Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1763 You are going to kill me

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "The Azure Dragon School can't do anything to me."

"What?" Huang Yuyao said dumbfounded.

"I have returned from the forbidden path."

"You are also the Holy Son?" Huang Yuyao suddenly realized.

"I think I'm stronger than the one shouting at the door." Having said that, Zhao Yang strode towards the mountain guard formation.

As soon as Zhao Yang arrived at the mountain gate, he saw Qing Wuyuan of the Azure Dragon School.

"Qing Wuyuan, how far have you traveled on the taboo road?" What Qing Wuyuan didn't expect was Zhao Yang's words.

"I came back after reaching the second level." Qing Wuyuan said in surprise.

"So you are not even as good as blue crucian carp." Zhao Yang laughed.

"You know blue crucian carp?" Qing Wuyuan was even more shocked at this time.

"The blue crucian carp is already on its way, and I believe it will be here soon." Zhao Yanggang saw the blue crucian carp arrive here on a battleship of the early emperor of the emperor.

"Blue crucian carp." Qing Wuyuan didn't expect that blue crucian carp really came.

"Qing Wuyuan, what do you want to do to my friend?" Blue crucian carp asked with a bad look.

"Your friend killed four god kings, I came here to ask what happened?" Qing Wuyuan said hastily.

Qing Wuyuan knew that the blue crucian carp had reached the third level, even if the blue crucian carp didn't leave a name on the stone tablet, the blue crucian carp was still stronger than him.

"But four

Respect the god king, kill it if you kill it, what's the big deal. "The blue crucian carp said angrily.

Qing Wuyuan smiled wryly, "Aren't our Azure Dragon Sect responsible for the eastern region?"

"Why, you Qinglongzong insist on asking?"

"Actually, for your sake, I don't have to ask, but Fan Yuqi has an old relationship with the vice suzerain of our Azure Dragon School. Now the vice suzerain has asked me to take your friend there."

"Is there no room for maneuver?" Blue crucian carp frowned.

"It's hard."

"What if our Vermillion Bird Sect insists on protecting it?"

"Aren't you embarrassing me?" Qing Wuyuan said helplessly.

"Blue crucian carp, I'm going to go to the Azure Dragon School." Zhao Yang said at this time, "To be honest, I also want to see how arrogant and domineering the deputy suzerain of the Azure Dragon School is?"

"Don't be impulsive, if you go hastily, even our Vermilion Bird Sect won't be able to rescue you." Blue Crucian Carp said quickly.

"If the Azure Dragon School dares to attack me, then there is no need for the Azure Dragon School to exist." No one expected that Zhao Yang would say these words.

"What did you say?" Qing Wuyuan said with an unkind expression.

"Lead the way." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yang." Blue crucian carp was about to say something but Zhao Yang interrupted, "Blue crucian carp, don't worry, I won't make fun of my life."

Just when Zhao Yang was about to leave with Qing Wuyuan, Huang Yuyao's figure flashed

Follow behind Zhao Yang.

"Sect Master Huang, are you...?"

"Mr. Zhao wouldn't have caused such trouble if it wasn't for my Shenyuanzong." Huang Yuyao said with firm eyes, "If something happens to Mr. Zhao, I won't be alive."

"You..." Zhao Yang thought for a while, then said with a smile, "In that case, let's go together."

"Let's go on my battleship." Blue crucian carp said at this time.

I don't know why this battleship didn't show the speed that the early God Emperor battleship should have.

The speed of the battleship is a bit slow.

Qing Wuyuan also realized this situation, but he didn't say anything.

"Blue crucian carp, did you buy this battleship on Taboo Road?"

"You didn't buy it?"

"Who has 100 billion on him?" Qing Wuyuan said with a wry smile, "You don't know how long I've been coveting, but it's a pity that I don't have enough god stones."

"If a friend of mine hadn't lent me 30 billion, I wouldn't have been able to afford the warships in the early days of the Emperor of God." Blue Crucian said softly.

When Huang Yuyao heard this, a storm arose in her heart.

100 billion ships?

Do you know that the combined god stones of the two king-level powers don't add up to [-] million?

Is there such a big gap between king-level forces and transcendental forces?

When the battleship was halfway away from the Azure Dragon School, a middle-aged woman landed on the bow of the ship quietly.


"My master is here." Blue crucian carp said with a smile.

Everyone walked out of the central control room and came to the bow of the ship.

"I've seen Sect Master Miao." Qing Wuyuan also hurriedly saluted.

"I've met senior." Zhao Yang also saluted respectfully.

He knew that the person in front of him was probably the suzerain of the Vermillion Bird Sect.

The high-level existence of the emperor.

"I came here to see who the young man my blue crucian carp falls in love with is?" Miaoxuan said with a smile.

What she said made the blue crucian carp blush.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Blue crucian carp looked very embarrassed.

"Have you never cared so much about a man in these years?"

"Master." Blue crucian carp tugged at Miaoxuan's sleeve.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Miaoxuan said and looked at Zhao Yang, "This time it's not a big deal, the left and right are just a god king, you don't need to worry about it."

"Thank you, senior." In fact, Zhao Yang didn't need Miaoxuan to show up, but since he's here, you can't say that I don't need you, can you?

The battleship soon arrived at the Azure Dragon School.

The disciples of the Azure Dragon Sect saw the suzerain of the Suzaku Sect coming and hurried to call for the suzerain of the Qinglong Sect.

After the suzerain of the Azure Dragon Sect came to the mountain gate, Qing Wuyuan briefly told the story, Qing Hongyu immediately felt a little tricky, but still smiled and invited everyone to enter the mountain gate.

good after sitting down

Xuan said straight to the point, "I came here this time because of Zhao Yang's affairs, if you can save me face, I won't mention this matter."


Seeing the embarrassment on Qing Hongyu's face, Miaoxuan's face suddenly darkened, "Why, I don't even give face to the Vermillion Bird Sect?"

"You don't know that Fan Yuqi is Song Yan's cousin."

"What?" Miao Xuan was shocked.

Song Yan is the vice suzerain of Qinglongzong.

"Then why didn't Fan Yuqi say anything before he died?" Blue Crucian asked in a low voice.

"Fan Yuqi doesn't know, and Song Yan doesn't want Fan Yuqi to know, who would have thought..." Qing Hongyu just said here, a murderous voice came from the hall.

"What about the boy?"

After the words fell, a murderous figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was a middle-aged man who looked to be around 40 or [-] years old. He was dressed in filial piety, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

When he landed on Zhao Yang, he was about to make a move, but was stopped by Miaoxuan.

"Song Yan, can you save me some face?"

"Miaoxuan, I don't know what relationship you have with this kid, but he killed my cousin, there is no room for maneuver in this matter." Song Yan said every word.

Miaoxuan suddenly felt troublesome.

At this moment Zhao Yang stood up, "Senior Miaoxuan, don't feel embarrassed, Song Yan wants to kill me, the premise is that he can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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