"One billion high-grade divine stones is fine, just send those things in front." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

There are some things you can have, and some things you can't.

Otherwise, when Zhao Yang left, it was inevitable that Shenyuanzong would not be liquidated.

"Our Vermillion Bird Sect..." Miaoxuan was interrupted by Zhao Yang just as he said this, "You Vermilion Bird Sect should stop joining in the fun, Shenyuan Sect has no reason to want you."

"Can't we support the weak sect?" Miaoxuan said with a straight face, "Why, look down on our Vermilion Bird Sect."

"Since that's the case, we will be disrespectful." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Soon Qing Wuyuan sent the batch of resources that Qing Hongyu mentioned.

Zhao Yang took it and handed it to Huang Yuyao, "Let's go."

Blue crucian carp and Miaoxuan also bid farewell and left.

After Zhao Yang and Huang Yuyao returned to the sect, Huang Yuyao asked Zhao Yang, "How should I use these resources?"

"These resources will be sealed up first." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In addition, you don't know what the Vermillion Bird Sect will send you? We will think about it later."

"it is good."

As a result, the blue crucian carp, which hadn't arrived at the Vermilion Bird Sect for a long time, arrived.

"Our Vermilion Bird Sect has given us a batch of resources, which can create a high-level existence of a god-king, three middle-level existences of a god-king, and six early-stage existences of a god-king." Blue crucian carp said with a smile.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Thank you for what?

Strengthening the strength of Shenyuanzong is also strengthening the strength of our Soul Sky Continent in a disguised form. "The blue crucian carp said with a smile.

"makes sense."

"So when are you leaving?"

"It's time to leave after I have built the Shenyuanzong's mountain protection formation."

"Then... when can we meet again?" Blue crucian carp suddenly felt a little lost.

"We will meet again on the Forbidden Road in the future."

"it is good."

The blue crucian carp did not leave for the next time, but stayed in Shenyuanzong to accompany Zhao Yang.

This made Huang Yuyao very disappointed.

How could she not see the blue crucian carp's affection for Zhao Yang, and compared to the glamorous Huang Yuyao, she seemed dimmed.

It took Zhao Yang three months to complete the construction of Shenyuanzong's mountain protection array.

"Are you leaving?" the blue crucian carp asked a little disappointed.

"How many god kings does your Vermilion Bird Sect have?"

"160 four statues." Blue crucian carp replied, "Why are you asking this?"

"Before I leave, I will send you a batch of god kings."

"How?" Blue crucian carp asked puzzled.

"I went to Soul Sky Continent and got a Martial Soul." Zhao Yang said softly.

"What martial spirit?"

Zhao Yang summoned his martial spirit.

Plus Wuhun!

The difference is that Zhao Yang's Wuhun is light purple.

"Half-step taboo." The blue crucian carp gasped.

The only thing that makes Wuhun purple is the legendary half-step taboo.

"My martial soul can advance your martial soul." Zhao Yang's words made the blue crucian carp stunned on the spot.

"What did you say?"

"I can raise the God King Realm by two small realms, and the Raw God Realm by three small realms." Zhao Yang looked at the blue crucian carp and said with a smile, "How much God King Realm do you think is suitable for your Vermilion Bird Sect?"

"Ten statues will be added to the peak god kings, thirty gods will be added to the high-level god kings, sixty statues will be added to the mid-stage god kings, and one hundred statues will be added to the early god kings." After thinking for a while, the blue crucian carp expressed his opinion.

This is two hundred statues.

"no problem."

"Can the emperor's realm be improved?" Blue crucian carp asked tentatively.

"Alright." Zhao Yang nodded.

"There are seven god-emperors in our Suzaku sect, can we let them all advance?" Blue crucian carp continued to ask.

"It's okay to let them advance, but can you hold them down in the future?"

"I believe in myself." Blue crucian carp said with a smile.

"It's fine if you think there is no problem." Zhao Yang said lightly, "By the way, I can only help one monk strengthen his martial soul every day. Also, remember to keep this matter secret."

"Then I will bring a monk here every day."


After the blue crucian carp left, Zhao Yang looked at Huang Yuyao beside him and said, "Have the resources been sorted out during this time?"

Huang Yuyao nodded.

"Have you figured out how to allocate resources?"

"The First Elder can use the high-level resources of the God King, the second, third, and fourth elders can use the resources of the middle-level God King, and the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth elders can use the resources of the early stage of the God King. "

"In this way, the Fifth Elder to the Ninth Elder don't need to take the resources to step into the early stage of the God King." Zhao Yang said at this time, "I will raise their martial souls to the early stage of the God King."

Speaking of this, what did Zhao Yang think of, "Zongmen, how many souls are still in the mid-level of the living god?"

"There are still twelve, but none of them have grown up."

"I will raise the martial souls of these twelve to the early stage of the God King Realm at the end." Zhao Yang said softly, "In addition, how many martial souls are in the early stage of the God King Realm?"

"There are 76 martial spirits in the early stage of birth to the god state."

"In this way, you, who are at the peak of the death god realm, let them prepare, and I will raise their martial souls."

"Won't this be a waste of time?"

"Indeed, in this way, I have to waste at least one or two years in Shenyuanzong." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But I have a lot of things to do in these two years."


"Your martial soul will grow to the early stage of the emperor with your cultivation, you know?" Zhao Yang looked at Huang Yuyao and said, "In other words, you

The exercises and supernatural powers you practiced before are no longer good. In addition, the nine elders of your sect have also reached the realm of god kings, and the exercises they practiced are no longer suitable. "

Only then did Huang Yuyao think of this question.

"I will teach you the full version of the god-level exercises. In addition, I will give you thirty volumes of the god-level exercises. I will tell you about these exercises in the next year or two."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it in a year or two."

"I will give you time fragments." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "You just need to practice with peace of mind."

In the following time, Zhao Yang first helped Huang Yuyao and the Nine Elders improve their cultivation, and then taught Huang Yuyao and the Nine Elders the exercises of the God Emperor and God King.

Of course, he would spare time every day to help the monks of the Vermilion Bird Sect raise the level of their martial souls.

The days passed like this day by day.

On this day, Zhao Yang helped a cultivator at the peak of the Death God Realm of Shenyuanzong raise the level of his martial soul.

"I should leave." Zhao Yang said softly this day.

Huang Yuyao's heart was full of reluctance.

"Will I see you again in the future?"

"I might come to your Soul Sky Continent if I have a chance in the future." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, Huang Yuyao's eyes dimmed.

Because Zhao Yang didn't give a definite answer.

"Shanshui meets again, so farewell." Zhao Yang waved to everyone, and then jumped into the space crack.

(End of this chapter)

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