Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1785 Bai Ze Takes the Bait

"I bought three ships, but one is temporarily placed in the Sky Palace, and the other is temporarily placed in the Shenyuanzong." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Are you worried that Bai Ze will take action against these two sects?" Ming Yue said hastily.

Zhao Yang nodded, "These two sects are my weaknesses, and Bai Ze will definitely not let this opportunity pass."

"The high-level God Emperor in Soul Sky Continent is not top-notch, so the high-level God Emperor battleship can be locked." Lin Caihan said with deep conviction, "Have you bought a war puppet yet?"

"This time I bought three high-level warships of the God Emperor, three high-level war puppets of the God Emperor, and five middle-level warships of the God Emperor, but I gave one to the Sky Palace and one to the Divine Origin Sect..." Zhao Yang spoke eloquently.

"Then let this high-level warship of the God Emperor be monitored." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "The mid-level battleship of the God Emperor is unnecessary."

"Indeed." Zhao Yang summoned a high-level war puppet of the God Emperor and gave it to Lin Caihan. "You put this war puppet in your own small world."

Lin Caihan did not refuse.

She is the number two figure in Yanhuangzong, and also Bai Ze's key target, her safety cannot be a problem.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Yang is safe, because the God Emperor cannot attack him.

"Do you take seven-petal lotus seeds?" Zhao Yang then asked a question.

"After taking the seven-petal lotus seed flower, our background will be promoted to the high level of the emperor.

, At that time, you can use the technique of gift to give us the martial soul of the peak of the emperor. "Mingyue thought about her words and said, "It means that we take eight-petal lotus seeds, but it is actually useless. "

"Theoretically so." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I don't think we are so urgent now." Tang Yiren said after deliberating for a while, "My background is already at the middle level of the God Emperor. Even if I am promoted to the high level of the God King, I don't think it makes much sense."

"I want to take it." Mingyue said in a deep voice, "One step at a time, one step at a time, if the background is raised to the high level of the God Emperor, and after the Martial Soul of the God Emperor's peak, then you will be able to practice even more advanced supernatural powers."

Lin Caihan was silent.

Lin Caihan traveled farther than these two in the middle stage of the emperor, but she wanted to keep up with Zhao Yang.


Now Lin Caihan no longer expects to be at the peak of the God Emperor.

It is easy for her to have the background of the peak of the god emperor, but the peak of the god emperor has never been her pursuit.

"I'll wait." After a while, Lin Caihan raised her eyes and said seriously.

"Mingyue, here you are." Zhao Yang handed Mingyue a seven-petal lotus flower.

Mingyue ate the seven-petaled lotus flower directly, and then her body exuded a vigorous brilliance.

As time went by, the aura on her body became stronger and stronger, and it was unknown how long it took for Mingyue to open her eyes.

He opened his eyes.

Tang Yiren was secretly startled by the coercion in her eyes.

You must know that she was on par with Mingyue before.

"You haven't fully digested this seven-petaled lotus flower, I will give you the Martial Soul of the God Emperor's peak after it has been completely digested."


On the third day after Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, a figure quietly came to the top of the Sky Palace.

He saw the orderly patrolling of the disciples of the Sky Palace, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then his big hand grabbed it down.

The vast coercion caused the souls of the disciples in the entire Firmament Palace to frighten, and they were helpless in the face of such a terrifying existence.

Gongsun Sheng and other high-level sect members sensed it immediately, but it is a pity that they did not have any strength to resist.

But Gongsun Sheng didn't panic at all.

Seeing that those big hands were about to fall, a ray of order turned into a barrier, firmly guarding the Sky Palace within it.

At the same time, the second Symmetra forced that figure out of the darkness.

"The high-level existence of the God Emperor." Bai Ze panicked.

Gongsun Sheng gained the ability to act at this time, and he notified Zhao Yang immediately.

Zhao Yang of Yanhuangzong drove the battleship towards the high mountains of the two continents immediately.

Let's talk about Bai Ze.

Bai Ze realizes that Sky Palace has this level

After his existence, he fled immediately.

However, the high-ranking warship of the God Emperor was chasing after him.

He suddenly became anxious.

However, he can't make a big fight. Once he is entangled by this battleship, how can he survive?

Just when he was about to climb over that mountain, a ray of Symmetra turned into a net and blocked his way.

"There's still an ambush?" Bai Ze's expression changed drastically.

The moment he broke the net with his hand, he saw a token.

The token was suspended in mid-air and emitted strange fluctuations.

Both his physical body and his soul were imprisoned immediately.

At the same time, Zhao Yang let the battleship show up, and he walked towards Bai Ze step by step, "I didn't intend to kill you, but you will die."

"Zhao Yang, after you kill me, who will guard the moat in Soul Sky Continent?" Bai Ze said with a gloomy face.

"Who will guard it? Of course it will be the soldiers of your White Tiger Sect." What Bai Ze didn't expect was Zhao Yang's words.

"Are you using the soldiers of my White Tiger Sect as cannon fodder?" Bai Ze said angrily.

"Isn't the duty of your White Tiger Sect to guard the western border?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Without my help, they couldn't hold it."

"I will send a high-ranking war puppet of the God Emperor to help out." Zhao Yang said calmly, "

As for your White Tiger Sect, let me guard it for generations. "

"You..." Bai Ze was still waiting to say something, and two figures from afar came here.

It was Qing Hongyu, the suzerain of the Azure Dragon School, and Miao Xuan, the suzerain of the Suzaku School.

"Sect Master Zhao, is there room for discussion on this matter?" Miaoxuan asked softly.

"I ignored Bai Ze when he went to Yanhuangzong before, but he wanted to kidnap the entire Sky Palace and force me to submit. Can I spare him at this point?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I know What are you worried about? You are worried about the western border, don’t worry, I will send a high-ranking war puppet of the God Emperor there. Besides, isn’t Xuanwuzong all right? Let Xuanwuzong also help suppress it.”

"I'm afraid Xuanwuzong won't be obedient." Qing Hongyu said after being silent for a while.

"Aren't you two still there?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "If they don't listen, wouldn't you make a move?"

Qing Hongyu and Miao Xuan looked at each other.

"I know what you are worried about? The Yanhuang Sect is not interested in your Soul Sky Continent, otherwise the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect would not stop here." Zhao Yang said calmly. And the source insects have been continuously evolving, that is to say, there may be the existence of the peak god emperor in the future, I wonder if you can still compete at that time?"

(End of this chapter)

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