Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1782 The Great God Comes

"The Great God is here."

"The great god who made one trillion yuan back then is here again."

"I don't know if the master can make another fortune?"

"Back then, the Great God gave me [-] million yuan, and I relied on that [-] million yuan to turn around."

Several gamblers greeted Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang responded one by one with a smile.

He came to a table, looked at the dealer with a smile and said, "What are you playing?"

The croupier became inexplicably nervous.

After a while, the person in charge of the casino arrived here.

"Mr. Zhao, you play too much, our casino can't afford it." The person in charge said with a smile.

To be honest, he didn't know how Zhao Yang won.

You must know that they secretly moved their hands and feet.

"Can't you afford the casino?" Zhao Yang sneered, "Or is it that your casino can only win, not lose?"

"It's not that we can't afford to play, but we can't afford to entertain." The person in charge said after being silent for a while.

The last time has already hurt them, and I don't want to go through the same thing a second time.

"That's fine." What the person in charge didn't expect was that Zhao Yang turned around and left.

After arriving outside, Zhao Yang asked the mysterious woman, "Senior, what should I do next?"

"Since the Four Seas Casino doesn't pay attention to the rules, then there is nothing to say." The mysterious woman's eyes traveled through many spaces and landed on the Four Seas Casino, and immediately the sacred stone in the Four Seas Casino's treasury was absorbed by a whirlpool.


"Here you are." After the mysterious woman's voice fell, Zhao Yang found piles of divine stones lined up in the small world.

"300 billion." Zhao Yang said excitedly after scanning.

At this moment, several figures broke into the casino, and the aura of those figures was extremely fierce. Not only did they rob the casino, they even robbed the gamblers.

"Let's go." After the mysterious woman finished speaking, Zhao Yang found that there were 200 billion more in the small world.

"Senior, this is..." Zhao Yang asked as he walked forward.

"There are two tumors on the Taboo Road, one is the Sihai Casino, and the other is the Shennvfang. I just used the great cause and effect to make the strong people of the Shennvfang launch an action against the Sihai Casino."

"That means it has nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter at all."

"Thank you senior for this matter."

The other party hummed and then fell silent.

Zhao Yang thought in his mind that this time there was an increase of 500 billion. With so much money, he could buy more precious resources.

After leaving the third pass, Zhao Yang rushed towards the fourth pass.

There are broken cities everywhere in front of you, and you don't know what you have experienced?

After half a day, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

That figure was like a ghost, holding a sword in his hand, and swayed a cold light.

Leng Mang cut off Zhao Yang's four

Zhou, his whole body turned into a sea of ​​death.

There was no sign of it before.

More importantly, Zhao Yang has not reacted yet.

In fact, normally speaking, those who dare to take this path are at least at the peak of the god king, and there is no one like Zhao Yang who has just set foot on the high level of the god king.

But just when Zhan Ge's murderous intent was about to overwhelm Zhao Yang, two figures appeared.

When the first figure raised his hand, a golden protective cover appeared around him, and mysterious black runes bloomed around the protective cover.

Undead Guardian!

This is the guardian magical power of the eternal immortality.

At the same time, the second figure rushed towards that figure with a spear in his hand.

The two sides fought several tricks between the calcium carbide sparks.

But the second figure failed to take down that one.

This surprised Zhao Yang.

You must know that Zhao Yang's cultivation base is not high, but his combat effectiveness is very strong.

Guarding him are two gods bred by the eight veins, and their combat power is equivalent to one-third of the real one.

"Shoot with all your strength." Zhao Yang gave an order to the god.

After the god took the order, he pushed the Eternal Immortality Art to the extreme.

He fought with that person for more than a dozen moves before killing him, and when that person fell, a ball of origin appeared on the spot.

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Yang summoned the group of origin to him.

he checked

There was a look of surprise on the back face, "Is this the gift of the forbidden road to the god king?" Zhao Yang began to refine this group of origin.

When he was refining, he felt that his cultivation base began to increase, and after half a day, he refined all of this group of origin.

"This group of origin is equivalent to my one year's work." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

He even felt that his origin had increased a little bit compared to before.

Of course, this kind of increase is very small, but at Zhao Yang's level, even a little increase in Yuanyuan is extremely rare.

"As expected of a gift from the Forbidden Road." Zhao Yang became excited.

Because by killing the strong on this road, he can improve at a faster speed.

He was looking forward to it.

Next, Zhao Yang summoned three gods, and he asked them to monitor the surroundings with all their strength.

His job is to get on the road.

However, Zhao Yang soon discovered that it wasn't every day that someone would assassinate him on this road, sometimes it would take three to five days, and sometimes it would take eighteen days.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

In the past three years, Zhao Yang and his gods killed hundreds of strong men who ambush him.

"At this time, my cultivation has almost soared to the peak of the god king." Zhao Yang murmured.

It would be absolutely impossible for him to reach this level if he practiced step by step in God's Domain, but now he has achieved this level in just three short years.

The time of year is reached.

This made him very relieved.

Of course, in the past three years, Zhao Yang has also suffered more than once. The most miserable battle was when the three gods were blown up, and even he almost lost himself halfway.

If it weren't for him still having five gods, he would definitely not be able to survive that battle.

"If you want to pass this road safely, you must form an alliance." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

The reason why he dared to go this way ahead of schedule was largely because he had eight gods.

After walking like this for half a month, Zhao Yang suddenly saw a city.

This city is more majestic than the city in the third pass, and there are many soldiers patrolling the city wall.

After Zhao Yang successfully presented his token, the city guard looked at Zhao Yang in shock and said, "You are the second to come here."

"Who's the first one?"

"Xuanyuan is overbearing."

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

He still has an impression of this name.

This one also left his name on the stele of the king.

"Where is he now?"

"Leave your name on the stone tablet of the fourth level and leave."

"Does the stone tablet in the fourth level say anything?"

"The only ones who are eligible to leave their names on the fourth pass are the heavenly geniuses who have reached the third pass, and of course many powerful forces on the road of taboo." The commander explained, "and the stone tablet of the fourth pass is known as the The strongest god king stele, only a thousand names will be left on the stele."

(End of this chapter)

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