to preach and instruct the disciples of the sect to practice.

A week passed like this, and God's Domain suddenly shook violently.

This shock was even more terrifying than the previous one.

Zhao Yang seemed to realize something, "A mainland collided with God's Domain again?"

He took a higher-level battleship and flew upwards. When he flew to a certain height, he saw a continent, which was vaster than Soul Sky Continent and God's Domain.

"The civilization level of this continent is higher than that of Soul Sky Continent." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

What did Zhao Yang see when he was about to say something?

Far away, a continent collides with God's Domain again, but it will take a while to see the time.

"Two continents are attacking one after another." Zhao Yang said with a serious face.

"What should we do?" Lin Caihan asked hurriedly.

"I need to go to the fifth pass." Zhao Yang thought for a while before he said, "It is impossible for the strong men of the two continents to pass without ten or eight years."

"So you need to return within ten years?"

"Not bad." Zhao Yang nodded.

"When are you going to leave?"

"Go now."

"So hasty?"


After Zhao Yang returned to the Zongmen, he told Mingyue and Tang Yiren and hurried to the taboo road.

After reaching the taboo road, he took out the token, and then he was sent to the fourth level immediately.

And when Zhao Yang appeared in the fourth level, he noticed that he was being followed by several figures.

Those guys immediately blocked his way.

"You are Zhao Yang who is wanted by the Four Seas Casino, right?" A middle-aged man looked at Zhao Yang with fiery eyes.

"What advice do you have?" Zhao Yang glanced at the other party.

"Come with me obediently, otherwise you will be ugly to death." The middle-aged man said indifferently.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang glanced at the officer next to him and said, "Can you shoot wantonly here?"

"Actually, the major passes were jointly created by the taboo forces on this road, and the Four Seas Casino is one of the taboo forces." A commander standing next to the teleportation array said in a deep voice, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I killed him?"

"The taboo forces can deal with you regardless of the rules, and of course you can also ignore the rules." The commander looked at Zhao Yang and said, "No matter how you fight, it has nothing to do with us."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes turned purple.

The bewitching brilliance of the color.

The clarity in the eyes of the god kings surrounding Zhao Yang disappeared immediately, replaced by bloodthirsty and ferocity.

What Zhao Yang used at this time was no longer the Great Dream Heart Sutra, but a volume of magical powers from the mysterious woman.

Those god kings shot at each other after being enchanted.

Zhao Yang walked towards the stele without looking at it.

He wants to leave his name on the fourth stele.

There are quite a few monks beside the fourth stele at this time, and those monks are discussing the names on the stele.

Zhao Yang saw Xuebuyi's name at a glance.

"Blood Cloth." Zhao Yang had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Sooner or later he will bring this guy down from the altar.

At this time, hundreds of names have been left on the stele.

"Ji Zi."

"Di Ji."

"The dragon is in the abyss."

"Feng Wuhen."

"Blood Cloth."

Zhao Yang scanned the names on it one by one, then raised his foot and walked towards the stele.

"Another great god is challenging."

"Why does this guy look familiar?"

"This...isn't this Zhao Yang who is wanted by the Four Seas Casino?"

"It's really the Lord!"

"How dare this man appear here in an open manner?"

"I am also very curious."

Some monks left secretly, and some monks were eager to try.

Four Seas Casino gave generous rewards, no matter it was because of Zhao Yang's information

, or captured Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang came to the stele and grabbed the void with his big hand, and a heaven and earth copper furnace spewing out infinite Taoism appeared. The moment the heaven and earth copper furnace smashed towards the stone stele, everyone felt that the world shook violently.

The stele shook once, twice, three times, and Zhao Yang's body was enveloped by a force of good fortune.

"The stele leaves a name."

"Is this guy so fierce?"

"I really wanted to capture him before, but now that I think about it, let's forget it?"

"Yeah, who dares to despise those who can leave their names on the stele?"

Let's talk about Zhao Yang!

When the power of creation was pouring into his body continuously, an old voice sounded in his ears.

"Congratulations, you have won the title of the strongest god king." The voice said that Zhao Yang found that the word king on the king token of his token had changed to the word strongest god king.

"What's the use of this title?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"After obtaining this title, you can imprison the existence of the early taboo that intends to harm you." The voice said slowly.

"It's just the early days of the taboo."

"The initial taboo is not enough?"

Zhao Yang thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything else besides this?"


"Is there no other reward?"


Hearing this, Zhao Yang said a little unhappily, "Why don't you give me a battleship or a war puppet at the peak of the God Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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