Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1766 Showing You Around

space crack.

Zhao Yang felt a burst of space turbulence when he reached the space crack.

He let the turbulence lead him.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to reach the first level.

After reaching the first level, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he was about to leave.

He came to Jubao Pavilion.

When the boss of Jubao Pavilion saw Zhao Yang, his eyes showed surprise.

"Why are you here again?"

"I went to another continent before and went around, thinking about buying something before leaving."

"what do you want?"

"Give me one of the battleships from the peak of the god king, and one of the war puppets from the peak of the god king." The reason why Zhao Yang wanted to get ten of them.

Because before, he gave Huang Yuyao a battleship of the peak of the god king, and a battle puppet of the peak of the god king.

"A total of 60 billion. After deducting the discount, you can give 48 billion." The boss of Jubao Pavilion said with a smile.

Zhao Yang got these resources after giving the other party 48 billion.


After leaving the first level, Zhao Yang headed towards God's Domain.

This trip to the taboo road can be said to be full of money.

Because in addition to buying so many resources, he still has more than 6000 billion divine stones.

More than 6000 billion!

Suddenly Zhao Yang thought of something, he quickly called out Leng Aoxue from the small world.

Leng Aoxue since childhood

After walking out of the world, he looked around and said, "Where is this?"

"We are on our way back to God's Domain." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Finally I can go back." Leng Aoxue muttered, "I'm almost tired of staying in that courtyard."

Soon Leng Aoxue found that the speed of going back was more than ten times faster than the speed of coming.

"What's the situation?" Leng Aoxue suddenly realized that Zhao Yang had been promoted to the God King Realm.

"God King Realm?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"how did you do that?"

"It just came naturally."

"You are once again the best in the younger generation." Leng Aoxue said with emotion.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk out of the crack.

"Leng Aoxue."

"Zhao Yang."

"These two have returned from the Forbidden Road."

This news quickly detonated the entire Divine Realm.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong immediately.

When he saw that Yanhuangzong was safe and sound, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. When he was on the taboo road, he was worried that something would happen to Tianzhu, but fortunately everything was fine.

Lin Caihan was also very excited to see Zhao Yang's safe return.

"Husband, what's on the taboo road?" Tang Yiren threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms and asked coquettishly.

"I saw the holy son in the dust and the holy girl in trouble on the road of taboo." Zhao Yang stroked Tang Yiren

Xiufa said, "The battle there is beyond your imagination."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

"On the other hand, there are many masters on that road, even though I am already very strong, I almost didn't hold grudges there." Zhao Yang continued.

Everyone was shocked.

"It's so dangerous, I won't go." Mingyue said immediately.

"Fortunately, I finally came back." Zhao Yang brought the three girls into his small world.

What caught their eyes was 440 warships, and these warships were arranged in rows according to their ranks.

Lin Caihan's eyes lit up immediately, "Is this at the level of a god king?"

You must know that even the transcendental forces do not have warships of the level of god kings!

"Ten battleships at the peak of the god king, [-] battleships at the high level of the god king, [-] battleships at the middle level of the god king, and [-] battleships at the early stage of the god king." Zhao Yang pointed to these warships and introduced them one by one, "and wait until the energy After the doubling environment has passed, their level will be further improved."

"There are so many warships of the God King class." Mingyue's face was full of surprise, "Even the God Emperor can't please him."

"If the God Emperor dares to come again, it's not that he can't please, but that he can't do without." Zhao Yang said that the space here changed, and three warships appeared in front of the three women with more majestic atmosphere.

"Husband, are these three ships from the early days of the God Emperor?" Tang Yiren paused.

realized something.

Zhao Yang nodded, "That's right, these three ships are all from the early days of the God Emperor."

"With these three warships from the early stage of the God Emperor, we don't need to be afraid of the other three supernatural forces." Lin Caihan said with clenched fists.

Yanhuangzong is actually weaker than the other three transcendent forces.

But with these three warships of the early days of the God Emperor, there is really no fear of any forces.

"I think what you said is wrong." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

"What?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and said.

Immediately, the space around them turned again, and only then did they realize that three warships appeared in front of them.

"This..." The three girls were shocked.

Because the breath of these three battleships is much stronger than the previous three.

"This is a mid-tier God Emperor warship."

The three girls were speechless in shock.

You must know that the god emperors of the three supernatural forces seem to be in the early stage of god kings.

In other words, Yanhuangzong's current strength has crushed them.

"In addition, I also bought a batch of war puppets." Zhao Yang said that 430 six war puppets appeared in midair.

"Three battle puppets of the mid-level god emperor, three war puppets of the early stage of the god emperor, ten war puppets of the peak god king, thirty high-level war puppets of the god king, one hundred middle-level war puppets of the god king, three hundred The battle puppets in the early days of the god king." After Zhao Yang's eloquence, Lin Caihan and others were shocked again.

"Give Caihan a middle-level battle puppet of the god emperor, Mingyue and Yiren each have a battle puppet of the early stage of the god emperor, and the rest of the high-level people each have a battle puppet of the peak god king, and a high-level war puppet of the god king or god king next to the middle and high-level people. Wang Zhongjie's war puppet." Zhao Yang said after he had almost given the order, "From now on, the patrol of the Zongmen will be handed over to the patrol of the warship."

The patrolling effect of battleships is stronger than that of war puppets.

"From now on, the patrol of the Zongmen will be handed over to the battleship of the God King Limit." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Normally speaking, Yanhuangzong with two Shanhe Orders would not be able to get in even easily from the Shenhuangzong.

But just in case, Zhao Yang sent another battleship to patrol.

"What are the resources consumed by the battleship at the peak of the god king?" Lin Caihan asked a question, "Can't the middle-grade god stone be moved?"

Lin Caihan finally discovered that the major factor limiting the Shenyu God King-class warships and God-King war puppets is the source of energy through the research of Qi Dao classics.

"You're right, I really don't understand mid-grade divine stones." Zhao Yang nodded, "Actually, people on the Taboo Road need high-grade divine stones."

"High-grade sacred stone?" Mingyue asked curiously, "Did my husband get the high-grade sacred stone?"

"For example, when this battleship at the peak of the god king is running at full capacity, it will consume millions of high-grade god stones a day." Zhao Yang explained, "Of course, if only the monitoring system is running, the consumption will only be one-tenth."

(End of this chapter)

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