Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1703 What did he say

"What about you? Didn't find it?" The old palace lord stared at Su Jin and said.

"The main monitoring range of my divine sense is in this courtyard, and it becomes much weaker after going beyond this courtyard. Who would have thought that this guy would take advantage of the loophole." Su Jin said a little aggrieved.

"The night demon is completely lawless." The old palace lord said with a gloomy face.

"We have to think of a way, we can't keep an eye on it, right?" Su Jin looked at the old palace lord.

"How many Yaochi golden lotuses are there in the Yaochi treasury?"

"24 flowers." Su Jin said in a deep voice.

"Take out eighteen flowers." The old palace lord thought for a while and said, "Let eighteen masters advance."

Su Jin also felt that this decision was correct.

The main reason is that the Night Demon is haunted and haunted. If there is no group of masters to protect it, mistakes will inevitably occur.

"I'll do it right now."

"After they advanced, four of them will stay with the Son of God, and four of them will stay with the Goddess. As for the remaining ten, they will patrol and defend me in the Zongmen." The old palace master said with a sinking face, "I don't want this things happen again.”

When Chaoyang was about to be born, several figures quietly approached Yaochi.

But these few were detected by the warship monitoring system in Xiaoyue's small world.

"An enemy is coming."

Xiaoyue's expression changed.

Daredevil is insidious enough.

Because everyone relaxed their vigilance at this time.

"A few."

"Three statues

. "

"What cultivation base?"

"Three giants."

Hearing this, Xiao Yue's face suddenly changed.

"Nine Miles!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Yue hurried to the bedroom inside.

Concubine Jin is resting in the bedroom.

"Miss, something happened."

Concubine Jin woke up instantly, "What happened?"

"Three giant-level night demons are approaching, and the direction is your courtyard."

Concubine Jin shrank her pupils, "How do you know?"

"I'll tell you later, the question is what to do now?"

"How far are they from my courtyard?"

"Eight miles."

Concubine Jin pondered for a while and then called a maid, "Hurry up to the retreat place of the old palace lord and tell her that three giant night demons are attacking."

The maid's expression changed drastically.

"Don't give away the news along the way."

The maid nodded emphatically.

She soon arrived at the retreat place of the old palace lord.

"Old Palace Master, I have something important to report."

The old palace lord, Yao Chi, was selecting the list, upon hearing this, he waved his hand and opened the door, "What's the matter?"

"Miss just told me that three giant night demons are attacking her courtyard."

"What?" Yao Chi's expression changed drastically.

"And the young lady said not to startle the snake."

"I see."

Yaochi appeared in Jinfei's room with a flash.


She was relieved to see that Concubine Jin was safe, and then her divine sense swept around, and soon found the three night demons.

The three night demons were perfectly hidden, completely integrated with the night.

"This..." Now that I found out, there was nothing to say.

The tyranny of the night devil lies in assassination, not fighting.

What's more, Yaochi is an old god king.

After she shot and trapped the three night demons, she wanted to search for her soul, but unfortunately, the night demons directly destroyed her own soul.

"They are too cruel." Su Jin said with lingering fear after arriving.

"Who would have thought that they would send three giants at this point?" Yao Chi said with a solemn expression, "Strange, where did they come from so many masters?"

There are not many giant-level existences on her side.

"Strengthen your guard, no one can guarantee that they won't attack during the day." Yaochi looked at Sujin and said.

After Su Jin left, Yaochi came to Concubine Jin's room.

"Concubine Jin, how did you know that there were three giants coming?" Yao Chi pondered for a while and still asked out the doubts in his heart.

Concubine Jin couldn't help looking at Xiaoyue.

"Xiaoyue, please explain."

Xiaoyue considered her words and said, "Today Mr. Zhao called me out of the mountain gate, and then gave me a battleship."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about this?" Concubine Jin said a little unhappy.

"Young Master Zhao, please tell me not to let me tell you."

Yue said in a hurry, "I wanted to tell you too, but I didn't dare."

"I can't blame Xiaoyue for this incident." Yao Chi waved his hands.

This is not something that endangers the sect.

Besides, who can not have some secrets.

"The monitoring system of this battleship sent by Mr. Zhao has undergone special treatment. As long as the night monster approaches our Yaochi, the monitoring system will be able to detect it immediately." Xiaoyue said, summoning the battleship into the Qiankun bag and handing it to Concubine Jin.

"Why didn't Mr. Zhao give it to me directly?" Concubine Jin didn't answer, but asked this question instead.

"That... Mr. Zhao is worried that you misunderstood." Xiaoyue said hesitatingly.

A gloomy look appeared on Concubine Jin's face, but then she stomped her feet angrily and said, "Who is this guy? I'm worried that I might misunderstand, so what kind of battleship will you give me?"

It is conceivable that the value of this battleship is extremely high, otherwise even the giants would not have discovered the Night Demon, but this battleship has.

"Could it be that this kid doesn't like my concubine Jin?" Yao Chi said in surprise.

"Perhaps Mr. Zhao has something to hide?" Xiao Yue helped Zhao Yang speak.

She was afraid that Yao Chi would misunderstand Zhao Yang.

"It seems that you, little girl, are interested in Zhao Yang." How clever Yaochi is, he guessed it from Xiaoyue's words and deeds.

Xiaoyue lowered her head shyly.

"Let's put aside the love of children first." Yaochi then changed the subject, "You can take care of this battleship Xiaoyue first."

Take it, remember, as long as there is a night monster approaching, you must notify Sujin or me. "Speaking of which, she emphasized again, "At this time, we have to be consistent with the outside world, you know?" "

What Yao Chi said was cryptic.

It means don't just watch Sujin's nephew indifferently.

"Of order." Xiaoyue said hastily.

After Yaochi left, Xiaoyue handed over the battleship again, "Miss."

Concubine Jin shook her head after taking a look, "He didn't give it to me, I don't want it." After speaking, she returned to her room angrily.

Xiaoyue's face was full of bitterness, and then she thought of something, and told Zhao Yang how Concubine Jin was attacked.

After Zhao Yang heard it, he also sighed.

If he hadn't sent this battleship today, it would be very difficult for Concubine Jin to survive.

"Miss is also a little angry." Xiaoyue said again.

"Let her be angry." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Master Zhao, why don't you like my young lady?" Xiao Yue asked again.

"I have a wife." Zhao Yang thought for a while and thought he should give a reason.

He can't say that I don't want to provoke your lady, can he?

Seeing this, Xiaoyue finally understood why Zhao Yang kept a distance from Concubine Jin, she cautiously came to the edge of Concubine Jin's bed and said, "Miss, just now I asked Mr. Zhao why he doesn't like you?"

Concubine Jin's ears immediately perked up, but she pretended not to care, "What did he say?"

(End of this chapter)

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