"A thousand?"

"First, you still don't understand how powerful the major forces of the Forbidden Path are; second, the Forbidden Path is mainly for cultivating monks of the Forbidden Path, and the monks of the heavens and the world are just incidental."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly realized, "It means that I will have to compete with many strong players on the Forbidden Road in the future."


"Can I challenge the stele for a second time after I challenge it once?"

"There is no limit to this. As long as your strength reaches the standard, your name will appear on it." The commander seemed to realize that Zhao Yang was extraordinary, so he patiently answered Zhao Yang's questions.

"Thank you for letting me know." After Zhao Yang asked some more questions, he bid farewell to the commander.

Zhao Yang wandered the street for a while, and soon saw the signboard of Jubao Pavilion.

Zhao Yang hurried in.

Seeing that Zhao Yang was a new face, the shopkeeper greeted him with a smile, "Did you come from the third level?"



Zhao Yang revealed his token.

"If you are the king, I will give you a [-]% discount on today's consumption."

"Do you have any high-level warships of the God Emperor?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Yes, but a high-level God Emperor needs 1000 billion."

"Where's the war puppet?"

"700 billion war puppets."

"Where is the seven-petal lotus flower?"

"There are 300 billion seven-petal lotus flowers."


Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "I need three battleships, and three war puppets." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something, "Senior, I want to know if there are eight-petaled lotus seeds in the next level. Where are the flowers?"

"No more." The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "In fact, even the battleships and puppets of the peak god kings are gone."


"Because the taboo forces on this road do not allow the sale of warships and war puppets of this level." The shopkeeper said softly.

"That means there are channels to get it, right?" Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

"You can't get it in the fourth level, but you can get it in the fifth level." The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Of course, the premise is that you join some taboo forces, such as our Treasure Pavilion."

"Where is the eight-petal lotus flower?"

"There are also taboo forces, of course it depends on whether you are worth it or not."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang immediately understood that everything depends on his own value.

He thought for a while and then said, "Give me five seven-petal lotus flowers, and ten six-petal lotus flowers. By the way, give me five more mid-level god-emperor battleships, and I'll order one more for god-emperor-level resources." batch."

It took about half an hour before the shopkeeper handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag, "The battleship, lotus seed flower, and war puppet you want are 840 billion after the discount, and the God Emperor-level resources you want cost three dollars." 200 billion, in this way, you can give a total of [-] trillion."

Zhao Yang feels refreshed after checking

He quickly gave the shopkeeper a universe bag.

The shopkeeper glanced at it and said in surprise, "Where did you get so many sacred stones?"

"Sihai Casino."

The shopkeeper took a deep look at Zhao Yang, "There are taboo powerhouses sitting behind Sihai Casino, so don't provoke this company again in the future."

"Can the taboo strong attack me?"


"Can the taboo strong go to my continent forcibly?"


Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

"But the taboo strong will issue a warrant for you on this road." The shopkeeper just said here, his token vibrated.

When he saw the content, he couldn't help but change his face, "Sihai Casino has issued a warrant for your arrest, and I believe all the monks along the way will receive it soon."

"What's the big deal, kill him like a sea of ​​blood?"

"Your cultivation has not even reached the peak of the god king, let alone the distance between the peak of the god king and the god emperor." The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "No matter how strong you are, once you are besieged, You won't survive either."

"You are now holding the token to send you back through the teleportation array?"

"Teleport to where?"

"The continent you are on."


"Don't worry, even the taboo strong will not be able to trace your mainland." The shopkeeper said in a deep voice, "In addition, you can come here directly with the token in the future."

"I still want to go

What about the road ahead? "Hearing this, Zhao Yang said quickly.

"You are not far from the peak of the God King, there is no need to continue walking that way." The shopkeeper smiled slightly, "You will find that the world ahead is even more exciting if you walk down."

"And go to the teleportation array quickly, before everyone reacts."

Zhao Yang left Jubao Pavilion in a hurry without any hesitation. After some calculations in his mind, the shopkeeper said, "He should have arrived at the teleportation array by the time, then I can report to get the bonus."

If Zhao Yang heard this sentence, he probably wanted to strangle the shopkeeper to death.

The teleportation array is in charge of patrolling the city.

"You want to go back?" asked the soldiers patrolling the city.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"You put the token in this groove, and the token will be bound to this teleportation array."

Zhao Yang put his King's Token in the groove, and soon his King's Token was bound to the teleportation array.

"You take off the King's Token, press this button, and you can go back." As soon as the soldier said this, he saw dozens of figures rushing towards him in the distance.

Zhao Yang pushed the soldier out of the teleportation array, and then quickly pressed the button.


Ever since Zhao Yang left, Lin Caihan ordered a mid-level God Emperor warship to closely monitor the entire Yanhuang Sect.

It's been three years without incident.

On this day, the mid-tier warship of the God Emperor suddenly gave an early warning, and the piercing siren sounded all over the place.

Overwhelmed the entire Yanhuangzong.

Lin Caihan immediately summoned all three war puppets.

The three war puppets and the middle-ranked battleship of the God Emperor intertwined into a powerful protective net to firmly guard Yanhuangzong.

"What do you want to do, Your Excellency?" Lin Caihan said loudly.

No one responded.

In fact, the suzerain of the White Tiger Sect fled away as early as the mid-level battleship of the God Emperor gave an early warning.

And when his divine sense spied the appearance of three battle puppets of the middle stage of the emperor and a battleship of the middle stage of the emperor in Yanhuangzong, he realized that things must be done.

Because he is not sure about the existence of the middle ranks of the four god emperors.

Furthermore, once Zhao Yang shows up, he will lose here.

When he returned to Soul Sky Continent, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

"The battleship and war puppet must have been bought by Zhao Yang on the Forbidden Road." Bai Ze growled.

But he can't help it.

Who made the young suzerain of the White Tiger Sect not live up to it?

He can't pass the third level at all, okay?

"The Yanhuang sect is closed and can't come out, what should I do?" Bai Ze knew very well that when Zhao Qingqing grew up in the future, he would definitely find fault with himself.

He wants to nip danger in the bud.

But now that Yanhuangzong is closed, he seems unable to do anything.

"Sect Master, since we can't break through the Yanhuang Sect internally, I think we can start from the outside." At this moment, the Young Sect Master of the White Tiger Sect came over and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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