Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1769 Don't Disclose

"I heard that a son of God was damaged by the demons."

"I'm surprised that there are no masters from Yanhuangzong."

"How do you know that Yanhuangzong didn't send experts? You need to know how many people went in? Can you guarantee that there are no Yanhuangzong who are secretive?"

"It's pointless to entangle Yanhuangzong. Do you know the Broken Arm Swordsman?"

"what happened?"

"The broken-arm swordsman has advanced to become a god king."

"Broken Arm Swordsman was only a great power back then."

"I heard that the enemies of the Broken Arm Swordsman begged for mercy from the Broken Arm Swordsman, but the Broken Arm Swordsman still killed all his enemies."

The rules of God's Domain began to be trampled on.

The lower the level, the more they will trample on the rules, but the Broken Arm Swordsman is not an exception.

As the god kings rising from the bottom began to make continuous moves, those god king-level forces were forced to get involved.

As a result, the entire domain of the gods began to become chaotic.

Sky Palace!

On this day, the Broken Arm God King suddenly came to the Sky Palace, and Gongsun Sheng and other high-level sect officials rushed to greet him.

"From today onwards, the Sky Palace will join me under the command of the Broken Arm God King." The Broken Arm God King said indifferently.

Gongsun Sheng showed embarrassment.

"Is there a problem?" The Broken Arm God King frowned suddenly.

"Yanhuangzong stands behind our Sky Palace." Gongsun Sheng said bravely.

"Use Yanhuangzong to suppress me?" Broken Arm God King said with a cold look in his eyes.

Gongsun Shenglian said he didn't dare.

But Xu Yi had secretly contacted Zhao Yang.

After receiving the news, Zhao Yang of Yanhuangzong ended his practice. He stood up from under the sacred tree, and after leaving the small world, he summoned a battleship.

"Yanhuangzong is a transcendent force." Xu Yi couldn't help but said.

"Transcendent power? Who admits it?" The Broken Arm God King sneered.

It has to be said that the Broken Arm God King is so crazy that even Yanhuangzong doesn't pay attention to him.

"Yanhuangzong doesn't need anyone to admit it." When a cold voice pierced the sky, the Broken Arm God King and others looked into the distance.

A battleship appeared in midair at some point, and Zhao Yang stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the King of Broken Arms indifferently.

"Zhao Yang." There was no trace of fear on the face of the Broken Arm God King, "The world says you are the No. 1 of the younger generation, but I don't believe it."

"You can try it." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

The Broken Arm God King held a bloody saber in his left hand, and the moment he clenched it, his whole body's aura changed.

He is like Shura killing a god.


The terrifying killing intent spread over tens of thousands of kilometers.

He even turned into an afterimage and slashed towards Zhao Yang.

But when he was ten meters away from Zhao Yang, he was blocked by an invisible barrier


That barrier was like a mountain, blocking the way of the Broken Arm God King.

The bloody saber in the hand of the Broken Arm God King struck it, but did not leave even an inch of trace.

His figure staggered back, his arms trembled continuously, and blood was dripping down the tiger's mouth.

"You..." He changed color.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to become a god king, and he didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so powerful.

"Broken Arm God King, it's really not easy for you to come to this point from the dust, but you don't know that the gap between you and me is insurmountable in your life." Zhao Yang pointed a finger at this point. With the Broken Arm God King, he clicked over.

At the same time, an illusory finger came to suppress him like a pillar of Optimus.

Optimus Prime locked onto his body.

He has no choice but to fight.

But even though he tried his best, he was suppressed and fell to the ground.

His face was full of unwillingness.

"Why? Why am I not as good as you?" The Broken Arm God King roared.

"Gongsun Sheng, what did the Broken Arm God King do during this time?"

"After becoming the God King, the Broken Arm God King beheaded and killed the enemies of the year, but he also implicated millions of innocent people. During this period of time, in order to expand his own strength, he organized eight sects successively, and two sects If the sect doesn't want to, he will kill the sect from top to bottom."

"Since so

, then kill it. "Zhao Yang said that the Optimus Pillar continued to suppress downwards.

"Wait." The Broken Arm God King suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to follow you, and I will be the protector of Yanhuangzong in the future."

"There are so many god-kings in Yanhuangzong, would you need trash like you?" At this point, the Optimus Pillar crushed the broken-arm god-king into pieces.

Seeing Zhao Yang kill the Broken Arm God King so easily, Gongsun Sheng and others immediately realized that Zhao Yang had traveled a long way in the realm of the God King.

Zhao Yang put away the battleship and accompanied Gongsun Sheng around the Sky Palace.

Gongsun Sheng introduced to Zhao Yang the development of the Sky Palace over the years.

Strictly speaking, the Firmament Palace has not developed very fast these years, but it is steadily moving forward.

"Now your cultivation has reached the realm of great power, and you are not far from the realm of giants."

"Give me another ten years." Gongsun Sheng said with a smile.

"At first, I thought that the strength of your Sky Palace was enough to protect yourself, but I didn't expect this world to develop too fast." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang pointed a finger towards Gongsun Sheng's eyebrow.

Gongsun Sheng suddenly felt a golden sword appear in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is……?"

"This is the god-level martial spirit I bestowed on you, and the martial spirit will greatly enhance your foundation." Zhao Yang said softly, "In the future, you will follow me more

It is good for you to communicate with Wuhun. "

"My background is a giant. Could it be that I..." Gongsun Sheng suddenly realized something.

"That's right, in the future you will step into the stage of a high-level god king." Zhao Yang handed Gongsun Sheng a set of exercises at this point, "This is a set of exercises for the king of gods, suitable for you to practice."

"Master Zhao, I don't know..." Gongsun Sheng choked up.

Zhao Yang's help to him, to the help of the Sky Palace, the Sky Palace is unable to repay.

"The skill of Jian Wuji helped me a lot back then." Zhao Yang taught Gongsun Sheng the sword art of Jian Wuji at this point, "Jian Wuji can also be taught to you at the same time."

Xu Yi and Zhao Gaofeng all looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes.

They also want to become god kings!

"You guys, wait for two days." Zhao Yang said thinking.

A few days ago, Zhao Yang's Wuhun tree bore fruit again.

The martial soul obtained this time is a half-step forbidden martial soul gift.

What do you mean?

That is, if you don't have a martial soul, you can give him a martial soul.

This needs to be based on his background.

For example, Gongsun Sheng's background is in the realm of giants, so the gifted martial soul is a high-level god-king realm.

The Birth God Realm can be bestowed on Martial Souls that exceed three small realms of one's own background.

"By the way, don't divulge the matter of Martial Soul, and no one should divulge it." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something again.

(End of this chapter)

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