"It's here." Tianlan crucian carp said suddenly.

When the two set foot in this world, Zhao Yang suddenly felt the completely different rules of the world, and at the same time he felt the oppression of this world.

"Do you feel suppressed?" The blue crucian carp seemed to realize something.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"This is Heaven's protection for the natives."

Zhao Yang thought about it and thought it made sense.

If there is no restriction, the natives can be easily killed.

"Farewell to her, and then find a place where no one is around, and I will guide you to awaken your martial soul." The voice of the mysterious woman rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Let me take you to our Vermilion Bird Sect." Blue Crucian Carp initiated an invitation to Zhao Yang.

"I want to go around alone first, and then go to the Vermillion Bird Sect to find you." Zhao Yang declined.

Blue crucian carp handed Zhao Yang a token, "With this token, you can contact me at any time."

After Zhao Yang took the token and researched it, he said, "Is it enough to find you in the friend column?"


After understanding how to use it, Zhao Yang left here.

He summoned a mid-tier God Emperor battleship, jumped on the battleship and bound to it. After binding, Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Soon the battleship found a suitable place.

There is a strong miasma around that place,

But the miasma couldn't hurt Zhao Yang.

After the battleship passed through the miasma barrier, it arrived at a paradise.

After Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to guard for four weeks, he called out to the mysterious woman, "Senior, how do I wake up?"

Just as his words fell, a ray of light broke through his sea of ​​consciousness.

This took him by surprise.

He saw a seed appearing in the sea of ​​consciousness.

That seed took root in the depths of his soul.

Zhao Yang could feel the exuberant and terrifying vitality contained in it.

"Senior, what is this seed?"

"The Martial Soul Tree of Forbidden Martial Spirits." The mysterious girl replied.

"What should I do next?"

"I am familiar with this world and your martial soul." The mysterious girl said lightly, "I will take you to a place in a year."

"it is good."

Zhao Yang stayed in this valley for the next time.

He comprehended quietly and practiced quietly.

With the passage of time, he found that the suppression of heaven and earth on him has decreased a lot, and he also understands what kind of Wuhun exists?

Martial soul is the combination of martial arts and soul.

The source of energy for monks in the Soul Sky Continent is the Martial Soul.

It can be said that Wuhun is everything.

"You come to this place." A spatial coordinate appeared in Zhao Yang's mind that day.

Zhao Yang hurriedly drove the battleship to that space


When I got there, I found a spring that was gushing here.

"Senior, is this...?"

"Shencui Spring, can make your martial soul grow quickly." The mysterious girl said, "Shencui Spring is very precious in Soul Sky Continent, and even a drop of it can cause panic attacks."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang no longer hesitated, his divine sense wrapped the Shencui Spring and sent it to his sea of ​​consciousness.

That seed seemed to have dried up for too long, desperately absorbing the gift of heaven and earth.

Gradually the seed took root, sprouted, and later turned into a small sapling.

The small sapling continued to grow under the water of Shencui Spring, and finally turned into a huge towering tree.

Zhao Yang looked at the dried up Shencui Spring, and said helplessly, "The Wuhun Tree hasn't grown up yet."

"You can't actually use the Forbidden Martial Soul right now." The mysterious woman said suddenly.


"The Wuhun tree will bloom and bear fruit after it grows up, and the fruit it bears is a half-step taboo-level Wuhun."

"Is the half-step forbidden martial spirit very strong?"

"Unless you become a real taboo powerhouse, half-step taboo level can be called invincible."

"How much fruit can this Wuhun tree bear?"

"Theoretically, three thousand pieces."

"Three thousand half-step taboo-level spirits?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

"Of course this

Just in theory. "The mysterious woman changed her voice when she said this, "Your cultivation is about to break through, isn't it?" "

"It was possible to break through at the stele before, and I won't be able to suppress it for long." Zhao Yang responded.

"You can't break through until the Wuhun tree bears fruit." The mysterious woman thought for a while and said, "Let me see if there is anyone in the Soul Sky Continent that allows your Wuhun to continue to advance?" After a while, the mysterious woman said, "I'll give you another space coordinate."

It turns out that this is a sect after following the space coordinates guided by the mysterious woman.

"Scan the strength of this sect?" Zhao Yang asked the battleship.

Soon the battleship gave the answer.

"The strongest person in this sect is a girl who was born in a high-level God Realm."

"Where is the Divine Spring?"

The battleship gives a detailed location.

Zhao Yang noticed that this location was a thousand meters below the sect.

He summoned a war puppet at the level of a god-king, and let that puppet dig a hole.

When the Shencui Spring was dug, the God King hastily sealed off the surrounding area, and after Zhao Yang came here, he began to absorb it crazily.

Gradually, the Wuhun tree in his sea of ​​consciousness blossomed.

The fallen flowers are colorful and really beautiful.

And after the petals fell, three fruits grew on the Wuhun tree.

The three fruits exude different colors of brilliance, but each one blooms with terrifying


"Three kinds of half-step taboo spirits." Zhao Yang was a little excited.

"The Shencui Spring here originally belonged to this sect, but now you have taken it first, you have to find a way to repay this sect." The voice of the mysterious girl rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

After a while, the three fruits matured, and when they fell from the Wuhun tree, they turned into three shining stars and appeared in Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Half-step taboo martial soul - plus martial soul, plus martial soul can enhance the monk's martial soul level, from this point of view it can be seen that it is terrible, you must know that it is difficult to improve the martial soul level of a monk, but Zhao Yang The plus sign of the martial soul can upgrade their martial soul.

After seeing the ability of this martial soul, Zhao Yang was a little speechless, because he couldn't use it.

Half-step taboo martial soul-Guardian martial soul, the guardian martial soul will turn into a piece of armor, whether it is your physical body or the sea of ​​consciousness, will be firmly guarded, in addition to protecting others.

Seeing this Martial Soul, Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

This is what he wanted most when he came to Soul Sky Continent this time. With the Guardian Martial Soul, he wouldn't have to worry about sonic attacks.

The half-step taboo martial soul-sword martial soul, the sword martial soul will strengthen the monk's kendo and make the monk's kendo more sharp.

"Senior, can Martial Soul and God's Domain's skills be integrated?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

(End of this chapter)

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