Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1702 Sneak Attack on Concubine Jin

"This arrangement is perfect." Lin Caihan said softly.

The next day, Zhao Yang informed Shang Shenyu about the Night Demon.

Everyone realized the seriousness of the matter when they saw the night devil's body.

"The Night Demon has appeared."

"Night devils are hard to defend against."

"When the big devil acted as an assassin, he killed how many of our masters."

"In short, we must focus on prevention."

"High-priced purchase warning scroll."

After learning about Zhao Yang's assassination, Concubine Jin expressed her desire to come and see.

Zhao Yang stopped it.

"In this current situation, you just stay in Yaochi honestly. By the way, do you have any masters by your side?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The Zongmen dispatched a giant, and two giants stayed near me. In addition, I opened the battleship in real time." Jin Fei explained, "There is another group of soldiers outside my courtyard."

"I wonder if the one who killed the two god sons was the master of the night devil? You should not come out during this period of time."

"Are you concerned about me?" Concubine Jin said with a smile.

"Night devils are more terrifying than you imagined, you must be careful about their concealment techniques." Zhao Yang thought for a while and decided that it is still necessary to go to Yaochi.

He doesn't have many friends, and Concubine Jin is one of them.

"What? Are you going to Yaochi?" Lin Caihan was surprised.

"It's okay, I will bring a wooden sword and Guqin with me this time, and the two god kings will protect me, what else can happen?" Zhao Yang smiled

He said, "Besides, it's daytime now, and the Night Demon won't show up."

Lin Caihan thought about it and thought that nothing would happen, "Then you must come back quickly."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang drove the upgraded battleship all the way to the vicinity of Yaochi.

He contacted Xiaoyue through the nameplate.

Xiaoyue didn't understand why Zhao Yang didn't contact Concubine Jin directly, but wanted to contact her as a maid.

"I'm worried that your miss misunderstood."

Zhao Yang's words immediately made Xiaoyue understand that Zhao Yang didn't want to get too involved with Concubine Jin.

While secretly sad, she found a reason to leave Yaochi.

She met Zhao Yang in a valley three hundred kilometers away from Yaochi.

"Master Zhao, what's the matter with you secretly seeing me?" Xiaoyue was very happy to see Zhao Yang again.

"This is for you." Zhao Yang handed Xiaoyue a universe bag.

"What's in the Qiankun bag?" Xiaoyue scanned with her divine sense and found that it turned out to be a warship.

"Master Zhao, didn't you give Miss a battleship?" Xiaoyue looked at Zhao Yang blankly.

"The monitoring system of this battleship is more advanced than that of that one." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "During this time, remember to be inseparable from your lady, and let this battleship closely monitor the surroundings, you know?"

"I know."

"In addition, if possible, try not to expose this battleship as much as possible." Zhao Yang said again.


Zhao Yang pays again

After waiting for a while, Xiaoyue was allowed to leave.

After Xiaoyue returned to Yaochi, she chatted with the battleship.

"What is your mission?" Xiaoyue asked via voice transmission.

"Protect your lady's safety." The battleship's central system replied.

"How strong is your strength?"

"refuse to answer."

"Tell me?"

As a result, the battleship's central system simply ignored her.

In the evening, Concubine Jin drank in the courtyard.

Before, she drank because she missed Zhong Shenxiu, but now she drank because she missed Zhao Yang, but Zhao Yang was a little cold towards her.

"Young Master Zhao probably doesn't have feelings for me." Concubine Jin drank a glass of sake, with a look of pain on her face.

Xiaoyue opened her mouth, she wanted to say that Zhao Yang cared about you very much, but she had promised Zhao Yang to keep it a secret before, so she could only swallow this matter to her stomach.

Suddenly the warships in her small world gave an early warning.

"The Night Demon is coming."

"How far is it from here?" Xiaoyue changed color.

"Ten kilometers from here." The battleship immediately reported, "Nine kilometers...eight kilometers."

"What kind of cultivation is it?"


"Dare to target my young lady if you are capable?"

"The other party is good at hiding and assassinating." The battleship said here and said, "The second night demon appeared, and it is in the northeast."

Xiaoyue's expression suddenly became serious.

Because Xiaoyue Note

I noticed that Yaochi has not had any monk warning yet.

"How to do?"

Now she can point out the location of the two night demons, but in this way, the battleship Zhao Yang sent was exposed.

Otherwise, why can't so many masters monitor them, but you, a maid, can know their positions?

"The son of God will probably be fine, he has the protection of the Palace Master." Xiaoyue thought inwardly, "The only person who is in danger is Miss."

"Five kilometers, the night demon has entered your fairyland." The battleship said mechanically.

Xiaoyue was secretly anxious.

She really wanted to ask where all the masters from Yaochi went?

Why is there still no trace of it?

"Three kilometers...two kilometer." The battleship kept talking about the direction of the Night Demon, "500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters, the Night Demon has come outside the courtyard."

What made Xiaoyue speechless was that the giants and Da Neng who protected Jin Fei didn't respond.

At this moment, the battleship on Concubine Jin suddenly issued a warning to Concubine Jin.

"There is an enemy invasion, 100 meters away from you."

Concubine Jin's fine hairs exploded.

"There are enemies invading." Concubine Jin said hastily.



The giants and powers of Yaochi immediately appeared by Jin Fei's side.

Their eyes glanced cautiously around.

Soon the giant discovered the Night Demon lurking outside the courtyard.

"Get out of here." The statue

The giant rushed towards the night monster.

After seeing his identity exposed, the night demon fled towards the distance without thinking.

What shocked the giant was that he didn't catch up for a while.

Seeing that the mighty figure was about to escape from Yaochi, a cold hum sounded above Yaochi, "Is Yaochi also where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

When the sound fell, the Night Demon was struck by lightning, and his whole body seemed to be knocked down by a huge force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out when he fell to the ground.

At this time, dozens of figures rushed towards this side, and Ye Mo gritted his teeth and cut off his own blood.

"Dead." A soldier said in a deep voice after checking.

"There are still lurkers." At this moment, the voice of the old palace master exploded from above.

The old palace lord of Yaochi was angry.

Night Demon is really daring to target the God Son and Goddess of Yao Chi.

Due to the attack on Concubine Jin's side, a large number of masters ran towards her. She noticed a figure lurking in the dark of Shenzi's courtyard, ready to launch a thunderous blow.

Seeing that he was discovered, the night demon showed despair in his eyes.

Discovered by the old god king, where is there any way out?

He decisively committed suicide.

The old palace lord landed on him, "So decisive."

Su Jin came out from the courtyard.

"Night Demons need to go through three lines of defense to come here, but even so, they broke in." Su Jin said with a sinking face.

(End of this chapter)

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