Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1754 You Don't Discount

Everyone is not interested in betting at this time.

They wanted to know if Zhao Yang could win this round?

When the croupier saw that no one had placed a bet, he said, "Buy and leave." After speaking, he opened the betting cup.

"One, three, five."

"Nine again."

"He won again."

"This one made a profit of 9000 billion."

"The casino has never lost such a big loss since its establishment?"

"Isn't it okay to have hundreds of billions?"

Hearing everyone's voices, the croupier was stunned.

what's the situation?

Didn't he change the points to one, three, four?

How did it become one, three, five?

The middle-aged man looked at the croupier with cold eyes, and the cold sweat dripped from the croupier's forehead.

"This game doesn't count." He said in a panic.

Before Zhao Yang said anything, everyone quit.


"Just now you said, buy and leave, why is this game not counted?"

"I now seriously doubt the reputation of your Four Seas Casino."

"If someone wins, you just say it doesn't count. Why didn't I say it didn't count when I lost?"

As everyone chattered, the middle-aged man had no choice but to stand up.

He comforted, "Just now the croupier said something wrong, and I apologize to everyone on his behalf. This game is of course counted. In view of the huge value, please go to my office for a while, this young man, and I will arrange the money.

To collect money. "

"I'll wait here." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Yes, just wait here."

"I went to your office, who knows if I can come out?"

"What if you threaten?"

The gamblers present are fighting against each other and must let the casino pay.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to leave. After he reported to the person in charge of the casino, the person in charge immediately said that he would pay first, and secretly arranged for the killer to carry out the assassination.

Not long after, the middle-aged man came back, and he handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag, "You count it."

After scanning Zhao Yang's spiritual sense, he nodded, and then Zhao Yang gave each of the dozen or so monks a Qiankun bag, "This is my heart, thank you for your support just now."

Zhao Yang is very generous, each universe bag has [-] million divine stones.

While those monks expressed their gratitude to Zhao Yang, they also transmitted their voices to Zhao Yang.

"This time you have earned so much from Four Seas Casino, Four Seas Casino will not let it go, I suggest you go to one of the forces."

"If you don't want to take refuge in one side, stay with some masters."

"Find a chance and leave as soon as possible."

After Zhao Yang said some words of thanks to those guys, he left the casino.

Then he went straight to Jubao Pavilion.

"What about your boss, I want to talk to your boss." Zhao Yang said softly.

The waiter immediately understood that this was

A big deal.

He invited Zhao Yang to a VIP room, and the boss arrived not long after.

"I don't know what this son wants?" The boss said with a smile.

Zhao Yang took out the king's token from the Qiankun bag.

After seeing the order of the king, the boss immediately became awed.

"It turns out that the king is here."

"I need three warships of the middle-level God Emperor, three war puppets of the middle-level God Emperor, one warship of the early stage of the God Emperor, and one battle puppet of the early stage of the God Emperor." In the early days of the emperor, there were also three ships and three statues.

"Ten battleships from the peak of the god king, [-] battleships from the high-level god king, [-] battleships from the middle-level god king, and [-] battleships from the early stage of the god king."

"Ten war puppets from the peak of the god king, thirty war puppets from the high-level god king, thirty war puppets from the mid-level god king, and three hundred war puppets from the early stage of the god king."

Zhao Yang knew very well that he didn't know when he wanted to come again.

Simply come this time to prepare all the battleships and puppets.

"If all these are in place, even with a 1000% discount, it will cost [-] billion." The boss said after some calculations in his mind.

"Can your Treasure Pavilion be completed now?"


Zhao Yang handed the boss a Qiankun bag, "Fix these first."

The boss froze.

Then he told Zhao Yang to wait here, about half an hour passed

Finally, he turned back and gave Zhao Yang a universe bag, "Everything you need is in this universe bag."

Zhao Yang's spiritual sense scanned and found that the Qiankun bag contained the warships and puppets he bought.

He believed that with these puppets and warships, the so-called moat beasts might no longer be a problem.

"In addition, I need the alchemy materials, tool materials and formation materials of the king's realm." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Can you provide me with all the materials?"

"This is still no problem, but how much do you need here?"

"300 billion."

"Wait a moment." The boss looked at Zhao Yang and said after contacting for a while, "We can still make up 300 billion."

"Then you can make arrangements for me. People of all levels need it. Make reasonable arrangements for me."

"Don't worry." The boss immediately issued an order to the staff of Jubao Pavilion.

"In addition, you can arrange for me 700 billion alchemy materials, device materials, and array materials in the God Emperor Realm."

The boss looked at Zhao Yang in surprise, "Where did you get so many sacred stones?"

"Just won at the casino."

"Casinos let you take away so much?"

"Maybe they are thinking of tricks, but I have the king's order, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

"I'll go and arrange it for you right now." The boss gave Zhao Yang a deep look.

"By the way, is there a first-grade purple plum fruit?"

"No, the highest level here is the second grade."

"How many second-grade ones are there?"

"There are six of the second grade."

"What about the third grade?"

"There are twenty of the third grade."

"I want it all."

"After the discount, the total is 500 billion."

"Is there a magic weapon at the level of the emperor?"

"It is not recommended to buy magic weapons of the God Emperor level, because the ones you refine yourself will be the strongest in the future." The boss said softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang didn't insist anymore.

Half an hour later, the boss handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, which contained various resources that Zhao Yang had purchased.

Zhao Yang also gave the boss the rest of the sacred stone.

500 billion!

Zhao Yang spent 500 billion in this wave.

Of course, this consumption is also worth it.

Because Zhao Yang didn't need to worry about resources for a long time now.

After leaving Jubao Pavilion, Zhao Yang went to the Kungfu Hall.

"I want to see your person in charge." Zhao Yang said straight to the point.

The front desk immediately arranged for Zhao Yang to go to the VIP room.

After the boss arrived, Zhao Yang said straight to the point, "I will pack all the king-level and emperor-level ones of the Dao of Formation, Dao of Qi, Dao of Alchemy."

The boss showed surprise on his face, "It will cost 330 billion if we pack everything!"

"Aren't you going to get a discount?" Zhao Yang said and took out the King's Token.

(End of this chapter)

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