The vibration of the stele this time was several times stronger than before.



three times!

After the stele shook three times, a bright glow enveloped Zhao Yang's whole body.


"Another king appeared."

"This is enough to go down in the history books."

Just when the monks present were extremely excited, an old voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Congratulations, you left your name on the third pass and obtained the king's order."

"What is the use of the king's order?"

"The Order of the King can suppress the Emperor."

"Does it matter what level?"

"Not bad, no matter what level."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was shocked and speechless.

The Tianjiao Order made it impossible for anyone who surpassed him to harm him. The Monster Order enabled Zhao Yang to suppress god kings of all levels, and now the king order can suppress god emperors of all levels.

"Are there any rewards other than the King's Token?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"One first-grade purple plum fruit, three second-grade purple plum fruits, and ten third-grade purple plum fruits."

"I know purple plum fruit, but what does Yipin mean?"

"The ones of the first rank can allow monks to reach the high level of the God Emperor in the future, the rank two can allow the monks to reach the middle rank of the God Emperor in the future, and the rank three can allow the monks to reach the early stage of the God Emperor in the future."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart was agitated.

"Why does purple plum fruit still have grades?

"Zhao Yang asked the mysterious woman.

"Purple plums already have grades. The sacred tree I gave you is still growing, and will produce first-grade purple plums in the future, but it will take a long time." The mysterious woman replied.

After Zhao Yang realized it, he asked the stele, "Is it just these rewards?"

"Give you these purple plum fruits, aren't you satisfied?"

"It doesn't seem to be of much practical help to me." Zhao Yang said after hesitating for a while.

"Haven't you noticed that your cultivation is constantly increasing?"

Zhao Yang noticed this after sensing it for a while.

"This time, in addition to the good fortune of the gods, there is also the power of the gods, which will push your cultivation to infinitely close to the god-king realm. root cause any impact."

After about an hour passed, the glow around Zhao Yang disappeared.

He felt that his cultivation base had increased by more than two or three times than before.

"You can break through at any time." Zhao Yang forcibly restrained his aura after realizing this.

"Senior, can you help me win some more money?" Zhao Yang said with some embarrassment at this time.

"There is a giant statue standing behind the gambling house in the third level."

"It can still be stronger than you, senior?"

"There's nothing wrong with saying that."

Just when Zhao Yang was going to Sihai Casino, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something, "Senior, where am I going?"

What about the exercises of the God Emperor Realm? "

After coming to the taboo road, Zhao Yang found that the exercises he had practiced before were not enough.

"Is it for you to practice or for your wife to practice?"

"I need it myself."

"Don't worry about the exercises you practice, I will teach you the top ones. As for the rest of the exercises in the imperial realm, you can go to the Art Pavilion to buy them."

Zhao Yang went to the Gongfa Pavilion as soon as he heard the Gongfa Pavilion.

"Excuse me, do you have any god-level exercises here?"

"Most of the exercises we have here are at the God Emperor level."

"How are exercises sold?"

"The first volume of the god emperor's exercises is 2000 million, the volume of the middle-level exercises of the god emperor is 5000 million, and the volume of the high-level exercises of the god emperor is [-] million."

"Are there any types of formations, alchemy, and tools?"

"We sell these three exercises in packages."

"how much is it?"

"There are a total of three hundred volumes at the imperial level, worth 100 billion."

"Where are the royal ones?"

"The king-level ones are cheaper to pack. The king-level ones have a total of one thousand volumes, a total of one billion volumes."

"Is it cheaper to have the King's Token?"

"If you have the King's Token, you can get a [-]% discount."

Zhao Yang made up his mind and walked towards the nearby casino.

There are many gamblers in a casino.

After Zhao Yang turned around, he came to a table.

"How do you play this?"

"Three dice, guess the number." A person beside Zhao Yang

The man explained, "The probability is one in eighteen, but you can only get nine times the odds if you guess correctly."

"Nine times, isn't it a sure profit without loss?"

"you can say it this way."

Soon the croupier shook the betting cup in his hand.

When he put it on the table, he looked around the audience and said, "You can place your bets."

The monks at this table bet one after another.

"Nine." The mysterious woman transmitted voice to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang took out 100 billion and threw it on the number nine.

The croupier's divine sense inadvertently swept over, and then he was completely stunned.

"100 billion?"

The rest of the monks also looked at Zhao Yang.

This handwriting is really too big.

"Can't you?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Okay." The croupier said immediately.

In his opinion, people like Zhao Yang wanted to fight.

If you win, you will earn 900 billion, and if you lose, you will leave.

When the croupier opened the betting cup, three dice lay quietly inside.

two three four.

Seeing this scene, the monks present all looked at Zhao Yang.


"The guy guessed right."

"This luck..."

"I think they still have courage."

The croupier couldn't sit still.

He looked at the waiter at the side first, and the waiter left in a hurry.

Not long after, the waiter came here with a middle-aged man.

He to

Supervisor voice transmission.

The supervisor immediately said, "Congratulations to this young man for earning 900 billion yuan." As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang scanned with his divine sense and found that there were 900 billion high-grade divine stones inside.

"It's still quick money." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

After the croupier finished the settlement of all monks, the next game started again.

When he stopped, he scanned the audience, "Everyone, you can place your bets."

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

Everyone wants to know whether Zhao Yang will place a bet?

What everyone didn't expect was that Zhao Yang threw both universe bags on the number nine.

"Nine is my lucky number, let's do it again." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"1000 billion."

"Is this guy not afraid of losing?"

"A handful of 1000 billion."

"Is this going against the sky?"

While everyone was discussing, the middle-aged man gave the croupier a wink.

The croupier glanced at the gambling cup calmly.

The gambling cup is organized.

And their croupiers have permission to watch.

They will not use this authority unless there are special circumstances.

Zhao Yang's game is too big, they are also afraid of losing.

What shocked him in the end was that it was still the three numbers two, three, and four.

This guy guessed right again?

He changed the points of the three dice without a trace, then looked at everyone and asked, "Is there anyone else to bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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