Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1764 King's Order

The monks present were all stunned.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

Lan crucian carp thought of something instantly, she glanced at Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"Hehe, I want to see who else is standing behind you?" Song Yan said and slapped Zhao Yang.

The moment his monstrous palm force was about to fall on Zhao Yang's body, a golden radiance diffused from Zhao Yang's body, and at the same time, a more terrifying wave fell on Song Yan's body with lightning speed.

Song Yan stepped back a few steps before stopping.

"What's on you?"

Zhao Yang took out a token and hung it on his waist.

"Tianjiao Order." Qing Wuyuan reacted immediately, "Anyone whose realm is higher than yours will not hurt you."

"Tianjiao Order?" Qing Hongyu's heart sank.

He is well aware of the gold content of the Tianjiao Order.

You must know that no one in the entire Soul Sky Continent has obtained the Tianjiao Order?

"Even if you have the Tianjiao Token, so what? I can't hurt you, but I will trap you to death." Song Yan's thoughts changed sharply, and soon he found the loophole in the Tianjiao Token.

"Song Yan, don't be fooled." Qing Hongyu quickly reprimanded.

He could see that Miaoxuan had moved.

Miaoxuan might turn against the Azure Dragon School for the sake of a Tianjiao named on the stele.

"Sovereign, Fan Yuqi is my only relative in this world. If you don't let me take revenge, I would rather die by your side."

before. "Song Yan said with red eyes.

"Have you ever thought that because of your selfishness, the Azure Dragon School will be plunged into a place of eternal doom?" Zhao Yang said at this time.

"It's up to you?" Song Yan sneered.

"Since I dare to come here with Qing Wuyuan, it means that I am fully prepared." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang took out a token and hung it on his waist, "Do you know what token this is?"

"Monster Order." Qing Wuyuan took a breath, "You actually got the Monster Order."

"The evildoer order can suppress the king of gods, you know?" Zhao Yang looked at Song Yan and said.

"So what?" Song Yan said indifferently.

"Now that I have taken out the Demonic Token, there is still room for mediation between us. If I have taken out the King's Token, it won't be useful for you to kneel down?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Song Yan's face suddenly changed.

Qing Hongyu's expression also changed.

The Order of the King can suppress the Emperor!

"Song Yan, don't be arrogant." Qing Hongyu yelled at Song Yan.

Song Yan's eyes struggled for a while before he said, "Sovereign, I don't believe he has the King's Token in his hand. The King's Token, there are only [-] pieces in the heavens and myriad worlds. How can this kid have the King's Token? He has already taken out the King's Token, and Miaoxuan would have turned against our Azure Dragon School long ago if he knew that he had the King's Token."

Song Yan's speculation was correct.

but he couldn't think of

It's because Zhao Yang has never been a master who plays cards according to the rules.

"So are you going to go all the way to the dark?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"That's right, I don't believe you have the King's Order." Song Yan stared into Zhao Yang's eyes and gritted his teeth.

Song Yan is gambling.

He bet that Zhao Yang didn't have the King's Token in his hand.

Zhao Yang laughed.

The moment he took out the King's Token, a terrifying coercion from the heavens immediately permeated the audience.

Whether it was Qing Hongyu, Song Yan, or Miao Xuan, they all felt an invisible shackle firmly trapping them in place.

Their physical bodies were imprisoned, and their souls were also locked.

In other words, they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered at this time.

"You..." Song Yan's face became extremely ugly.

"Do you have any last words?" Zhao Yang came to Song Yan and said lightly.

"Even if you imprison me, so what? I am the Emperor of God, you are an existence who has just stepped into the realm of God King, you have the ability to kill me?" Song Yan said a little crazy at this time.

He knew he was hopeless for revenge.

"I can't kill you, but it doesn't mean I can't kill you." At this point, a figure appeared beside Zhao Yang.

This figure is exactly the battle puppet of the mid-term God Emperor that Zhao Yang bought at a high price.

After the war puppet appeared, Song Yan stopped abruptly.

"Young Master Zhao, you have something to say." Qing Hongyu changed his expression.



Without extra words, the war puppet killed Song Yan, the deputy lord of the Azure Dragon School, with a single punch.

Immediately, the figure of the war puppet landed on Qing Hongyu's body.

"Zhao Yang." Qing Wuyuan hurriedly stopped in front of the two parties, "Song Yan is dead, this matter is over."

"It's over when you say it, how can it be so easy?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Zhao Yang, don't you forget it?" Blue crucian carp stepped forward and pulled Zhao Yang and said softly, "The Azure Dragon Sect has also been resisting the Heavenly Moat Beast these years. If the patriarch of the Azure Dragon Sect also falls, something may happen in the Soul Sky Continent. .”

"You also have the Moat Beast here?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

For Zhao Yang, Song Yan must be killed, and the hatred between the two parties is impossible to resolve.

But Qinghongyu Zhao Yang didn't think about killing him, he just wanted to deter the other party.

"No matter which continent there is a moat beast." The blue crucian carp said softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang put away the token of the king, and immediately the imprisonment on Qing Hongyu dissipated.

"Thank you." Qing Hongyu looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes and said.

He realized that Zhao Yang's rise was unstoppable.

The king recognized by the forbidden road.

If there is no accident in the future, he will be able to become a strong taboo.


How could their Azure Dragon School offend them?

"Shenyuanzong is your eastern region, I hope your Qinglongzong can give you some convenience in the future."

profit. Zhao Yang pointed to Huang Yuyao and said, "And she is the suzerain of Shenyuanzong. "

"The Azure Dragon Sect will announce that whoever targets Shenyuan Sect in the future will target my Azure Dragon Sect." Qing Hongyu said immediately.

"Our Vermillion Bird Sect will also announce it." Miaoxuan said solemnly.

In fact, Miaoxuan felt a little regretful at this time.

If she had known that Zhao Yang was the king, she would not have hesitated just now, let alone have any scruples.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and handed Huang Yuyao a six-petal lotus flower, "You can take this."

Huang Yuyao was puzzled but swallowed it.

"Six-petaled lotus flower." Blue crucian carp said softly.

"What is a six-petal lotus flower?" Huang Yuyao asked curiously.

"The six-petal lotus seed flower can allow you to step into the realm of the god emperor in the future. By the way, it will cost 60 billion high-grade god stones on the road of taboo."

Hearing this, Huang Yuyao felt a turmoil in her heart, "Master Zhao, you..."

"How can the two superpowers hold your heart? If you don't have some improvement, it can't be justified?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Aren't your Azure Dragon School planning to give something?"

Qing Hongyu immediately said, "I will send a high-level god-king, a mid-level god-king, and an early-stage god-king warship. In addition, I will send a high-level god-king, a mid-level god-king, and an early-stage god-king battle puppet." Dunqing Hongyu said again, "By the way, I will give you another billion high-grade god stones."

(End of this chapter)

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