Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1701 The Son of God Was Killed

The appearance of the Demon Race was just a coincidence.

In case the physical body of the first temple master couldn't stop the Heavenly Moat beast, the Yanhuang Sect would have to retreat in addition to fighting for a while with the sect's heritage.

No refund.

Yan Huangzong's disciples have not grown up.

"I can't think about so much, let's take one step at a time." Zhao Yang comforted, "At present, our prospects are extremely bright."

"The Scorpio Beast is really that scary?" Lin Caihan raised her doubts.

"If it wasn't scary, the four supernatural powers wouldn't be guarding there." Zhao Yang said this with a very dignified expression.

He knew very well that the soldiers who fought against Yanhuangzong would die in the future, and many of them would die.

But he can't help it.

In recent years, he has been very concerned about the cultivation of Yanhuangzong disciples, and he is no longer a hands-off shopkeeper like before.

The years alternate.

After another ten years passed, the disciples of Yanhuangzong ushered in a transformation again.

The top leaders of Yanhuangzong have stepped into the early stage of the life god realm, the middle level of Yanhuangzong have gone a long way to the high level of the death god realm, and the disciples of Yanhuangzong have also reached the high stage of the death god realm.

"The Yanhuang Sect has already taken shape after a lot of hard work, and their progress needs to be slowed down a bit." Mingyue put forward her opinion during the meeting.

Mingyue noticed that Zhao Yang was a little eager for quick success.

"That's right, even if these disciples have taken the Creation Liquid, it doesn't mean that they don't need to lay a good foundation." Tang Yiren nodded and said, "The progress can no longer be the same as before."

Why didn't Zhao Yang know this?

"Okay, then follow what you said." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"Will the [-] disciples of Yanhuangzong be too few?" Xu Huier said at this time, "We cultivated these [-] disciples with top resources, and there are so many resources in the treasury, we can't take them out again. Cultivate a group of disciples?"

"I also think we can recruit a new batch of disciples. The huge sect has only [-] disciples. Wouldn't it be too deserted?" Yuan Jin'er is Xu Huier's follower, and Yuan Jiner will agree with what Xu Huier says.

And Xu Hui'er's words reached everyone's heart.

The point is that they also feel that [-] disciples are too few.

"In addition, suzerain, you can't waste the formation that you built before, right?" Blue crucian carp said with a smile.

Zhao Yang thought about it for a while and felt that what Xu Huier said made sense, "In this way, Yanhuangzong will recruit another [-] disciples, and the job of recruiting disciples will be handed over to Caihan."

"To what extent are we going to train these disciples?" Lin Caihan asked a question.

"The high-level of the [-]-living God Realm, the middle-level of the [-]-living God Realm, and the early stage of the [-]-living God Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Doesn't the Yanhuang Sect have a lot of resources? Take out

One-third of the resources, if the rest is not enough, use diluted spirit liquid. "

There is still a batch of Yan Huangzong, the psychic liquid of fortune.

After all, the effect of the spiritual liquid of good luck will increase a lot under the irradiation of the energy multiplier, and then Zhao Yang will take the increased spiritual liquid of good fortune to dilute it to a certain extent.

So it doesn't really take much.

"Sovereign, the God Son of the Iron Clan was killed and exposed to the wilderness." A soldier walked in and said in a deep voice.

Yanhuangzong's intelligence system is not strong, but it does not mean that Yanhuangzong does not pay attention to the outside world.

The fact that the Son of God was killed was too bad.

"Have you found out who killed it?" Zhao Yang frowned.

Hasn't any son of God been killed in these years?

After all, everyone gives each other face.

You kill my son of God, and I will kill your son of God.

That's how it gets messed up.

"No, it is said that the God King of the Iron Clan and a large number of masters have rushed away."

"Pay close attention to this matter." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Of order." The soldier responded.

After the soldier left, Yuan Jin'er asked, "Sect Master, do you want to go and have a look?"

"At this time we join in the fun, what do you make the Iron Clan think?" the blue crucian carp couldn't help but said.

She really wanted to say, Yuan Jin'er, can you have some brains.

Yuan Jin'er thought about it and found out that this is really the truth.

"The death of the God Son of the Iron Clan cannot be accidental." Zhao Yang looked at the

At the way.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Because only in the past three months, the Shenzi of the Yuan clan was also killed.

"The two god sons were killed."

"Is the other party only targeting the Son of God?"

"God Child Killer?"

"I heard that the sons of God who are away have been ordered to return to the sect."

"There weren't many God Sons in the Upper God Realm, which is good, two of them fell."

"The god kings of the Yuan clan are going crazy."

After hearing the news, Zhao Yang replaced the warships patrolling Zongmen.

At this time, the entire sect is being closely monitored 24 hours by eight newly upgraded pinnacle warships and sixteen unupgraded warships.

After the upgrade, the peak battleship, even the king of gods, would not be able to come in quietly.

Furthermore, the four lines of defense are protected by four god-level magic weapons.

The war puppet at the peak of the god-king level is even sitting in the living area of ​​Zhao Yang and others.

With such protection, who can come in?

"The matter of recruiting disciples has slowed down." Zhao Yang issued such an order.

At this time, Zhao Yang received a message from Dan Zu.

Dan Zu asked Zhao Yang if he wanted to return to the Dan Pavilion, after all, the outside world was more dangerous.

Zhao Yang politely refused and said it was safe.

As a result, he was slapped in the face that night, and several figures broke into Yanhuangzong.

However, they were discovered by the battleship immediately and killed


Zhao Yang and others hurried over.

"These guys are good at hiding, and they were only monitored by the warship when they reached Yanhuangzong Ten Miles." The warship who made the move reported to Zhao Yang.

This battleship is upgraded.

"They are very good at hiding their aura. I only monitored them when they were three miles away from Yanhuangzong." The warships that had not been upgraded reported to Zhao Yang.

"I didn't realize these guys appeared seven miles away from Yanhuangzong." Mu Jian said in a deep voice, "But in order to test the monitoring system of these warships, I kept silent."

The wooden sword is a magic weapon of the god king level.

"Now it seems that the monitoring system of the battleship can monitor these guys." Zhao Yang said as he went to check the creatures that were killed.

"Night Demon." Mu Jian glanced at it and said, "One of the demon tribes, Night Demon is good at making sudden attacks at night, and they will blend in with the surroundings."

"Is something wrong with the Town Demon Monument?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Is it possible that the demons have found another exit, or that there were hidden demons back then?" Lin Caihan analyzed.

"No matter what it is, it's not a good thing." Zhao Yang said seriously, "This matter needs to attract attention."

"24 warships may not be enough." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"I will summon another 24 warships." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Twelve of them are responsible for patrolling, and twelve are responsible for living quarters."

(End of this chapter)

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