Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1780 You kill yourself

There are four top powerhouses in Soul Sky Continent.

Wu Xuanfeng is one of them, he has the capital and ability to be arrogant.

But after his words fell, Zhao Qingqing's face darkened.

"Do you know who my father is?" Zhao Qingqing said coldly.

"I don't need to know who your father is, and even if your father is here, if I want to take you as my maid, he will only be grateful and dare not say no." Wu Xuanfeng said indifferently.

"There are Qinglong Sect, White Tiger Sect, Suzaku Sect, and Xuanwu Sect in Soul Sky Continent, but Xuanwu Sect will be removed from Soul Sky Continent today." Zhao Qingqing said indifferently.

Zhao Qingqing's words made monks from both continents look sideways.

Because they didn't understand how Zhao Qingqing knew the situation in Soul Sky Continent?

"How do you know the situation in Soul Sky Continent?" A girl with icy muscles and bones asked curiously standing beside Suzaku Zong Miaoxuan.

"Are you the young master of the Vermilion Bird Sect, Blue Crucian Carp?" What everyone didn't expect was that Zhao Qingqing revealed the identity of the girl in one go.

"You are……?"

"My father is Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect." Zhao Qingqing revealed his father's identity.

Hearing this, the blue crucian carp became excited, "Is your father Zhao Yang?"

Miaoxuan was startled, "Your father is really Zhao Yang?"

Wu Xuan

Seeing this scene, Feng quickly asked, "Miaoxuan, who is Zhao Yang?"

"Back then, Zhao Yang beheaded several god kings one after another in the eastern border of the Soul Sky Continent. One of the god kings was related to my vice-lord of the Azure Dragon School. I ordered Qing Wuyuan to take Zhao Yang to the Azure Dragon School. Zhao Yang killed my deputy suzerain of the Azure Dragon School in the main hall, and if the blue crucian carp hadn't pleaded for mercy at that time, I might have fallen." At this time, Qing Hongyu, the suzerain of the Azure Dragon School, said with emotion.

Xuanwu Sect Master Wu Xuanfeng's complexion suddenly changed, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

"His father left his name on the third stage of the Forbidden Road." Miaoxuan said leisurely.

"What?" Wu Xuanfeng was shocked.

"He has the king's order on him, and the king's order can suppress the god emperor, remember, it is a god emperor of any level." Qing Hongyu's words made Wu Xuanfeng's heart sink.

The cultivators on the side of God's Domain were also stunned.


Zhao Yang went to the Soul Sky Continent, and also killed the vice lord of the Azure Dragon School?

And at this moment, a warship appeared on the battlefield, and at the bow of the ship stood a figure as handsome as jade.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

Zhao Qingqing appeared next to Zhao Yang in a flash, she pointed to Wu Xuanfeng with red eyes and said, "Father, he humiliated me."

Zhao Yang's face suddenly sank.

"Sect Master Zhao, this

There was a misunderstanding. " Wu Xuanfeng said hastily.

"Tell me what happened." Zhao Yang glanced at Wu Xuanfeng, then asked Zhao Qingqing softly.

Zhao Qingqing recounted what happened.

After listening, Zhao Yang looked at Wu Xuanfeng with murderous intent in his eyes, "I will give you two choices. First, you commit suicide; second, I will kill you, and then kill Xuanwuzong from top to bottom."

"Sect Master Zhao, I just said something wrong in words, why do you want to kill them all?" Wu Xuanfeng saw Zhao Yang throwing a token in the air.

When this token appeared in midair, no matter whether it was the God Emperor on the side of the God Realm or the God Emperor on the Soul Sky Continent, they were all imprisoned by an invisible force.

This kind of imprisonment not only imprisoned their physical bodies, but also imprisoned their souls.

Wu Xuanfeng's face was full of panic, "Sect Master Zhao, I, Xuanwu Sect, can offer compensation."

"It seems that you have made a choice." Zhao Yang turned to look at the soldiers of Yanhuangzong and said, "The soldiers of Yanhuangzong will follow me to Xuanwuzong."

"Zhao Sect Master, Wu Xuanfeng was just in a hurry, can you give him a way out?" the White Tiger Sect's Sect Master said after a long silence.

"What are you? Are you worthy to intercede?" What the audience didn't expect was that Zhao Yang turned back to the head of the White Tiger Sect.

slap in the face.

The Patriarch of the White Tiger Sect looked at Zhao Yang with a murderous look in his eyes, and then restrained himself.

"What were you doing when the Xuanwu Sect master bullied my daughter just now?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Now you come out and want to be a peacemaker, who gave you such a big face?"

"You are Bai Ze, the patriarch of the White Tiger Sect." Zhao Qingqing said slowly at this time, "In the future, I will go to the White Tiger Sect to ask for advice. If you can't defeat me, I will kill you."

When had Zhao Qingqing been bullied like this since he was a child?

Zhao Qingqing's words made Bai Ze panic for no reason, but then he calmed down slightly.

Want to kill him?

Zhao Qingqing couldn't do it.

But at this time, no one dared to stand up and intercede for Wu Xuanfeng.

"I commit suicide." At this time Wu Xuanfeng smiled wryly.

He didn't expect that his words would bring him a fatal disaster.

When Wu Xuanfeng's figure turned into a divine light that filled the sky, the hearts of Qing Hongyu and the other three were full of sadness.

Wu Xuanfeng fell like this.

"In the future, the existence of your God Emperor Realm is forbidden to come to our God Realm, and of course the God Emperor of our God Realm will not go to your place." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "If anyone violates this rule, then no matter who is involved, don't blame me You are welcome."

"Sect Master Zhao, you mean that those below the Emperor can come

Went to God Realm to communicate. " Miaoxuan said.

In Miaoxuan's view, if God's Domain can produce a genius like Zhao Yang, then God's Domain must have some merits.

"Since the two continents have collided, it proves that it is a fate." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In the future, the two continents can communicate normally, but no one messes with me."

"Our Vermillion Bird Sect will arrange some of our disciples to come to the God Realm to exchange ideas." Miaoxuan, the suzerain of the Vermilion Bird Sect, said softly.

"Remember what I said, don't make any conspiracy in the middle, or don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Yang waved his hands after saying this, "You can go back."

Miaoxuan and the other three powerhouses immediately retreated.

"Sect Master Zhao, it is obvious that the Soul Sky Continent is stronger than us, why did you agree to communicate with them?" The first pavilion master raised his doubts.

"Back then I went to Soul Sky Continent to improve my strength. Do you know what cultivation is in Soul Sky Continent?" Zhao Yang said without waiting for everyone to answer, "Martial Soul."

"The level of the martial soul determines your upper limit..." After Zhao Yang introduced the martial soul, everyone finally understood what the cultivation system of the Soul Sky Continent is like?

"In addition, if you go to the Soul Sky Continent, there is a high probability that you will be able to obtain the Martial Soul." When Zhao Yang said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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