"Discount, 260% off." The boss said immediately, "After the discount, it will be [-] billion."

"I need ten volumes for the high-level exercises of the God Emperor, thirty volumes for the middle-level exercises of the God Emperor, and one hundred volumes for the early-level exercises of the God Emperor." Zhao Yang continued, "But you have to give me Let’s make a list and an introduction, otherwise how would I choose?”

The boss immediately handed Zhao Yang a list.

The list lists various god-level exercises, and each exercise has a brief introduction.

Zhao Yang watched it for half an hour and finalized the 140 volumes of exercises in the Divine Emperor Realm.

These skills include body skills, sword skills, boxing skills, secret skills, etc., which can be said to be all-encompassing.

"I need [-] scrolls for the peak-level exercises of the god king, [-] scrolls for the high-level exercises of the god king, [-] volumes for the intermediate-level exercise of the god king, and [-] volumes for the early stage exercises of the god king." Zhao Yang Then he said again.

The boss gave Zhao Yang another list.

Zhao Yang took longer this time.

It took him more than an hour to select [-] volumes.

"After deducting the discount, you can just give me 56 billion." The boss said with a smile.

Zhao Yang did the math and found that the total cost was only 320 billion.

I looked at the time and it was almost evening.

Zhao Yang sensed that someone was following him after he left the Kung Fu Hall. In fact, he felt that someone was following him since he left the casino.

After thinking about it, he still headed towards the place agreed with the blue crucian carp.

When he was about to arrive, he saw the slim blue crucian carp.

"Don't look at me, let alone talk to me." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to the blue crucian carp.

Blue crucian carp didn't understand why Zhao Yang said that, but she did it anyway.

"You pretend you don't know me."

The blue crucian carp nodded inconspicuously.

"What's next for you?"

"I plan to rest here for three days before returning to Soul Sky Continent."

"We are resting at the Jiuzhonglou Inn. I will find a way to get out in three days, and then my real body will enter your small world."

"it is good."

Zhao Yang missed her figure after making an appointment with the blue crucian carp.

And the blue crucian carp continued to wait here as if waiting for someone.

Jiuzhonglou Inn!

Zhao Yang waited quietly after checking in here.

He knew that the casino would not let it go easily, even if this inn was very powerful in the third level.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Yang suddenly felt his eyelids twitch.

not good!

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that someone was attacking him mentally.

With a long roar, he alarmed the patrolling guards.

The patrolling guards broke into Zhao Yang's room one after another.

"Traces of mental attack."

"What just happened?"

"Are you OK?"

Zhao Yang looked at the guards and said in a low voice, "Someone wants to kill me."

"Don't worry, no one can kill you here?" the head guard asked.

Said in a deep voice, "I will arrange for a master to be near your room later."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said softly.

"You pay to live in our hotel, we have the right to guarantee your safety."

After those guards left, Zhao Yang still didn't relax.

The strength of these guards is good, but Zhao Yang does not believe that they can guarantee his safety [-]%.

But in the next three days, Zhao Yang was shocked to find that he was never attacked again.

This surprised him.

"Master Zhao, do you want to renew the lease or...?" The shopkeeper came to Zhao Yang's room that day.

"These three days...?"

"We found out your identity, so we naturally know who wants to kill you." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "We warned them, so you are absolutely safe in the inn."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I will renew the lease for another day."

"it is good."

After Zhao Yang paid one day's rent, the shopkeeper left.

Soon Zhao Yang pushed open the door of the room and walked outside.

When he passed a room, the blue crucian carp sent a voice transmission to him, "Leave today?"

"After 3 minutes, you go to my room, and then I will enter your small world."

"it is good."

Then Zhao Yang left the inn.

And the cultivator who was following secretly also quickly followed behind Zhao Yang.

About 3 minutes later, the blue crucian carp came to Zhaoyang inadvertently

At the same time, she opened the entrance to her small world, and then a swift stream of light instantly entered her small world.

Blue crucian carp knew that Zhao Yang had entered her own small world, and then she went to the teleportation array in the third city.

That's right, the third city has a teleportation array.

It is possible to go to the first city through the teleportation array of blue crucian carp.

After paying a certain fee, the blue crucian carp returned to the first city through the teleportation array.

After arriving in the first city, the blue crucian carp still did not relax, and she rushed towards the Soul Sky Continent along the route home.

"It was your avatar that left before?" Blue crucian carp asked Zhao Yang after walking for a long time.


"I have to say that your avatar is very realistic, even I can hide it from you."

"Otherwise, how can we deceive those guys?"

"Who did you feud with?"

"Sihai Casino."

"Sihai Casino? I heard that Sihai Casino is a group of bad ruffians who eat people and don't spit out their bones." Blue crucian carp said a little angrily.

"Yeah, I just won some small money in their casino, and they just want to kill me."

If the blue crucian carp knew that Zhao Yang had won almost one trillion yuan in the Four Seas Casino, she probably wouldn't have said that.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

"Zhao Yang."


Zhao Yang was stunned.

Oh what do you mean?

"You didn't go to the stele?" Zhao Yang asked suddenly.

Then realize it.

"What am I going to do there?" Blue crucian carp said mockingly, "As for me, it would be nice to shake the stele once. As for leaving a name on the stele, don't even think about it?"

The third stele is much more difficult than the second.

Since the blue crucian carp didn't know his identity, Zhao Yang didn't bother to say anything.

"Your status in Soul Sky Continent is not simple."

"There are four supernatural forces in the Soul Sky Continent, and I come from the Southern Suzaku Sect." Blue Crucian replied softly.

"What is the cultivation level of the strongest in your sect?"

"High-level God Emperor."

"So strong?"

Hearing this, the blue crucian carp said angrily, "Don't tell me that your continent is not so strong?"

"There used to be strong people in our mainland, but now there are only three supernatural forces, and the strongest seems to be the early stage of the emperor." Zhao Yang said with a smile.


"Our continent doesn't even have a top-grade god stone."

The blue crucian carp was taken aback, "Then your continent can still give birth to a person as amazing and talented as you?"

In Lan crucian carp's heart, Zhao Yang is stronger than her, but she never thought about leaving her name on the stone tablet of the third pass.

"As for me, it was just an accident." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I'll cover you after arriving in Soul Sky Continent." Blue Crucian said with a smile.

She is the saintess of the Vermillion Bird Sect in the Soul Sky Continent, who would dare not give her face?

"Soul Sky Continent." Zhao Yang's eyes showed anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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