Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1778 Continental Collision

Something more terrifying than the Scorpio Beast?

Lin Caihan and others couldn't think of it.

As a result, on the third day, the entire God's Domain shook violently, as if something huge was colliding with the God's Domain.

"What happened?" Lin Caihan said anxiously.

Zhao Yang summoned the mid-level battleship of the Emperor God, "Launch into the sky, keep going up into the sky."

When the battleship lifted off to a certain distance, Lin Caihan was shocked to see a vast continent heading towards the domain of God.

"The two continents are about to collide." Tang Yiren exclaimed.

"I don't know how far the civilization level of that continent has developed?" Mingyue said with a sinking face.

This is not good news for Shenyu.

Because God's Domain isn't very strong compared to the Heavens and Myriad Realms?

"The two continents are actually far away, but as their distance gets closer, the attraction between them will become faster and faster." Zhao Yang said after observing for a while, "According to my estimation, the two continents There's still a year to go before it all collides."

At the same time that Zhao Yang observed it, the God Emperor powerhouses of the First Pavilion, the First Mountain, and the First Valley also observed it.

Immediately, they told the whole God's Domain about this matter.

"Will the two major civilizations collide with more intense sparks?"

"I only know that the strong prey on the weak. If our civilization is not as good as others,

There is a good chance we will be enslaved. "

"No way?"

"Shouldn't higher civilizations help weaker civilizations?"

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang went back to practice quietly under the sacred tree.

At this time, his cultivation has reached a certain level.

"Why hasn't the Wuhun tree produced any results yet?" Just as Zhao Yang was guessing, he suddenly sensed something, and saw that the Wuhun tree in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly forged a Wuhun!

Half-step taboo martial soul... military martial soul.

After communicating with Jun Wuhun, Zhao Yang showed astonishment on his face.

Once he summons the military soul, he can make the combat effectiveness of his legion soar.

That's right.

It is the overall fighting power that is soaring.

This can definitely be called a cheating tool when the two armies are fighting.

"This martial spirit is good, but it seems useless to me." Zhao Yang sighed again.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base is only one step away from the high-level god king.

Is this why he is a little anxious?

Who knew he had obtained such a martial spirit?

"Forget it, raise your cultivation level to the high level of God King before that continent arrives." Zhao Yang murmured.

Most of the god sons who have been promoted in the realm of the gods are in the middle stage of the god king, but they are still some distance away from the middle stage of the god king.

The reason why Zhao Yang can be so fast is thanks to the third level of the forbidden road


Then he continued to sit under the sacred tree and practice quietly.

The major forces in God's Domain also know that once the two continents collide, it will be impossible to maintain the current situation.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Because a year later the two continents began to collide, and the place where they collided was in the first pavilion.


The first pavilion completed the overall relocation three months ago.

Withdrew tens of thousands of kilometers towards the rear.

But the two continents forcibly filled up the sky moat, and then squeezed the land near the sky moat crazily until they hit a towering mountain.

"In the future, the natural moat in the west will no longer have to be guarded."

"How do you know that the Heavenly Moat Beast under the Heavenly Moat disappeared?"

"Maybe they'll come out of the mountains?"

"I think what we need to worry about is not this, but the civilization on the other side of the mountain."

But now the impact is still going on, so neither the civilization over there nor the civilization here can get in.

But Zhao Yang of Yanhuangzong sensed something.

"I feel a familiar breath." Zhao Yang stood up from under the sacred tree, and looked towards the mountain from afar.

"What?" Lin Caihan was also practicing under the sacred tree at this time, and asked curiously after seeing this scene.

After all these years, Lin Caihan

Cultivation, background has also reached the middle stage of the god emperor from the early stage of the god emperor.

Zhao Yang has never given Lin Caihan a martial soul, to a large extent, he is waiting for Lin Caihan's background to make a further breakthrough.

"Soul Sky Continent." Zhao Yang said softly, "It is Soul Sky Continent that collided with God's Domain."

"The strength of Soul Sky Continent is much stronger than ours." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"Actually, if the two continents can merge with each other, it will boost each other's strength." Zhao Yang said slowly, "However, it is not that simple to integrate the two continents."

"What if you forcefully suppress it?"

Lin Caihan knew that Zhao Yang had this strength.

The king's order determines that he can suppress any god emperor.

"At that time, look at the attitude of the Soul Sky Continent. If they kill innocent people indiscriminately, then I may have to take action." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

"Where is the moat beast? Have you detected it?"

"The heavens of the two major civilizations are entangled, and no monk can get close." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "The source insects seem to be hindered by some rules, so they can't make a move. Wait until it stabilizes."

In the following time, the monks on the side of God's Domain practiced desperately, and they all knew what would happen once the two continents were stabilized.

A branch of Yanhuangzong.

The disciples of Jinfei and others in Yaochi are also practicing hard. In fact, these years Jinfei and others

Everyone has made great progress, and their strength has improved by more than one level than before.

After Zhao Yang came here today, he checked the practice progress of these [-] disciples.

"Zhao Yang, how much time do we have?" Concubine Jin asked worriedly.

"Normally speaking, there are still three years. However, those from that continent will come over and even adapt to the rules of this world. I don't think there will be a large-scale invasion without ten or eight years." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I don't know if I can reach the high level of God King in the next ten years?"

"You don't need to force yourself." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, if the sky falls, there will be a taller person to support you, so you don't have to worry about it."

Concubine Anwei, who heard Zhao Yang, nodded slightly.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

It took nearly three years for the two continents to stabilize.

It was at this time that Gao Boya, the descendant of the first mountain, found Zhao Yang.

"The collision between the two continents will be over in one month. We are going to mobilize an army to defend." Gao Boya said softly, "Do you want to contribute to the Yanhuang sect?"

"What configuration are you going to deploy?"

"One peak god king, three high-level god kings, ten middle-level god kings, thirty early-stage god kings, one hundred giants, and three hundred powerful ones." Gao Boya paused at this point, "Other than three hundred A battleship of the giant class, a thousand battleships of the mighty class."

(End of this chapter)

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