Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1768 Death in battle

"Tianxu, give the six-petaled lotus flower to this young master." The hunchbacked old man scolded in a deep voice.

"Old Ancestor, do you know that the six-petal lotus flower can allow monks to step into the middle-level realm of the emperor." Tianxu said bitterly, "That is to say, if you give this six-petal lotus flower to you, you will lose it many years ago." Not only can your blood be replenished, but your cultivation can also go a step further."

The hunchbacked old man's eyes suddenly became hot, but then dimmed.

The other party will not give him this time.

As long as he doesn't compromise, the battleship will fire immediately.

"Give it to him." After a while, the hunchbacked old man said weakly.

Tianxu hesitated again and again and threw the six-petaled lotus flower to the young man.

The boy looked at it and waved his hand.


The battleship's main battery fired a shell.

Even though the hunchbacked old man defended immediately, half of his body was still shattered by the shell.

His breath has become dispensable.

"Why don't your excellency keep faith?" the hunchbacked old man said in a deep voice after he regained his body.

"Xinyi?" The boy laughed loudly, "When did I say I would let you off? Ah!"

"Old Ancestor, how are you?" Tian Xu appeared beside the hunchbacked old man and asked sadly, supporting him.

The hunchbacked old man looked at Tianxu kindly, "I can't do it anymore, the future depends on you

It is. ”

"Old Ancestor." Tian Xu seemed to realize something.

"You all go back." The hunchbacked old man glanced at everyone.

"Old Ancestor." The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan said sadly.

The hunchbacked old man waved his hand and sent Tianxu and others back to the fiefdom of the Sky Demon Clan, and then the aura on his body suddenly became hot.

His eyes also became brighter.

"Old fellow, you must try your best to sublimate." The young man said indifferently.

He still didn't take the hunchbacked old man in front of him seriously.

But as the aura on the old man became stronger, his expression changed involuntarily.

"Your peak is so strong?"

In the eyes of the young man, the hunchbacked old man's cultivation has infinitely approached the middle level of the God Emperor.

"Kill him." The young man pointed at the hunchbacked old man.

The war puppets in the early days of the emperor rushed towards the hunchbacked old man immediately.

"The sea of ​​blood is overwhelming." The hunchbacked old man roared.

One of his arms exploded in an instant, and the splashed blood of the God Emperor turned into a sea of ​​blood, wrapping around the war puppet.

The war puppet was ups and downs in the sea of ​​blood, and the aura on it was also continuously declining.

At this time, the hunchbacked old man looked at the young man, "Even if you are the Holy Son of the Higher Continent, it is not your turn to be presumptuous in front of our Heavenly Demon Clan." After saying that, he clenched his fists with five fingers and blasted towards the battleship.

Even if the battleship first

Immediately, a cannon was fired.

But the hunchbacked old man's aura was as majestic as the sky at this time, and after forcibly resisting the blow, he delivered a shocking blow towards the battleship.

The battleship hangs upside down, and the texture on it has cracks.

But then the battleship launched a counterattack, and many secondary artillery teamed up to build a firepower network.The hunchbacked old man went forward without any fear.

After the two sides fought for several rounds, the teenager turned and fled.

He was afraid.

If you continue to fight, the battleship may really be blown up by the hunchbacked old man.

The hunchbacked old man didn't follow the battleship, but shot at the trapped war puppet.

It's a pity that he was old and frail after all, and was finally escaped by the war puppet.

He let out a long sigh, he felt the hero's twilight.

He glanced in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Old Ancestor." Tian Xu cried loudly.

All the soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Clan also cried.

They knew that the ancestor had fallen.

In the direction of the first pavilion, the owner of the first pavilion looked at this scene with deep eyes, "Tianqiong died in battle."

Why did the First Pavilion give up attacking the Heavenly Demons back then, because they were afraid of Tianqiong's terrifying combat power?

"This guy's physical body is guarded by the Heavenly Demon Clan. This is also a warning to me not to make up my mind." The owner of the first mountain said leisurely.

"The backing of the Demon Race has fallen, and it will be difficult to recover in the future.

Restored to its former glory. "The owner of the first valley said lightly.

Zhao Yang stood above Yanhuangzong, he watched this scene quietly.

He didn't make a move, nor did he stop it.

For him, no matter whether it is a boy from Dongxuan Continent or a demon, in fact, their relationship with Zhao Yang is not good.

So he didn't intervene.

"Where are the six-petal lotus seeds?" Tang Yiren said, "Do you want to grab it?"

"If necessary, we can go to the first level to buy instead of robbing." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Okay, let's go back to practice."

Zhao Yang returned to practice quietly under the sacred tree.

With the passage of time, Zhao Yang's Taoism became more and more profound, and even Lin Caihan didn't know how far Zhao Yang had reached?

God King Realm is like this.

How far you can reach depends entirely on your background.

Some monks have reached the end very early, but some monks have not gone far.

As time went by, the monks who went to Chenghuang Road also returned one after another.

There are quite a few monks who went to Chenghuang Road this time. Of course, the sons and goddesses of all major forces have gone, and there are also some giants and powerful beings with backgrounds.

Most of these monks were lost on the way after going, and of course some of them got the chance against the sky.

After these guys came back, they immediately started retreating.

They are strengthening their

The cultivation base of the body is also absorbing the opportunities on the road to become emperor.

Therefore, God's Domain gained rare stability.

But everyone knows that as long as these guys achieve the position of God King, God's Domain will be in turmoil and restlessness again.

Zhao Wudi also came back.

This time he got a lot of opportunities on the road to becoming emperor, and he thought that after digesting this opportunity, his achievements would be even stronger than before.

"Sacred King Tuoba, back then you sneaked up on me and plotted against me, and then we will settle the old and new ones together." Zhao Wudi said through gritted teeth.

Immediately, Zhao Wudi Naying sneaked to a retreat that he had left back then and began to practice silently.

It has to be said that Zhao Wudi is too cautious, as long as he stays outside for a while, he will know about Yanhuangzong.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

And he is destined to walk a lot of wrong roads.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Fast forward ten years.

During this period, one after another, sons of gods became god kings.

"The god son of the jade clan has become a god king."

"His personal maid has also become the God King."

"The Jade Clan is about to rise."

"Who said no?"

"You must know that eight god sons and goddesses were lost on the road to becoming emperor this time."

"However, the damaged ones belong to the god-king-level forces, and the neutral forces and transcendental forces are not damaged."

(End of this chapter)

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