To Tuoba Yang's surprise, Zhao Wudi shook his head, "I'm not interested in killing you now."


"The Invincible Sect I established back then was also built on the corpses of others." Zhao Wudi said lightly, "Besides, I have seen a wider world, and I am no longer obsessed with fighting with you. It doesn't make any sense for you to fight."

After saying these words, Zhao Wudi jumped onto his battleship.

After Zhao Wudi left, everyone became emotional.

"Zhao Wudi has grown to this point in just a short time."

"Zhao Wudi didn't use his full strength at all."

"Yanhuangzong does have a way of cultivating disciples."

Zhao Wudi was about to return to Zhao Yang when he returned to Yanhuangzong, but found that Zhao Yang was looking into the distance with a solemn expression.

His eyes were extremely deep.

"Father, what happened?"

"There is a turmoil over Tianchao." Zhao Yang said and walked towards Tianchao.

Zhao Wudi pondered for a while and followed Zhao Yang.

The disciples of the Yanhuang Sect have been patrolling the western part of Tianzhu these years, and in the depths of Tianzhu there are dozens of warships focused on monitoring.

As Zhao Yang and Zhao Wudi continued to walk downward, they soon noticed a figure glowing with brilliance, but the Scorpio Beast attacked him one after another.

can see his body

The body is constantly blurring, and the speed of blurring is still increasing.

"what happened?"

"There is a god-level existence fighting in the air." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "otherwise the first temple master wouldn't consume so much?"

"According to the current progress, how long will the first temple master last?"

"About three days." Zhao Yang nodded.

Hearing this time, Zhao Wudi gasped, "So short?"

If Yan Huangzong was given another hundred years, Zhao Yang and the others might have stepped into the realm of the God Emperor, but now...?

"The enemy won't wait until you grow up." Zhao Yang said lightly, "It's time for the disciples of Yanhuangzong to see blood."

Soon, under Zhao Yang's instruction, Lin Caihan mobilized a mid-level God Emperor battleship, a mid-level God Emperor battle puppet, a early God Emperor warship, and a early God Emperor war puppet.

Among them, the warships and war puppets in the mid-term of the emperor are hidden.

When it really appeared on the battleship, it was the battleship of the God Emperor's early days.

And after this one, there are three battleships of the peak of the god king, ten battleships of the high-level god king, thirty battleships of the middle rank of the god king, and one hundred battleships of the early stage of the god king.

These warships formed the second line of defense.

And behind the second line of defense are [-] middle-stage and early-stage god-kings, [-] giants, and [-] mighty ones.

There is not the slightest trace of embarrassment on the faces of these soldiers

The color of fear, because their core and backbone are from the Central God Realm, they were once invincible in the Central God Realm, pushing all the sects horizontally.

Therefore, they didn't take it seriously even when facing the legendary Scorpio Beast.

Furthermore, standing at the forefront is Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect.

This is the spiritual belief of Yanhuangzong.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

On the third day, the body of the first temple master suddenly shattered like a bubble, and at the moment of shattering, a terrifying shock wave crushed forward.

A large number of Scorpio Beasts were crushed and killed.

And when the weather was calm, Zhao Wudi discovered that there were as many as one million Scorpio Beasts that had fallen.

"This is the last gift from the first temple master." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

Having said that, Zhao Yang rushed forward with a large number of monks.

He held a golden sword in his hand.

This battle sword is also a god-level battle sword.

Zhao Yang did not forge his own battle sword after reaching the God King Realm, because he felt that many magic weapons were not as powerful as his Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace.

When the war sword cut towards the front, it suddenly turned into a hundred thousand sword lights.

That's right.

One hundred thousand ways.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wudi's pupils shrank fiercely, knowing that he could only condense three thousand points with all his strength.

But Zhao Yang has condensed as many as one hundred thousand ways, and the relationship between the two sides

The gap between them is unimaginable.

Those sword lights mercilessly cut down one after another of the moat beasts.

The moat beasts were stunned.

They originally thought that they would be able to attack unimpeded after the fall of the first temple master. Who would have thought that a peerless fierce man would come.

Zhao Yang has traveled a long way in the God King Realm these years, and his explosive combat power at this time is not as good as even the peak God King.

"Mother, isn't dad going too deep?" Zhao Wudi asked with some concern, "Didn't dad say that there is a god emperor early stage among the beasts in the moat?"

"The early God Emperor's has been locked by the battleship, and it can't move at all now." Lin Caihan said softly, "You just shoot, don't worry about the rest."

You must know that there are war puppets from the early stage of the god emperor and several war puppets from the peak of the god king in the dark.

Their task is to protect the safety of the Yanhuangzong high-level.

Of course, the top officials of Yanhuangzong don't need protection either.

There are really too many god-kings on Yanhuangzong's side.

Thousands of god kings crushed forward like wolves and tigers, and those beasts seemed to be killed without any reaction.

All the god-kings of Yanhuangzong used big moves, and the Heavenly Moat beasts fell in batches.

Soon millions of Scorpio Beasts were killed, and under the leadership of Zhao Yang, they went deeper and killed millions of them one after another along the way.

Zhao Yang announced his withdrawal when he got near the source worm.

And from the beginning to the end, the Heavenly Moat Beast in the early stage of the God Emperor did not move.

It is very aware of the consequences of its own actions.

"The western frontier cannot be penetrated."

"Perhaps the only way to seek a breakthrough is to wait until the mid-level god emperor is bred."

"The problem is that our side has been unable to break through for a long time, and then the mother may blame us."

"Are you going to die?"

After discussing the existence of several peak god kings in the western border, they still felt that they could not take risks.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, the soldiers of Yanhuangzong felt that they still had more to say.

"It's not fun to play."

"Sky Moat Beast said how terrible the land is, but it turned out not enough to fight."

"That's right, I only killed thousands of moat beasts here, and then found that all the moat beasts had been killed."

Zhao Wudi looked at this group of guys speechless.

What if the monks from the other three directions heard their conversation and didn't know how to guess?

But this also made Zhao Wudi more determined to practice hard.

Because if he doesn't work hard, these god kings will listen to him?

"During this period of time, I have always been restless. I feel that the crisis in the Upper God Realm is coming." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said softly in Zhao Yang's study.

"Sky Moat Beast?"

"I think it might be something more terrifying than the Moat Beast." Zhao Yang shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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