Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1784 Only one ship

"what do you mean……?"

"Who doesn't know the relationship between Shenyuanzong and Zhao Yang in the entire Soul Sky Continent?"

"Shenyuan Sect can't be moved. Azure Dragon Sect and Suzaku Sect have promised to protect Shenyuan Sect." Bai Ze shook his head.

"Where is the Sky Palace?" Bai Wenyu, the young patriarch of the White Tiger Sect, said with a smile.

"The Sky Palace can think about it." Bai Ze said after thinking about it, "But I just made a move on the Yanhuangzong side, so it's not good to attack the Sky Palace right away."

"Create a reasonable dispute." Bai Wenyu said with a slight smile.

"As long as we cause trouble here, Yanhuangzong will be on the alert." Bai Ze said lightly, "We must hit every hit."

And when Bai Ze was thinking about when to activate the Sky Palace, a figure quietly walked out of the crack.

Then that figure sneaked all the way to Yanhuangzong.

He noticed that Yanhuangzong was very nervous.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang appeared beside Zhao Wudi.

"Three days ago, a high-ranking God Emperor wanted to infiltrate the Yanhuang Sect, but was discovered by a middle-rank God Emperor warship." Zhao Wudi said solemnly, "Father, do you think it is Bai Ze, the lord of the White Tiger Sect? "

"Bai Ze has a great possibility."

"In this case, let's go directly to the White Tiger School." Zhao Wudi said in a deep voice, "How can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves?"

"We have no evidence." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while, "How much strength did we expose at that time?"

"A battleship of the middle stage of the God Emperor, and three war puppets of the middle stage of the God Emperor." Zhao Wudi said here, Zhao Yang's eyes flickered and said, "Next, Bai Ze will not attack Yan Huangzong again."

"Bai Ze won't give up easily."

"Bai Ze is very likely to attack the two major forces, Sky Palace and Shenyuanzong." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang drove the high-level battleship of the God Emperor to Sky Palace immediately.

In the Sky Palace, he found the suzerain Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng was surprised when he saw Zhao Yang's arrival.

"Next, the top leaders of your sect should not go out again." Zhao Yang said succinctly, "Bai Ze from Soul Sky Continent is very likely to attack you."

"I'll recruit the high-level officials of the sect right now." Gongsun Sheng said hastily.

"I will leave a high-ranking battleship of the God Emperor in the Sky Palace. As soon as Bai Ze shows up, you will notify me as soon as possible, you understand?"

"High-level God Emperor?" Gongsun Sheng's heart stopped beating.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to have a battleship of this level.

"Obey." Zhao Yang then asked Gongsun Sheng to open up his own little world.

After Gongsun Sheng opened his own small world, Zhao Yang led the battleship to his small world, and then ordered the battleship to monitor all aspects.

"Why two ships?" Gongsun Sheng


"One is the battleship of the high-level God Emperor, and the other is the battleship of the mid-stage God Emperor. The high-level God Emperor is for targeting Bai Ze. As for the mid-stage God Emperor, it is for you." Zhao Yang explained , "Of course I gave you this battleship, not to let you do anything wrong, but to protect your own safety, you know?"

"Obey." Gongsun Sheng said respectfully.

He was also feeling emotional in his heart.

Who would have thought that Zhao Yang's gift to the Sky Palace would be so generous?You must know that the Nine-fold Sword has a relationship with their Sky Palace, but has the Nine-fold sword returned once so far?

Besides, Zhao Yang, after he left the Firmament Palace, he went to the Soul Sky Continent.

He knew that there were strong men stationed on the Soul Sky Continent, but Zhao Yang was driving a high-level warship of the God Emperor.

"Turn on the stealth mode and be silent." Zhao Yang issued an order to the battleship.

Due to his strong pressure, the two continents basically achieved peace.

In other words, there will be no high-level God Emperor presence on the frontier to closely monitor, but the mid-level God Emperor may be monitoring, but he cannot monitor the high-level God Emperor warships.

The warship crossed the mountains silently, and then headed towards Shenyuanzong.

Shenyuanzong has made great progress in recent years.

First, before Zhao Yang left, he raised the origin of the suzerain Huang Yuyao to the early stage of the emperor.

The Great Elder has been promoted to the peak of the God King; second, the Azure Dragon Sect and the Suzaku Sect gave Shenyuanzong a lot of resources, which made Shenyuanzong get promoted again in recent years.

But Shenyuanzong did not expand, they were very low-key under Huang Yuyao's leadership.

"Sect Master, since you miss Mr. Zhao, why don't you go to Yanhuangzong?" Huang Yuyao said softly to her maid when she was looking in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

"Yanhuangzong and Baihuzong are hostile, if I go to Yanhuangzong, it will show that the relationship between the two parties is severed." Huang Yuyao said leisurely, "To be honest, I don't care about life and death, but in this way, Baihuzong may threaten Yanhuangzong with us. .”

Only then did the maid understand.

"It is indeed possible for the White Tiger Sect to do this." Just then, a gentle voice sounded behind her.

When Huang Yuyao heard this voice, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

Turning around, she saw that it was Zhao Yang whom she had been dreaming of.

"Young Master Zhao." Huang Yuyao said as she rushed towards Zhao Yang, and stopped when she was almost in front of Zhao Yang.

She really wanted to give Zhao Yang a hug, but in what capacity was she?

Zhao Yang looked at her embarrassment and said softly, "Just in case, Shenyuanzong immediately recalled the senior leaders of the sect to the sect, and they are not allowed to go out unless there is an emergency."

"I'll give the order now." Huang Yuyao said immediately.

"And open your little world

boundary. "

Huang Yuyao obediently opened up her own little world.

Zhao Yang sent over a mid-tier God Emperor and a high-tier God Emperor battleship.

"This high-level battleship of the God Emperor is to deal with Bai Ze, the suzerain of the White Tiger Sect. As for this mid-level battleship of the God Emperor, it is given to you Shenyuan Sect."

Hearing this, the way Huang Yuyao looked at Zhao Yang changed.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to care about her so much.

"As long as Bai Ze makes a move, he will notify me immediately."


Immediately Huang Yuyao wanted to say something, but Zhao Yang had already left.

He returned to Yanhuangzong by driving the only high-level battleship of the emperor.

Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren were already waiting in his study.

Zhao Yang introduced to them what happened along the way.

"It seems that this road is not suitable for us." Tang Yiren said with emotion.

"Unless the background has reached the high level of the God Emperor, and the cultivation base has to reach the peak of the God King, otherwise he is not qualified to go." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Did you get a high-level warship this time?" Lin Caihan asked.

Zhao Yang took the three daughters to his small world.

In his small world, he saw the high-level warship of the Emperor.

"Why only one?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

From Lin Caihan's point of view, it's rare to go there, so why don't we have two or three boats?

(End of this chapter)

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