"Yanhuangzong will also deploy configurations of this level." Zhao Yang said after a moment of pondering, "But what about the existence of the emperor level?"

"Because that frontier is the residence of the first pavilion, the owner of the first pavilion will personally sit in charge."

"Has his strength reached the middle level of the emperor?"

"I don't know if I have stepped on it?"

"Where is the owner of your first mountain?"

Gao Boya's eyes flickered for a while and he said, "I have set foot."

"It seems that most of the pavilion masters of the first pavilion have also set foot here." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

After Gao Boya left, Zhao Yang summoned Zhao Qingqing.

"Qingqing, this army of soldiers will be under your control." Having said that, Zhao Yang summoned his mid-level war puppet of the God Emperor, "You put this war puppet in your small world, and let him secretly protect yours." Safety."

Zhao Qingqing nodded.

"In addition, you are driving the battleship of the early stage of the God Emperor. If you encounter something uncontrollable, remember to notify me as soon as possible."


Just when Zhao Qingqing was preparing his army for war, Zhao Yang continued to practice under the sacred tree.

Since his cultivation reached the high level of the God King Realm, he needs to further improve his supernatural powers and skills.

And he still does it now.

Three days later, Zhao Qingqing went to the first pavilion on a battleship with more than 400 figures and [-] warships.

Yan Huangzong is not the peak of God King Realm

In addition, Zhao Yang is the only high-level existence in the God King Realm, so the two realms dispatched are all war puppets.

When the elite of the Yanhuang Sect appeared in the first pavilion, the strong men of the various sects came out to watch.

"Yanhuangzong actually sent out a lineup with the first pavilion, the first mountain, and the first temple?"

"I didn't expect Yanhuangzong's background to be so strong!"

"It can be seen that Yanhuangzong has indeed obtained the inheritance of the first temple."

"I don't believe that the inheritance from the opposite continent will be stronger than ours."

This time, both the neutral forces and the major god-king forces have also dispatched a legion.

After all, this is related to the fate of the entire continent.

After a few days passed like this, the two continents finally calmed down, and everyone's expressions suddenly became dignified.

They knew something was going to happen.

Soon a figure appeared above the continent, "We are monks from the Soul Sky Continent, and we have no intention of being your enemy."

"Soul Sky Continent." Zhong Shenxiu was startled.

"I've never heard of it." Leng Aoxue said lightly.

"The name of the Tianjiao of the Soul Sky Continent was not left on the stone tablet of the first pass, of course it does not rule out that someone will leave a name on the stone tablet later, right?" Gao Boya said in a deep voice.

The figure was in a cloud of fog, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

But he saw through the reality of the monks present.

"The strongest is only the mid-level god emperor, but it is difficult

There is nothing stronger in the dark. "It was Qing Hongyu, the suzerain of the Azure Dragon School, who appeared at this time.

When Qing Hongyu appeared here, he felt Tiandao's suppression of him.

"Our God Realm has no intention of fighting with you Soul Sky Continent, the premise is that you don't come here to harass us." The Pavilion Master of the First Pavilion said while staring at the figure.

He realized that he couldn't see through that person.

This made his heart sink.

What did he realize?

"How?" the owner of the first pavilion asked the owner of the first mountain.

"His strength seems to be at the high level of a god emperor." The mountain owner of the first mountain said in a deep voice.

"If the other party only has one statue, the three of us can still fight against one or two, but if there are two or more, we are completely powerless to fight." The owner of the first valley said with a sinking face.

"Then what should we do now?" the owner of the first pavilion said anxiously.

"They don't dare to come here rashly now, because the Dao of Heaven is suppressing them now." The Lord of the First Mountain pondered for a while and then said, "We have to work together to force him back."

"Yes." The owner of the first valley responded.

Qing Hongyu stared at the owner of the first pavilion for a while before saying, "Our two continents continue to collide, which proves that the two continents are destined. I think we can communicate with each other."

Qing Hongyu stayed here for a while without noticing the existence of the high-level God Emperor.

he felt the need to enter

Verify it one step at a time.

"Your Excellency, do you want to start a war?" the first pavilion master said coldly.

He has to act tough.

But Qing Hongyu could see that the first pavilion master showed some lack of confidence.

Because if they have a corresponding master here, they don't need to say the word war at all.

"Only by promoting the integration of the two continents can we make each other more prosperous." Qing Hongyu walked towards God's Domain after speaking.

At the same time, he felt more suppression from this world.

His cultivation has been severely suppressed to the middle level of the God Emperor Realm.


The body of the first pavilion master and Qing Hongyu's body collided in mid-air.

But the owner of the first pavilion staggered back one step, two steps, three steps, and didn't stop until a dozen or so steps later.

"Don't you have some decent masters in God's Domain?" Qing Hongyu asked with a slight smile.

Even if the cultivation bases of both parties are at the same level, the first pavilion master is not his opponent.

Of course, it's another matter if it's a life-and-death battle.

After reaching the realm of the emperor, it is difficult to obliterate.

"The ancestor of our sect is retreating, otherwise he would kill you like a dog." The owner of the first valley appeared.

The owner of the first valley is a beautiful woman, but her face is full of murderous intent.

Qing Hongyu showed a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, "When will

Yes, the ancestors of your sect are still in retreat, I don't think you have any higher-level powerhouses, right? "

"Is there anything you can try?" The owner of the first mountain also appeared.

The three masters surrounded Qing Hongyu in the shape of a pin.

There was no trace of fear on Qing Hongyu's face, "Do you think I'm the only master in our Soul Sky Continent?" Speaking of which, three figures appeared from the side of Soul Sky Continent.

One of the figures was Miaoxuan, the suzerain of the Suzaku Sect.

And the aura emanating from these three figures are all at the high level of the God Emperor Realm, but when they came to the God Realm, they were cut down by a realm.

But they also suppressed God's Domain and dared not move.

The faces of the first pavilion master and the three big bosses all changed, and they couldn't help looking in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

"Zhao Qingqing, has your father prepared any backup?" the first pavilion master asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Qingqing told Zhao Yang immediately.

Zhao Yang stated that he would come here immediately.

"My father said, it will come soon." Zhao Qingqing said in a deep voice.

The head of the Xuanwu Sect took a look at Zhao Qingqing and said, "What a handsome girl, well, she has good qualifications, how about you being my maid in the future?"

"who are you?"

"I am Wu Xuanfeng, the suzerain of the Xuanwu Sect in the Soul Sky Continent." The Xuanwu Sect's suzerain looked like he was about 50 or [-] years old, but he was full of arrogance when he said these words.

(End of this chapter)

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