"What is the exchange ratio between the top-grade god stone and the middle-grade god stone?" Lin Caihan asked.

"one thousand."

"That is to say, if you run it at full capacity at one time, one billion mid-grade god stones will be gone?" Lin Caihan asked in amazement.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Then if a saturation attack is carried out, what is the value of the consumed weapons and ammunition?"

"About [-] million."

"That is to say, for a saturated congratulation, the mid-grade divine stone is 3000 billion?"


"I found that our Yanhuang Sect can't afford such a thing." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

This is just the battleship of the peak of the god king.

Wouldn't it be more expensive if the god emperor's early stage and god emperor's high-level ones?

"Every battleship here carries shells that can perform five saturation attacks." At this point, Zhao Yang waved his hand and a universe bag appeared in front of Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Ren, "This is for you."

Lin Caihan scanned with his divine sense and found that there were 100 billion high-grade sacred stones in the Qiankun bag in his hand, and 30 billion high-grade sacred stones in the Qiankun bags in the hands of Mingyue and Tang Yiren.

"So much?" Lin Caihan exclaimed.

Mingyue and Tang Yiren were also shocked by this number.

"These are pocket money for you. This time I got one trillion yuan from the Taboo Road. After purchasing these resources, there are still more than 6000 billion yuan left." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I will prepare the treasury of the Yanhuangzong Store 3000 billion

. "Speaking of which, Zhao Yang brought them to a huge treasury.

In the treasury are various resources of the God King Realm and God Emperor Realm that Zhao Yang bought at a large price.

Seeing these resources, Lin Caihan's eyes lit up.

Because she can use these materials to build the magic weapons and battleships she wants.

"With these materials, we can build a batch of warships and puppets of the God King Realm." Tang Yiren said excitedly.

She is also walking the path.

After wandering around, everyone returned to Zhao Yang's room contentedly.

"You are not qualified to use these resources yet. What you have to do now is to step into the realm of the god king." Zhao Yang said that Lin Caihan and others discovered that Zhao Yang had already stepped into the realm of the god king.

"I'm still a little far away from the realm of the god king." Lin Caihan said softly.

"In the future, when you are free, go to practice under the sacred tree. The sacred tree can enhance your origin and heritage." Zhao Yang said here and led everyone to a practice room.

In the exercise room, there are ten volumes of high-level exercises for the emperor, thirty volumes for the middle-level exercises of the emperor, and one hundred volumes for the early-stage exercises of the emperor.

After hearing Zhao Yang's introduction, Lin Caihan and others showed disbelief on their faces.

Before, they all practiced the exercises of the first temple master, but the exercises of the first temple master have limitations. To be honest, they may not be suitable for Lin Caihan and others.

But there is no way.

But now it seems

After so many exercises in the God Emperor Realm, they can choose the exercises and supernatural powers that suit them.

"There are still time fragments that are useless after they reach the God King Realm." Zhao Yang said softly, "Therefore, you don't need to be stingy with time fragments. Relying on the stacking of time fragments, you can comprehend the god-level exercises."

After Zhao Yang confessed for a while, he retreated.

He has a lot to learn.

His martial arts, his alchemy, his formation, and his martial soul all need to be promoted to the god-king realm.

And this is bound to take a lot of time.

Zhao Yang believed that Yanhuangzong had Lin Caihan, Mingyue and Tang Yiren, and the sect would have no problems, so he relaxed and sat cross-legged under the sacred tree to practice.

Lin Caihan and other women also came here to practice from time to time, but no one disturbed Zhao Yang's practice.

Many experts from outside wanted to visit Zhao Yang, but Yan Huangzong closed the door, which made those guys very dissatisfied.

But no one dared to say anything nonsense.

Because Yanhuangzong is already the fifth largest transcendental force.

Even if the name of Yanhuangzong is not worthy of the name in the hearts of many people, they are not something they can offend.

That day, a figure escaped from the crack covered in blood.


"Son of the Heavenly Demon Race."

"He doesn't seem to be doing well."

Tianxu shouted with a pale face, "Run, everyone, I offended the Holy Son of Dongxuan Continent, now they bring

The master is coming forcibly. "After saying this, he ran away.

Dong Xuan Continent?


Most of the monks chose to leave, but there were also some brave enough to stay where they were.

Not long after, two figures came out of the crack.

One of the figures was a young man in black clothes, he looked around and said, "Where's Tianxu?"

No one answered.

He moved towards a young man with his big hand, and forcibly imprisoned the young man in front of him, "I ask you where Tian Xu is?"

"He went in that direction."

"lead the way."

"I...I...." As soon as he said this, his neck was twisted by the young man, and then he was thrown on the ground like a wild dog.

Then his eyes fell on a girl in the distance, "Where's Tianxu?"

"I'll take you there." The girl said tremblingly.

At this moment, she couldn't care less about offending Tianxu.

Immediately, the three of them turned into a stream of light and walked in the direction of Tianmozong.

Let's talk about Tianxu.

Just when Tianxu arrived at Tianmozong, it caused a sensation.

"Who did it?" the head of the Heavenly Demon Clan said angrily.

Tianxu is the darling of his clan.

"The Holy Son of Dongxuan Continent." Tianxu said with an uneasy expression, "And they are chasing you."

"So what if the chase comes? Am I still afraid that they won't succeed?"

"Beside him is a war puppet of the God Emperor Realm."

"A war puppet in the God Emperor Realm?" The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan moved in his heart, "It's not bad at this level, the ancestors should be able to do nothing about it."

During the speech, a mighty coercion rolled towards the entire Tianmo sect.

"God Emperor Realm." After realizing this, the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Clan was alarmed. He walked out of the restricted area, leaning on a cane, and staggeringly appeared in mid-air.

"Are you going to perish after this battle?" the young man from Dongxuan Continent looked at the old man and asked.

"I have the confidence to take the war puppets by your side, including you." The hunchbacked old man showed a sinister smile on his face.

"Take me away? I'm afraid you don't have the ability." When the young man said this, a huge battleship appeared under his feet. When the main gun of the battleship was aimed at the old man with the hunchback, the old man with the hunchback showed a look of shock.

"The battleship of the God Emperor Realm." The old man said in a panic.

If the old man was in peak condition, he would naturally have no fear, but now that his energy and blood have declined, how can he compete with this battleship?

"Enemies should be resolved rather than tied. If Tianxu does anything wrong, shall I compensate you on his behalf?" the hunchbacked old man said bitterly.

"He took my chance, do you think he should kill him?" the boy said indifferently.

"I was the one who saw the six-petaled lotus flower first, how did it become my chance to take you?" Tian Xu said with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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